Chapter 205

Anton brought me to the mansion’s warehouse. It was like a maze.

“This mansion doubles as my safe. It has 37 layers of security magic designed. It’s open to thieves and treasure hunters all over the world.”

You opened the safe to thieves? What else do you mean?

“Well, then what happens when those people come here and fail?”

“If you’re lucky, you’re crippled, usually you die.”

Anton chuckled when he saw my blank expression.

“Think of it like a game for all my fortune! It’s so notorious right now that people don’t even try it. It’s a shame.”

After all, it seems that the madness of youth is not going anywhere. Looking at Anton’s diary, there were many times when I thought that he was doing something special.

I watched him dispel the security spell.

What kind of dungeon did you make? Classically, there are traps where spears rise from the floor or arrows are fired, and there are traps that are full of monsters. They were undead monsters that did not starve to death even for a long time.

So we arrived at our destination.


The whole place is gleaming with gold. Countless gold coins and gold bars were literally forming a mountain. Expensive paintings, relics, and equipment were displayed on the walls.

Even the blink of an eye was a waste to appreciate the marvelous sight.

“What is all this?”

“These are the collections I’ve saved while wandering around the world. Actually, when I was young, I was a bit greedy.”

Anton said with a smirk.

“As you all know, it’s good to be able to rake in money when you become a matopper.”

“There is no problem with eating.”

“You are on the humble side!”

Anton took me deeper. I climbed the jingle hill of gold coins and went further inside.

‘Here… … ?’

It was a simple room unlike the flashy previous space. However, the weapons hanging on the wall were not ordinary.

Even though I didn’t know anything about weapons or relics, it seemed that I knew that it was an object of astronomical value.

“It’s often said that wizards are a job that receives less ‘equipment teeth’, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get it at all.”

“I agree.”

If it hadn’t been for the stationmaster suit I’m wearing now, I might have already become a one-armed or corpse lying around.

“There are a lot of wizards in our tower who are obsessed with magic skills and neglect their equipment. They think it is a virtue to wear a solid robe and defeat all enemies with bare-handed magic without a staff. There is no way to raise the . Failing to use good equipment is like sealing the best power-up tool yourself.”

Anton, who had been talking bluntly, looked at me and grinned.

“I’ll pick one from here and take it.”

My mouth was wide open.

“…I, really?”

“Are you going to say it with one mouthful? A senior should do this for the right successor.”

I felt like I was going to lose my mind. All of them are SS-class weapons! On Earth, there are fewer than ten people who use this kind of equipment.

“But if I take this, Anton-sama…”

“All of the equipment I use is in the tower. I keep it because it is not used often, but each one is worth buying a small kingdom.

I stared blankly at Anton.

“Senior President.”

“Why but?”

“It may be the first time, but I love you.”

Anton chuckled loudly.

“My family doesn’t like it, so I’m going to tell you. Let’s go pick it up. You said that I was very greedy when I was younger? You’d better pick it up before you change your mind”

With that said, I hurriedly jumped forward.

‘Ah, what do you choose?’

13 SS-class weapons. I finished the scan quickly.

A mace, full plate armor, and a large helmet are also visible. It’s a bit burdensome or inefficient for a wizard to write. Anton must have sealed it in this safe for the same reason, so let’s put aside the things that are useless even if we die.

And what magicians can use.

Two staffs, wands, robes, cloak and winged shoes.

“That wand has memorize magic. Would you like to try it?”


After hearing Anton’s instructions, I cast Rapid Arrow. Then, a light rose from the end of the wand and absorbed the Rapid Arrow magic circle.

“Now, let’s try to activate the stored magic.”

When I aimed the wand, the Rapid Arrow fired straight up without any action and crashed into the wall.


“How is it?”

“It’s really good? I’d like to see other things too!”

“Slowly and evenly.”

It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I carefully inspected the weapons and tried on them myself.

There are only good weapons that do not waste the SS-class reputation. No matter what I use, it was certain that my power would go up significantly right away. However… … .

‘If you think about it, you might be able to replace it somehow?’

It’s a memoize function, so you can learn the memorize magic later. There is no big problem with the amplification of magic power and the calculation of the formula itself.

There must be a reason why an archmage like Anton didn’t use it in the field.

But I wanted that kind of armor to do the things I couldn’t

‘Like this necklace.’

I lightly grabbed Anton’s necklace of water curtains and walked around.


