Chapter 146

The war developed rapidly.

destroys monsters and at the same time damages the living field on the floor.

Everywhere I walked, the rain of fire fell exponentially, and the monsters collapsed uncontrollably. The living field also contracted to reveal a clear floor.

‘I can’t use it.’

When I leaned down and touched the sand, it was just powder that fell without strength.

It looks more like a pile of sand piled up on a construction site rather than a land where people live.

I heard that this was a national park area where many animals lived in the past. At one time, grass and trees would have been lush, but it is said that once the living field covered the area, no grass would grow for years. It was because he had absorbed all his intellect.


In the midst of this, a Tabeth monster rushed towards me, but it was immediately hit by a fireball aimed and fired by EA and turned into a handful of ashes. I got up and looked back.

The ‘road’ of Living Field was definitely cut off.

I manipulated the ear mic to switch to the radio channel.

“Here, Commander, please report the situation.”

– This is Hornet-3! Disconnection complete.

Living Field Removal Begins, Abnormal.

Upon receiving the report, all three sections were dismantled. The Dar es Salaam side also informed me that they had removed all the Living Fields.

Now all that’s left is the R-4 area where there are surprisingly many monsters, but it will be resolved soon since Samia has gone.

– This is Hornet-8! Succeeded in disconnecting the R-4 area too!

“You did a great job. Everyone, clear the road as much as you can now.”


I switched the channel to HQ.

“Headquarters. The connection with the North has been disconnected. How are the monsters moving?”

– This is HQ! It’s successful! Monsters attacking the Mutwara defenses have begun to return to their realm!

Ah, just an additional report! The monsters that were attacking Commander Hong Yeon are making moves to retreat!

The Tabes monsters in Tanzania absolutely obey the orders of the corps commander Selegma.

Their contact system is Living Field. After cutting it off, the commanders of Centurions and Centurions who lead the next monsters move on to the first mission system.

area protection.

They will defend the area they are in charge of and wait for Selegma’s instructions.

Occasionally, the independent director may show unexpected movements, but now is not the time to think about such a variable. You must act when the opportunity arises.

At the same time, Hong Yeon’s voice is heard from the radio at the headquarters.

– This is the commander. The offensive of monsters has been stopped. As planned in advance, we will return the route and target the final target area.

Hong Yeon is moving properly.

Now that we have penetrated safely, there is no need to draw attention from the main force.

Get on the All Troop Vehicle, detour and hit the key plant area, Iringa.

Originally, in order to hit Iringa, they would have to deal with Tabes-type monsters throughout the South, but they returned to the ‘regional defense’ stance. Hong-yeon only has to deal with General Cheon’s troops protecting Iringa.

– Top lord!

This time, Ea’s voice is heard.

Hearing the sound of a voice right in my head while listening to a radio that hurts my ears, I suddenly feel better.

-The monsters in the northern part of Tanzania began to come down.

‘Huh. I guess.’

At first, Hong Yeon drew attention with a large army, but this time it was my turn to draw attention.

We just have to somehow stop them from coming back by laying the living field again.

‘From now on is the most important.’

I continued the battle while drinking mana elixir.

So 4 hours after the start of the operation.


It seems that all the Tabes monsters in the north have gathered. Like a truce line, in front of the boundary of the living field, countless monsters growl and stare forward. it’s just all black

Threatening. If the Tabeth-type monsters rushed to the living field as it is, irrespective of the living field, wouldn’t this wide field turn black? Wouldn’t someone like me just be trampled to death like an insect?

– It’s brutal. top owner.


– A number of objects specializing in the living field appeared in the rear. Expansion will start soon.

There were also entities that attack from a distance, so we stood a little further away and watched their movements.

It’s time to move slowly.

“Oh, it’s coming!”

Karim shouted. A point bulges forward from the living field that stretches out in a straight line. The monsters walk right on it.

thud! thud! thud!

fast. The speed at which the monsters walk and the speed at which the living field spreads are the same. The monsters are guarding the living field that spreads across the floor with their whole body.

As expected, corps commander Selegma will try to connect with the South by any means possible.

Even at a single point, even in seconds, as soon as the upper and lower living fields are connected, all the monsters in the south will run to protect ‘Iringa’.

If that happens, Hong Yeon, who is attacking Iringa, is in danger.

Fortunately, there is no movement to connect the Living Fields in the south where Selegma’s command is cut off. We only have to care about those who are pushing north.

– This is Hornet-3! Monsters are descending!

– Hornet-4! Likewise, the monsters try to expand the living field!

