Chapter 195

Me and Minerva defeated all the monsters besieging the island.

As I knelt on one of her knees and gasped for her breath, she smiled kindly and patted my back.

“Good work.”

“You’ve worked hard!”

It seems that the 6th process was shot in a trance.

However, Wind Sagittarius, the wind magic, could not kill a naga in one hit, so he switched to Flame Taurus in the middle.

Still, it doesn’t matter because the content I’m going to teach was overlapping the 6-step magic circle.

Abilities have also risen considerably.

“Well then, it’s time to part.”

I was surprised by her words. All of a sudden, my body began to blur and disappear.

“Let’s say goodbye coolly! We’re going without looking back. Okay?

“Yes sir.”

“It was a short time, but it was fun. Yoo-shin.”

Tears welled up in Minerva’s eyes as he said that.

‘… … Let’s be cool.’

She is afraid to speak, and I think she is a very personable person.

See you next time, I couldn’t say.

This is her last time with her, and she will never see her again.

In her original time zone, she will no longer exist.

Instead, I said:

“I’ll never forget it.”

When I said goodbye, she smiled as she dropped her tears.

“Good bye.”

[You have cleared the second trial.][Goes to the next world.]

* * *

As I wandered through the pitch-black darkness, I felt my body’s senses return.

‘This is the third world.’

The aftertaste of breaking up with Minerva was very strong, but she settled her feelings and came to her senses.

I had to finish this 6th floor ordeal as soon as possible and save Hongyul.


Having made up my mind, I slowly opened my eyes. This time, it’s not the sky, it’s the ceiling.

LED lights brightly illuminate the room. I’m lying on the bed, next to me is a refrigerator and a desk. The desk looks a little different from what I was used to, but there is also a monitor that is supposed to be a computer.

‘… … What, have you returned to Earth?’

I got up from bed and looked around. It’s a small room with only one bed, but it looks full.

Looking out the window, it was a dense forest. There are chirping birds.

I tried to open the window out of curiosity, but it wouldn’t open at all.

‘… … I hope this.’

He pressed the button visible under the wall. Then the scenery of the forest and the window disappeared, leaving only the blank wall. It was just a video output from the screen.

‘Isn’t there a window?’

What the hell are you doing here? First, I decided to check out this room.

“Aren’t you supposed to be Erendel?”

– I think so too. top owner.

I looked at my desk and saw my phone. When I pressed the power button, a hologram UI came to mind as if it were cutting edge.

I touched user info.

‘Jance? This is my name.’

The reason I made that decision was because my face was in the picture.

Ohh. Little by little I get a sense I guess I have to play Jans in this world.

age is 17. belonging to the police. is a high school student Looking at the wall hangings, there are uniforms.

‘Oh, something interesting.’

Searching for clues in a small room feels like entering an escape room cafe.

I tried to access the internet on my cell phone. Fortunately, I was able to read the languages ​​of this world without difficulty.

First of all, it is my urgent task to find matopju here, so I searched for ‘matapju’ on the portal site.

[This is a censored search term.][Search results for matapju are not displayed.]


look at this Something fun is going on.

I quickly immersed myself in this world.

Why did the upper floors of this place block the search for Ma Thapju?

I searched this and that, but it seemed impossible to find information about Ma Thapju on the Internet.

“Ah. Would you like to find one?”

-Okay. I’ll use the fixed sight magic and touch magic.

Two magic circles appear on the phone. Even if I don’t touch it, the phone screen automatically moves on its own.

Somehow ah looks excited

– Top owner.

“Oh! Have you figured something out already?”

-I looked into the schedule app and it seems that I have to go to school. The time now is 07:00. The first class is at 9:00.


I scratched my head.

Even though I wondered if there was a need to go, I thought it would be better to follow this flow and play Jans in order to secure information about this world. I wonder what kind of place this is.

‘Wow, this is a school uniform after a while.’

I put on my school uniform.

One-piece design. It is a white uniform that clings to the upper and lower body. As for the structure of how it was eaten, the legs were inserted roughly, so it automatically shrinks and fits the body properly.

I put on the school uniform without difficulty, and put my suit in the pocket of the subspace.


Finally got out of the room. There were a lot of people around me in school uniforms without having to wander too much.

It seems that this was the school dormitory building. I followed the students to school and went out.

‘… … Wow.’

The moment I saw the scene outside, my mouth opened without realizing it.

‘A future world?’

It was a brilliant metropolis with fluorescent neon signs spreading all over the dark background.

Strange planes were flying in the sky, and a self-floating train was running on the rebar that stretched in a straight line with a whistle. It’s a wonderful sight you’ve only seen in sci-fi movies.

Looking up at the night sky, instead of the moon or stars, a city satellite was spread out. You can also see people coming and going over there.

“Who’s in front?”

“I’ll pass. Please get out of the way.”

Oops. It must have been blocking the entrance.

I bowed my head apologizing to the people behind me and walked slowly along with the students.

‘It’s a very advanced world. Have you been defeated by disaster even with this level of technological prowess?’

As I was thinking about this and that, I looked down. lofty height How many floors is this?

People here lived not only on the ground, but also in the air. We were on the 100th floor in the air, and there were 200th and 300th floors above us.

It was a world that was destroyed, a world with nothing but the sea, but the atmosphere itself was different here. Everything is full of strange things.

‘Oh, but it’s downhill over there, isn’t it?’

An empty cliff appeared on the students’ route to school. If you fall from a height of 100 floors, you are absolutely dead.

– Top owner. I think this is the terminal.

