Chapter 191 Ilvermorny

In front of the three people, a magnificent castle stood lonely and solemnly. This castle is the main building of Ilvermorny Magic School.

In the early seventeenth century, when Ilvermorny was first established, the school had only a simple stone room, two teachers and two students.

After more than three centuries of development, the granite cottage was eventually transformed into this majestic castle.

In memory of the two great founders, Isolt Thayer and James Stewart, their marble statues were erected on both sides of the main entrance of the castle.

Near the castle, you can also see some Pukki patrolling with bows on their backs. They disappear or appear near the garden from time to time, and occasionally they can be seen transforming into porcupines or pumas.

Pukki is a magical creature from North America. He is short, gray-skinned, and has long ears. He is a distant relative of the European leprechaun. They don’t like humans very much and like to play tricks on humans.

Like his distant relatives, Pukki possesses powerful magic unique to his race.

“Doesn’t Pukki dislike humans? Hermione asked, pointing at them.

“《”Ilvermorny, a Centenary History of the School” has been introduced,” Elizabeth explained.”The founder, Isolt, once had a deep friendship with a man named William Pukechi. Played an important role in the founding of the magic school.

Therefore, one of the four major colleges was named after Pukchi. Because of him, many Pukechi are employed by this school to provide security and maintenance services for the school.”

In fact, the real security personnel of Ilvermorny are these Pukechi, not the wizard guards standing at the entrance. The three of them continued to walk forward along the path.

In the courtyard, a tree crown was like a giant umbrella. The tall and straight snake tree stood alone in the center of the garden. The dark brown leaves of the snake tree were spirally arranged on the tops of the straight branches, which looked very lush. When passing by the two marble statues at the door, they saw a special person. The elderly Pukchi is gently wiping the dust on the statue with a rag

“William!”Elizabeth waved her hand and shouted to him.

The particularly old Pukki turned his head and looked at the three of them without responding, and then continued to do the work he was doing.

Seeing Elvis and Hermione With a confused look on her face, Elizabeth smiled mysteriously and explained in their ears:”This Pukki does not allow others to wipe the statues of the two founders. Only he can touch them. Some people say that he is the Pukki who saved Aesop and James.” Kitsch William……”

Hermione looked surprised,”If it is true, wouldn’t he be over three hundred years old?”

Elizabeth nodded with her arms crossed,”So we are just doubtful, but he is indeed the only one who knows the name ‘William’ Pukechi who responded.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Elvis and Hermione couldn’t help but look in the direction of the statue.

Principal Armando has lived for more than three hundred years, so it would not be surprising to have Pukki who is over three hundred years old.

Walking further inside, the gates of Ilvermorny Castle open to both sides, and you can see the magnificent rotunda at a glance. The top of the hall is a semicircular glass dome.

On the second floor of the hall, a wooden terrace is built around the hall. Otherwise, there is almost nothing superfluous in the hall, except for four other wooden carvings representing the four houses: the horned water snake, the cat panther, the thunderbird, and the goblin.

Because school wouldn’t start in a few days, there was no one in the hall. Occasionally, one or two little wizards could be seen walking in the corridor next to the hall, holding books and looking hurriedly.

Tour guide Elizabeth opened her mouth again to introduce the two of them. She pointed to the Goldie’s Knot carved in the center of the stone floor of the hall and said:”That’s where we conduct the freshman sorting ceremony.”

“During the sorting ceremony, the old students and professors would watch from the terrace on the second floor, while the freshmen stood in a circle against the wall, and were called one by one to stand on the Goldie’s Knot.”

The Goldie’s Knot is a kind of rope buckle. There are no rope ends and rope ends on the rope buckle, and it is very difficult to untie it.

Isolt Thayer once owned a golden knot in the shape of a Goldie’s Knot. Brooch. Later, this kind of rope buckle became the symbol of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The school robes worn by the students in the school would also be fastened with a golden Goldie knot.