In addition to the points guarded by the troops, cameras were installed at key points to determine their location.

Including the report from the headquarters, a total of nine places are pushing it down.

‘It’s too much. Commander.’

I know for sure that they don’t have much flesh. That’s why I only kept four middle roads.

That is why the corps commander was risking his life and death in this attack. If this attack is properly blocked, the Tabes-type monsters lacking in flesh will not be able to come down to the south recklessly.

“There is no need to rush to stop the grass from the grass.”

I said.

“It’s fine up to half of the total distance. Just leave it to make a path. When the distance between the monsters swarming on the horizon and the monsters that make the path falls to a certain extent, you’ll focus your firepower. I get hit by objects.”


Our Hornet-1 team also let the monsters make their way. And the moment when the road was made somewhat elongated.


Karim and Squall’s men opened fire. When the bullets hit the body of the monsters that were rushing in, they twisted and collapsed painfully.


Some monsters counterattacked by shooting saliva or thorns from their mouths. The team members covered themselves as much as possible behind rocks or obstacles and attacked using their range.

Then I drank another bottle of Blue Elixir, and then spread the magic circle with the ‘remote chant’ at the maximum possible distance.


Numerous magic circles appeared in the sky. Quite a distance from where the squall team is attacking now. There, fire cannons pour down like meteors.

– Kyaaaah!


When the monsters are hit by fire, the monsters behind them rush into the destruction range of the fireball.

‘Selegma. Are you trying to stop this with your body?’


As the distance increases, the mana consumption and concentration required for remote chanting increases exponentially, but now the 2nd stage magic can be used as much as breathing.


The magic circles spread out in the sky doubled. An ecosystem of blue magic that covers the sky sends bombardments over and over again.

In the end, even the monsters trying to protect the living field with their bodies are turned to ashes with pure firepower and directly hit the living field.

-Check that the living field is disconnected!

I cut off the middle of the push-down point. The monsters that came down first stayed as if they had come to the island.


Squall’s commandos poured firepower on the monsters trapped on the island. In an instant, the monsters were annihilated, and the remaining Living Fields were destroyed by fire.

I said with the ear mic activated.

“Here, Commander, please tell me where you need assistance the most.”

– This is Hornet-3! Support is urgently needed!

– This is Hornet-6! The centurion is advancing, receiving firepower with his body.

-This is Hornet-7…

As if waiting, the radio is pouring

– This is Samia. I will go to Hornet-3 support.

– Commander. I’ll go with the Hornet-6.

From now on, it’s a long game. I activated the wing golem and quickly went to the next area to support it.

Similarly, I went in a way that cut the middle path with the fire cannon and deal with the trapped monsters.

– This is Samia. Go to Hornet-4.

– Commander. Return to Hornet-2.(Read more @

Me and Samia covered the entire area. Fortunately, the place where Karim and Squall were with them held up the best, which gave me time to spare.

– Top owner. Monsters’ strategy has detected a change.

– We have given up multiple routes and are concentrating our living fields on three routes.


The other side is also constantly changing its strategy and challenging it. Because there are two level 3 hunters here. There is bound to be a gap in any one place.

Then the long-awaited reception arrived.

– This is the commander. Arrival at final destination. Start a fight with the Commander-in-Chief.

Finally, Hong-yeon and Cheon-chan are together!

There’s really not much left now. Just hold on a little longer… … !


-Wow, this is Hornet-1! Captain Scoll… … ! Aaaaah!

But there is a problem here. I quickly turned on the wing golem and returned to my original area.

‘Chief Cheon!’

‘crazy.’ A voice came out of nowhere.

Captain Cheon was directly attacking his soldiers outside the living field.

It has an arthropod-like appearance and six legs, and the upper part of the body has another six sharp-edged arms.

Among them, one arm had a soldier’s corpse, and the other arm had a squall. Squall struggled and was about to cut off his arm with a dagger in his hand.

“I’m Squall Daewinii!”

Karim howled and fired a pistol loaded with magic bullets, but simply bounced off the shell.

“Everyone back off!”

A giant of flames arose from the magic circle and flew away. Unlike his heavy-looking body, Chief Cheon jumped up on his six legs to avoid it.

– Kiriririk!

Meanwhile, I approached as a Devastator and cut the joint of the arm with a ‘wind cutter’. I handed the squall stabbed in the leg to the trooper and looked at Commander Cheon.

“Karim Level 5! Leave it to me and block the influx of troops!”

“Ah yes!”

Karim ran towards the monsters with two magic rifles.


I took a deep breath and faced Chief Cheon.

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