It was just as Ea said. The flight platform we can ride on has arrived.

Weird-looking robots controlled the students and had them line up in two rows. Two footrests came, and one person climbed on them.

But is this safe? The footrest is so small that it will fall off if you balance it incorrectly.

After waiting for a while, it was my turn. The parted-haired male student next to me nodded to the guide android and got on the platform with an expressionless face.

‘How do you greet the guide robot?’

I don’t know what it is, but I followed him and carefully settled on the footing.

I thought it would be dangerous, but the ride feels better than I thought. Like a magnet, the footrest holds the foot.


The aerial footsteps advanced. Looking down, it’s still terrifying. I was moving forward, leaning on a small stool in the air of 100 stories high.

The shape of the building was also interesting. Like a tree, a building was attached to a building, and other small buildings were connected to it.

And this place is hundreds of stories high, and the gates are wide open on every floor of the building. People moved on the scaffolding in the air and entered the store of their choice.

– Top owner. Can you tell me the information you researched about this world now?

‘Huh. Sure.’

– The name of this world is ‘Machinatio.’ As you can see, it is a world of advanced science and technology. Humans and androids live together here.


-There are cracks and disasters in this world, but they are blocking it well with the overwhelmingly advanced science and technology as a base. The city has a huge magic barrier, and monsters die instantly just by touching it. It can be said that the overwhelming science and technology suppressed the disaster.

It was an environment that seemed to be the easiest way to prevent a catastrophe just by hearing the story.

‘But the fact that the baton has crossed the earth means that this world is also destroyed, right?

-Positive. How this solid planet collapsed is a mystery. And I tried to investigate the data about Ma Thapju.

‘Did you?’

– Most of the information was blocked. Don’t think of the Internet on Earth. The internet in this world is extremely controlled, with only a small community of people having business conversations. And when I check the censored word, it says:

EA displayed a holographic screen in front of me.


… … .

‘It’s getting more and more suspicious.’

-That’s right. Currently, we are trying to build a simple hacking tool by tampering with the smartphone app to break through the Internet security here. I’ll let you know when the results come out.

You mean making a hacking tool in this world with a completely different system system? Ea’s ability was beyond words.

Anyway, she’s gathering information, so I’ll have to get some information about Matapju while adjusting to this world. When you go to school, you will be able to talk with your friends.

Just then, the aerial platform arrived at its destination. We got down on the scaffolding and put our feet on the floor. The boy sitting next to me passes by with his head bowed towards the guide robot again.

‘Why is he like that?’


Then the mechanical android calls me.

“What is it?”

Beep! Beep!

A red light comes from the monitor attached to the Android’s head.

-Registration number K-5, 330, 580. 5 points deducted. Not responding to Android’s calls according to the manual.


– I’ll give you one more chance. human.

I said as I looked at the boy with a terrified expression on his face.

“Hey. What is this robot called?”

Beep! Beep!

– Registration number K-5, 330, 580. 10 points deducted. Humans do not respond to Android’s calls twice. Questioning thinking consciousness.

“Ugh, ahhh!”

The boy next to him panicked and ran away.

… … It seems like something is going wrong with this.

-Registration number K-5, 330, 580. Suspected of death. to respond according to the manual.

“Hey! What are you doing!”

That was then. A girl who had been riding on a scaffolding behind me ran up to me with an urgent expression.

“Human registration number D-7, 157, 854! Velika 17 years old! Sorry!”

At first she knelt in front of her android and shouted. She looked at me and opened her eyes.

“Ah! What are you doing! You too!”(Read more @

She grabbed the back of my head and threw me to the floor.

It hurt.

Still, for now, I decided to be quiet, and she again knelt down on her knees and said.

“Sorry! My friend just came to this city, so I’m not familiar with the rules! I’ll educate you well!”

-Registration number K-5, 330, 580. Confirmation of police immigration check one week in advance. Comments on D-7, 157, and 854 are considered reasonable.

“Thank you!”

Other students murmur as they pass by us lying on the floor.

… … I don’t know what the hell it’s doing since morning.

– However, it is judged that the K-5, 330, and 580 events need verification. 4 hours of edification education after school.

Velika’s expression hardened sharply.

“Hey, isn’t that too harsh of a treatment…”

-D-7, 157, 854. Is the excellent you also against our will?

“Oh no! Sorry!”

She followed me and banged her head on the floor. I watched her grow her teeth and grit her teeth.

We were able to resume commuting only after Android’s permission to leave was granted.


She sighed once, wiped her clothes with her cold face, and started walking.

I quickly ran to her side and said,

“Thank you for saving me…”

Without realizing it, I stopped talking.

Earlier, I was so crazy that I couldn’t see properly, and I almost called out the name of someone I knew.

She really resembles Jinbo-ra.

“Where did you live in the mountains?”

She looked at me with her piercing eyes.

“No matter which police you go to, the rules will be the same, right?”

Personalities are very different. I scratched the side of her head with a smile.

“It’s not like that. Things are a little complicated.”

“…are you a transfer student, Jans?”

I entered new information from others into my head.

I am a transfer student. I just came here.

“How did you know that?”

“Because it’s the student council, I just heard it. Don’t commit suicide like that again. If you’re going to do it, do it outside my eyes.

“…Is that what I did?”

“Androids can give you a summary execution sentence and shoot you in the heart, but there’s nothing left to say.”

A machine will give a summary sentence for a human being.

– Top owner.


Now I’m definitely getting the hang of it.

This world was a world where machines conquered humans.

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