“If the wooden statue responds to the new student standing on it, it means that he can enter the corresponding college.”Elizabeth added:”Of course, if more than one college’s statues show a desire to recruit, then the choice will fall on the freshmen themselves.”

The Ilvermorny version of the hat is embarrassing, right? Ives subconsciously thought of the sorting ceremony at Hogwarts.

“Come on, I’m going to find the vice principal and explain the situation to him.”

Without any further pause, Elizabeth led the two of them further into the castle. After the business was done, it was time to take them for a walk around the castle.

They walked through the corridor and climbed up the spiral staircase. The stairs in Ilvermorny are much better than those in Hogwarts. They are firmly fixed in mid-air, unlike those in Hogwarts Castle that can be changed at will.

Not to mention other things, at least the little wizard of Ilvermorny They were much happier than the little wizards at Hogwarts when it came to finding their way.

The three of them walked to the third floor and turned a corner into the corridor on the third floor.

The window on the left side of the corridor was wide open, and the bright sunshine happened to shine from outside. It illuminated the dim corridor. Although the window was always open, the temperature in the corridor was not low.

Ives went to the window and took a look. He could feel that there was a layer of magic on the window.

A subtle flow of light came from his fingertips. After a little analysis of the magic power, he understood that the main function of this magic was to prevent wind and heat preservation.

This was much better than Hogwarts, he sighed in his heart.

As soon as winter entered, the temperature inside the Hogwarts Castle would drop. After a rapid descent, only the classrooms with fireplaces and the common room were warmer. As the little wizard walked down the corridor, he wanted to bury his head in the scarf around his neck.

After seeing other magic schools, Ives instantly It seems that Hogwarts is not that high quality anymore.

If I become the headmaster, I will definitely copy all the good places like Ilvermorny, he swore secretly in his heart. After walking a few steps, they stopped Outside an office with a plaque of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.


Elizabeth raised her hand and knocked on the door. A middle-aged wizard’s majestic voice came from behind the door.

“Please come in. She signaled with her eyes to Ives and Hermione to wait outside, opened the door and walke

d in alone.

Five minutes later, she walked out with a smile on her face, and Ives asked,”Have you asked for leave?””

“Well,” she nodded, and then said:”Avis, Professor Fontana invites you in.”

“Invite me?”He asked curiously, pointing at himself.

“The story of your saving New York has spread in the American wizarding world, and he is very curious about what kind of little wizard you are.”Elizabeth touched her nose, a little embarrassed,”I just explained to him that I brought two friends to visit the school.”

“It doesn’t matter. Ives waved his hand,”Hermione and I came here uninvited, so it’s okay for you to inform the professors at the school about our itinerary.””

“Uh-huh.”Hermione nodded her little head aside.

“Thank you for your understanding,” Elizabeth said gratefully

“It’s okay,” Ives shook his head slightly, opened the door and walked straight in.

In the office, there was a middle-aged wizard sitting behind the desk. He was very tall and had well-developed muscles. He looked very much like a man with long hair. Jason Statham

“Mr. Evans, please take a seat.”Fontana sat behind the chair, waved his hand, and called a chair for Ives, indicating that he could sit on it.

Ives sat on the chair and said hello politely:”Hello, Professor Fontana.”

Egilbert Fontana, professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Ilvermorny, is also the principal of the Horned Water Serpent Academy and the deputy principal of the school. He has taught in Ilvermorny for twenty years. If nothing else, he will be the principal of Ilvermorny after the current principal retires.

Fontana was looking up and down at Ives. He was very curious. This person in front of him was nothing more than What ability does a twelve-year-old wizard have to save New York City?

Ives sat on the chair with a confident smile on his face.

The office was quiet for a full minute, and then Fontana smiled with satisfaction:” Mr. Evans is indeed the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin and the Medal of Freedom.”

“That’s a compliment,” Ives said politely.

“Have you ever considered transferring schools?”Fontana changed the subject and asked directly.

“No,” Ives shook his head.”My magic level is all taught by the teachers at Hogwarts. I have never considered transferring to another school midway. Perhaps, I will stay in the school to be a professor after graduation.”

