Chapter 140


First remark after coming to Tanzania.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Scorpion nodded as representative.

“Try it.”

“Penalty and probation are all good. But that doesn’t change this grim situation.”

“So, does Kim Yoo-shin, Level 3, know how to change this situation?”


I said clenching my fists.

“We’re going to hit the rebels right now.”


Everyone looked at me with puzzled eyes.

“The rebels put a lot of effort into this night raid. Commando troops as well as certified hunters. Even their ace, Baek Ik, a third-class hunter, is believed to have come here.”

“…but that’s right.”

“They’re doing a lot of damage. And the rebels will think we’re busy trying to fix the damage, but they wouldn’t even think that an attack would come at this time. That’s out of the question.”

Just look at the records and you will find the answer. How passive these people are.

The rebels know the habits of the regular army, their main enemy, better than anyone, so they don’t think we’re going to move quickly.

Then the hunter with a bow opened his mouth.

“I agree that they won’t anticipate a counterattack at this time. But it’s not that they don’t expect it, it’s that they don’t. It’s just impossible and stupid! The soldiers’ morale is on the ground, there are many wounded, and the city is burning. It’s an attack under the circumstances! There’s definitely a surprise attack effect, but that’s all. They’ll be ready to defend and counterattack within 30 minutes.”

“You can make it so you can’t counterattack.”

I replied briefly.

“I will infiltrate the rebel garrison alone.”

“…what, what?”

“You know what I did in Kisowa? Well, there are civilians, so you won’t be able to create a volcano like it did back then, but you’ll be able to catch the rebel’s attention and neutralize vehicles like tanks. You can sort it out.”

It’s not just an unexpected surprise. Over there, while the hunters are exhausted and asleep, I’m going to go in and make them neatly incapacitated.

“Hey, what kind of Zhuge Liang did you draw?”

Zhang Wei sighed and looked at me.

“Even if you’re young and immature, I tried to treat you because of the water supply, but didn’t you do this too much?”

“What do you mean?”

“This isn’t a game, it’s a war. Now, what do you know about the two-day dispatch car? Hunter-sama, you think that everything will be resolved if you swipe as you please? It’s unrealistic, isn’t it? Realistic!”

Zhang Wei said, slamming his armrest.

“We just lost our commander in a late night raid! The supreme commander! Besides, you’ve seen it. There’s a fire outside right now. How do you raise an army in a situation like this?”

I chuckled and clenched my chin.

“Why can’t we raise the army? The total number of troops is tens of thousands, but now there are about 30 casualties, so why can’t we raise an army?”

“That’s why you say you don’t know the scene too much! The atmosphere that will raise the army…”

“It’s not that I can’t, I’m just making excuses for not doing it. Just like it has always been.”

Zhang Wei got up with an angry expression.

“Come on, wait a minute.”

Marta stepped forward to intervene.

“I understand Hunter Kim Yoo-shin’s opinion. But even if everything else is good, I’m worried about the monsters. The monsters we vacated Mutwara to attack the rebels…”

Without saying a word, I held out a sheet of paper. Jeong Jeong-jin emailed the data EA researched and printed it out before coming here.


“It’s all over the living field. I got it from the military command.”

A living field surrounded the city, but I know that a recent removal team has moved and cleared out all of the living fields that extend nearby. Everything the monster says is just an excuse.

“Okay? Considering the speed of the Living Fields, it’s impossible for them to break into the city center during the half-day we’re away from here.”

“You really…”

Yes, I’m really just thinking of hitting it.

Then Zhang Wei shouted.

“Anyway, this is too unreasonable!”

“Then, how long are you going to be like this?”

I was slowly getting bored.

“We have lost our pivot, Julian! Tomorrow is worse than yesterday, and the day after tomorrow is worse than tomorrow! Morale is worst, there is no will or hope! There is a precedent, and people tremble in fear every night, Trapped in the name of protecting the city, we spend every day meaningless, and in the end we will all be surrounded by monsters and we will all die here.”


“Exactly tonight is the turning point. Whether you want to get rid of the rebels and go to the next level, or just get out of here. Don’t delay, decide.”

The surroundings became quiet. Having said this, everyone seemed to roll my words around in their heads at least once.

for a while too.

“It’s like raising troops in this kind of atmosphere! Infiltrating a fierce rebel garrison on your own! It’s all just sounds impossible!”