There was also a sword. It is a wide sword, but the length is rather short for a sword, so it does not seem to be used for wielding. I took out the sword.


very heavy As soon as I lifted it, I hit the floor! made a sound and dropped it.

“The sword’s name is ‘Specter’. It has a personal lightening magic on it. Infuse your mana.”

I nodded, infusing the sword with mana, and then raised it. Light enough to hold with one hand.

“Are you on the side with some swordsmanship?”

“No. Gembyeong.”

I struggled and swung my sword a few times. I tried to lower the sword diagonally as if following Hong Yeon’s movement that remained in my head, but it was still poor.

I didn’t get along with swordsmanship. The talent itself is nonexistent.

“What is the power of this sword?”

Anton chuckled and laughed.

“You have eyes to see. The second function is ‘transfer’. You can teleport your sword to wherever you see it.”

I listened to the explanation and tried to activate the teleportation trigger felt on the sword. The sword left my hand and appeared at the far end of the wall.


“And the third function is the ‘antenna’. The magic you cast can be manifested directly from that sword.”

I immediately tried the Rapid Arrow. It was a strange feeling. A high-speed magic circle made from the palm of the hand by the stamping method was engraved on the sword from afar.

I teleported the sword back into my hand and sent it back to the other end of the wall. At the same time, when Rapid Arrow was activated, golden arrows flew from the sword one after another.


– Pretty good. top owner.

Remote casting loses power, casting speed, and safety as the distance increases.

However, if you use this greatsword, you can cast it instantly even from a long distance. It even has a kind of memorize effect by attaching magic to the sword face.

Rather than strengthening the magic, the effect of the magic unfolding in two points. In a way, it’s like writing two myself.

“And the last function is ‘Eternal’. It’s an indestructible piece of equipment.”

“This is good.”

I liked the last option.

I called the Specter back into my hands.

“I would like to take this sword, if you allow it.”

Anton chuckled.

“Is that really all right? As you can see, the difficulty level is the highest.”

“Instead, it’s the best for versatility. That’s why it’s my style.”

Since I was fighting to create variables, I was confident in the use of weapons. I carried the sword behind my back.


Anton, who was watching, was captivated by admiration.

“It suits you as if it were yours!”

Gray blades and indigo blue robes. They really fit together like a set.

Feeling good, I turned around.

“Is this a bit like a swordsman? Let’s fake play.”

“Your physique is an impeccable wizard to give such a fake.”


At that time, my smiling body became blurry again without notice.

I will have cleared the mission and received a reward. There is no reason to stay in this world any longer.

The 6th floor ordeal was over.

“Now you’re back.”

“Yes, thank you very much. You are my benefactor.”

Anton smiled softly as I bowed once more to thank him.

“Even if you go back to your world, please don’t forget the lessons from this 6th floor ordeal.”

“of course.”

I clenched my fist.

“Oh, come to think of it, there’s only one thing I didn’t hear.”(Read more @

“What do you mean?”

“About Erendel.”

Listening to Anton’s story, Erendel was ideal.

If Macinatio is science, Erendel is a world where magic is extremely developed. It produced as many as three horseman.

The 11th, 12th, and 13th generations were all given Erendel’s horse tower, and they had as much information as their history and a systematic magic process.

The world with the most wizards, and the world with the most powerful magic tower. Why did such a place perish? I couldn’t figure it out.

Anton closed his eyes.

“It’s too early to tell you now. You’ll find out for yourself when you reach the tower’s final ordeal.”

“…… Okay.”

I decided not to ask. If a great sage like Anton didn’t bother to tell me now, I think there must be a reason.

“I can only give you some advice.”

Anton opened his eyes and said.

“If you give too much affection, you will suffer later.”


At the end of the words I didn’t know what to say, my vision went black.

My body was sucked into the black vortex again with a floating feeling of floating.

[Congratulations! You have cleared the ordeal.][The 6th floor ‘Mana Mine’ is unlocked.][Acquire some characteristics of ‘Mine Keeper’]

Seeing the rising player messages, my body keeps moving upwards. A single point of light is seen in a space where there is only darkness.

The moment you break through it.


The world has changed rapidly.

I was back in the dungeon again.

“…it really is.”

To be precise, we have reached the core of the dungeon. I couldn’t see who killed the boss monster already, so I’m all alone here. It was the same situation as seen in Anton’s diary.

It took quite some time, but it worked out in the end. I took a deep breath and laid my hands on the floor.

“Let’s start right away. Ea.”

-Yes. Synchronization to take over the dungeon begins.

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