Chapter 177 Magic Exposure Threat Level: Unexplainable Severe Situation!

“Have you discovered the secret room behind the wall?!”Graves asked with a cold expression.

As he blurted out these words, the real mole was revealed.

Ives’s mind had never been so clear-headed.

Graves must have taken advantage of the opportunity to get out. When taking Lynn Belloc’s belongings, he notified his accomplices to move the missing little wizards. Or maybe he had no accomplices at all. Ives remembered that when he went to notify other Aurors to gather, he also disappeared for a while.

Something that he thought was normal suddenly became full of doubts.

Although they could not find the specific location of this house and had to rely on the instructions of blood tracing magic to search here, Graves, who remembered the coordinates, It only takes a blink of an eye to get back and forth with the Disapparation Spell.

And when he goes out to notify other Aurors, as long as he can spare a little time, he can move Linn from this secret room to another secret room.

Similarly, the homes of the other four little wizards were destroyed by Li Huo. I’m afraid it was the result of his own directing and acting. But I don’t know how he escaped from the interrogation. You know, the pre-flashback spell can turn a magic wand All the magic that has been used recently is displayed.

If the officials of the Congress Magical Security Office can’t even cast the pre-flashback curse, then Ives thinks they can disband as soon as possible.

As for the advanced black magic of the Fire Curse, he I don’t think Grays can master the skill of wandless spellcasting, as Voldemort has to use the wand honestly when controlling the fire.

Unless… As soon as the battle started, Ives cut off the contact and put the double-sided mirror He put it back in his arms.

He raised his wand and his left index finger at the same time, and two red lights lit up in the secret room one after another. Ives’s casting speed was so fast that it almost made people think that he could cast spells with both hands at the same time.

This Two spells caught Graves off guard. He only had time to block the first one, and the second disarming spell hit his upper body firmly. The yew wand flew up from his hand, spinning forward and passing through the air..

Ives gently fished it out with his left hand and grabbed the wand in his hand.

“Mr. Graves, take it easy.” Such persuasion came from his lips, but he knew it was not time to relax yet. He was imprisoned quickly.

The tip of his wand shot out a thick rope condensed with magic power, and swam towards the direction where Graves was standing.

Carefully guarding the unconsciousness Elizabeth, the little wizard, breathed a sigh of relief. Since Graves had lost his wand, it almost meant that the battle was over and Avis had won.

But before she could cheer, Graves took out another wand from his arms. With the magic wand, Kankan used the Iron Armor spell to block Ives’s binding spell.

“Casting without a wand,” he muttered softly, his expression having never been so solemn,”as well as casting spells with both hands at the same time and the incredible intensity of magic.”

Sure enough, just as Ives predicted, he also has a magic wand.

“Your strength is really exaggerated.”He sighed with emotion

“If I hadn’t gone to the office and put a spare wand on me just in case I needed it, I might have lost.”Graves laughed and shook his head, seeming to have resigned himself to his fate.

Under the vigilant eyes of Avis and Elizabeth, he took out a small glass container from

his arms.

There was a small group of black substance floating in the glass container, but it was smaller than Avis. The Obscurus that Weiss saw in the cell at the back was much smaller and looked a little stunted.

Although he didn’t know what he wanted to do when he suddenly took out a ball of Obscurus, Avis knew that he couldn’t let him destroy the Obscurus. Then let it out.

All of them were fixed!

A blue light lit up in the secret room

“Fortunately, I have a backup plan.” Graves’ movements were much faster than the freezing spell. He directly crushed the glass container, and the fragments penetrated deeply into his palm.

The mass of Obscurus was released just like that..

Graves laughed crazily, as if the pain from his hand made him feel pleasure.

The black, sticky Silence floated in front of him, and Avis’s freezing spell was triggered the moment he got close to it. It’s self-defense mechanism.

It conjures a black tentacle and hits the blue spell, turning the magic in it into ashes.

“Graves, are you risking your life by releasing Obscurus like this?”

Avis asked, the magic spell on his hand kept trying to control Obscurus.

“Jie Jie Jie……”

Graves smiled strangely. His behavior at this moment was not as calm as the director of the Auror Office.

“Who says I can’t control it.”

He recited a profound spell in his mouth, and the four little wizards lying on the ground suddenly groaned in pain.

Elizabeth stopped attacking the Obscurus and looked at this scene at a loss.

Four slender black balls The fog poked out from the chests of the four little wizards, and they merged together to form a thick and long tentacle.

A breath of death rose up in this narrow secret room.

Until the black mist emerged from the bodies of the four little wizards. After they were completely peeled off, they stopped crying.

Elizabeth hurriedly squatted down to check. Fortunately, although their breathing was a little weaker, as if they had just had a serious illness, there were no other problems with their bodies.

Under the anxious eyes of the two people , four groups of tentacles formed by Silence turned in the air and plunged into Graves’ chest.

“Originally, I could have harvested five more formed Obscuras.”He endured the pain of the tentacles piercing his chest and said viciously:”But……”

“Just because you two……”

The tentacles formed by the Obscurus and Graves’ figure became illusory at the same time, and the mass of Obscurus that resisted Ives’s spell was also attracted into it.

“Which led me… to have to come to this point……”

Reluctant voices echoed in the room.

Through Graves’ illusory figure, Ives could see a large group of Obscurus with red light taking shape.

In the end, he completely disappeared into the secret room, leaving only a large black mass of unknown magic polymer.

The newly formed Obscurus seemed to have lost its mind. Instead of attacking Ives, it rose straight into the air and punched a big hole in the ceiling.

The cold sunlight shone down, and the obscurus disappeared into the air.

Elvis and Elizabeth held up a shield to block the falling rocks to prevent the unconscious little wizards from being hurt.

Suddenly, a huge shadow blocked the sun, and a huge thunderbird descended from the large hole in the ceiling.

The rickety old man rolled off the bird’s back and said with a serious expression:”Oh no, Congress has just released information, raising the threat level of magic exposure to: unexplainable severe situation!”


Stepping on the dead line to update, my heart is beating crazily

(End of this chapter)

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