His words made Fontana even more satisfied. An ungrateful wizard will not be respected anywhere.

“Mr. Dumbledore once proposed in talks with major magic schools,” he added,”that he would like to restore close ties between major schools, such as restarting dueling competitions, restoring the exchange student system, and restarting potion competitions.……”

“Of course we know that he wants to restore exchanges between major magic schools in order to promote exchanges among the magic circles in various countries.” Fontana said some secrets casually,”The school’s senior officials were not very optimistic about his proposal at first, but in Mag Now that chicken technology is developing rapidly, perhaps only communication can find a way out for wizards.”

He looked worried.

Because James Stewart, one of the founders of Ilvermorny, is a Muggle, Ilvermorny does not despise Muggles like other magic schools.

They attach great importance to Muggle technology. The Muggle Studies course offered by the school is a compulsory course for students after entering third grade. Although it does not allow young wizards to have a deeper understanding of Muggle technology, it allows them to simply identify the functions of cars and televisions. It can still be done.

In the Muggle studies classes they offer, one thing will be mentioned repeatedly, and that is guns.

Because the United States does not ban guns, their Muggle world is overrun with guns, and getting a gun It is much simpler than wizards buying a wand.

Wizards in the United States did not pay much attention to this weapon at first, until the number of wizards killed by guns increased steadily, and Joshua Hospital even opened a gun injury department because of this. The Muggle Studies class then began to teach the young wizards about the power of this weapon.

In addition to guns, there are also grenades, missiles and other thermal weapons with huge destructive power. These weapons are not like the cold weapons in the past and can only deal with Unprepared wizards or wizards who have lost their wands can cause harm.

Now, if one is not careful, wizards may be killed by a bullet fired from a small pistol held by a Muggle. Therefore, it is important for young wizards to be aware of the potential of Muggle weapons. It is necessary to do something dangerous.

Fontana was silent for a while and then said:”……I think Dumbledore’s approach is the right one”

“The magical world is now like a pool of stagnant water, without any ripples. The Order of Merlin is awarded every year not to those wizards who have new inventions or significant contributions, but to compete to see who has more financial resources. There was a sigh on his face,”

Perhaps, only by allowing the magic world to restore its previous close communication can it be rejuvenated.””

Before the seventeenth century, the magical world of various countries was very closely connected, and a large number of new spells emerged in that era.

However, as the Muggles’ persecution of wizards became more and more cruel, in 1689, the International Federation of Wizards Secrecy Act”Although the signing of the book bought wizards some time to recuperate, in order to strictly abide by confidentiality laws, various countries have severed their previous close ties, and many international competitions have been gradually terminated. Since then, the magical world has gradually become a mess. In this backwater, few new spells have been invented, or even if someone has invented one, they will not communicate with others.

The Secrecy Act not only separates the Muggle world and the wizarding world, but also separates the wizarding worlds of various countries. Separated.

You can tell from the textbooks at Hogwarts that have not been updated for a hundred years.

“Ilvermorny can no longer rest on its laurels, and the duel competition is our first step,” Fontana explained.”After seeing you today, I have confirmed this idea.”

He stared at the young man sitting directly opposite him with piercing eyes,” Dumbledore also mentioned at the meeting the issues of several major schools sending exchange students to each other and re-hosting the Goblet of Fire.……”

Goblet of Fire, was Professor Dumbledore planning the Goblet of Fire so early? Ives thought in surprise, if Ilvermorny also participated, wouldn’t the Triwizard Tournament become the Four Wizard Tournament?

“After meeting you, I can’t help but look forward to the quality of education at Hogwarts. Fontana said with a smile,”I will suggest to the principal that Mr. Dumbledore agree to his proposal.””

“……”Elvis looked at him quietly, not sure whether Hogwarts could meet his expectations.

“I still have some things to do,” Fontana glanced at the hands of the clock on the wall, stood up and saw him off,”I look forward to seeing you again, Mr. Evans.”

“Me too, Mr. Fontana”


(End of this chapter)

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