“What an outsider knows about the Tanzanian Front!”

woozy woozy.

woozy woozy.

I knew it. Human beings are not easily changed. Well, from the beginning, I didn’t even think that it could be done with a single word.

In this case, you have to turn it over…


Suddenly, the door of the Opportunity Room flew and crashed into the wall. All the windows in the room were smashed. Everyone was terrified and looked ahead.

“I can’t listen to you anymore.”

A red-haired woman rushed into the conference room. Her body was full of soot and her dirt from the explosion.

She could tell just by looking at her appearance now how rough she had been in battle.

“I can’t do this, I can’t do it like that. What’s the difference if I just talk about reality like that? Am I just masturbating after all realistic people do?”


As she lifted her head, her bloody, bloody eyes were there. Completely overwhelming her audience, she slowly approached and she stood in front of everyone.

“Commander Julian is dead. From now on, I am the commander of the Tanzanian Front Command.”

“What, what?”

“If anyone is dissatisfied.”


The sword that was pulled out of her waist lit up in a harsh purple color. Red magic was mixed, and the sword simmered like a fire.

“Tell me right here.”


A terrible silence arose.

She is also her sister’s younger sister. Although he usually looks calm, his personality doesn’t go anywhere.

“Hey wait! Lady. It’s the first time this has happened, so I guess I’m just too excited.”

Zhang Wei approached, waving his hand.

“Calm down a bit…”


As a red flash of light descended in a straight line, Zhang Wei froze with a shocked expression. He must have experienced his body being split in half, but the only thing that split was the table next to him.

“Jangwei 4th grade. From now on, I hope that you will be courteous when calling me in public places.”

“…Ah, yes, yep!”

Everyone roared with bewilderment.

‘Didn’t you think the next commander would be Scorpion or Zhang Wei?’

‘Even if it’s a 3rd grade, it’s a bit too much to leave it to the second day dispatch.’

I can hear their timid murmuring voices. Zhang Wei, who woke up late from the frozen state, quickly turned his head.

“Hey, hey! General Augustine! Say something! It’s a coup!”


Everyone’s attention was focused on Augustine, the leader of the Tanzanian regular army. he folded his arms

“It’s a bit like we get involved in the Hunters’ problems, but I think Hongyeon Hunter can be trusted and entrusted.”


The hunters’ expressions hardened in the strangely flowing situation.

“Hongyeon Hunter risked her life for Tanzania in the last 7th rank dungeon incident. Her soldiers and people will understand if she is her new commander-in-chief.”(Read more @

Hong Yeon is the hero of Tanzania. Hunters who fought the Tabes monsters here might not have known well, but if the 7th rank dungeon had not been attacked and the monsters had come out, Mutwara wouldn’t have been this good.

It was a pathetic choice to ask Augustine for his opinion. Zhang Wei.

“Thanks for your support, General Augustine.”

Hong-yeon lightly bowed his head and looked at the other hunters.

“Don’t just repeat the saying that you can’t be miserable, and anyone who wants to surpass me and become a commander should come forward. And let’s go beyond my rank and explain why you should become a commander yourself.”


“If anyone can do that, I will obey the new commander.”

The surroundings were enveloped in silence.

Also Hong. He enters the conference room excitedly, but in this situation he knows exactly how to deal with it.

Tired of defeat, these people know how to only accuse others of opinions, and they were not used to doing it on their own.

Then the silent Scorpion slowly raised his arm.

“I agree.”

Scorpion looked at Hongyeon and said.

“Her next commander should be Hong-Yeon 3rd grade. She’s a young hunter with both skills and respect. She’s a better fit for us to lead.”

woozy woozy.

Scorpion, who was the most powerful next commander, sided with Hong Yeon. Zhang Wei clenched his teeth and glared at the Scorpion, but the trend has already passed.

“Then I understand that it has been decided. From this moment on, I will lead you.

She put her sword in and took her seat and sat down. Just by sitting in front of everyone, her atmosphere gave off a different feeling.

” Kim Yoo-shin 3rd grade.”

Hongyeon looked at me.

“What I said earlier, let’s continue.”

“Thank you. Commander.”

I got up.

There were variables, but the big picture went as planned. Hong-yeon obeys my words, and there is no one to argue with my movements. What it reveals is clear.

“Time is life in this operation.”

We ate Tanzania.

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