Chapter 227

The situation was quickly settled.

In the Alps, this almost catastrophic situation happened when I happened to go skiing… … No, it was reported to the upper management that it was prematurely blocked by three publicly-accredited second-class people passing by by chance.

No casualties. The few remaining monsters were also lightly handled by Han Yun-jeong.

“Thanks to you, we avoided a major accident! Thank you for your support, Hunters.”

The CEO of the ski resort came running in a single step.

He said that he would pay the commission compensation as an official position through his guild, and separately gave us a VVIP lifetime ski resort pass.

“Where are you going to use this…”

I smiled bitterly as I looked at the gold glittering card. I don’t know if I’ll ever come here again.

On the other hand, Yun-Jung Han liked the sound of a lifetime pass.

“It’s good because it’s free! Now that you’re in second grade, you’re going to be coming to Switzerland a lot, don’t you think?”

Even if I come to Switzerland, I don’t think I will come here.

At least not even if I die with you guys. these talents.

“Then is it okay if I take this monster corpse?”

“Do as you wish.”

“I like it too.”

The profit of the magic stone was divided between the two of us, and I decided to take this corpse in a barrel.

“Samia. Please start.”

As soon as my words fell, a wobbling warpgate appeared under the body of the dead monster.

The monster’s body slowly descended as if submerged in a swamp, and then disappeared completely.

With this, I got the important parts of the next new golem. If I go back to the tower, I think I will be able to get Eunsol’s kiss.

“It’s amazing to see that technology.”

Han Yun-jeong crossed his arms and muttered.

“Warpgate will soon be commercialized like an airport. It’s under development now.”

“Uh, really? Are you going to put it in Egypt?”

“Invest 50 billion won.”

“This Susanno! All you have to do is make money! Money! This money ghost!”

Seeing Yun-Jung Han indignant, I giggled.

“If you’re in charge of the warp, it’s Samia-sama.”

Hongin said.

“That’s right.”

“So that’s why you were trying so hard to scout in Tanzania.”

“Don’t be fooled. I’ve been begging for someone who wants to retire, and I’ve been working hard to get them. Teleporting skills are so precious.”

As I was talking while patting my shoulder, I suddenly remembered and said.

“Aren’t you thinking of working here? There is one manager left.”

If it’s Hong-yeon’s level of power, I’d like to bring it to the temple.

But Hong-yeon shook his head.

“I belong to the association.”

“Ah, that’s not right.”

Hunters belonging to the association are civil servants, so they cannot double-affiliate or work concurrently.

In the past, if you don’t know, now the horse tower is registered as a ‘guild’. In order for her to enter the tower, she must give up the association.

However, her goal is to succeed Hong Yul and become the next president of the Hunter Association. Unfortunately, my path is different.

Me too, it would be better for an acquaintance who is friendly to me to be the president of the association. I don’t want to go through something like that damn Frost ever again.

“Now, let’s go back.”


Hongin nodded her head.

“By the way, isn’t tomorrow the World Guild screening? Is it okay to relax like this?”

“When it comes to screening, it’s only about voting for or against the existing World Guild.”

I said so and looked at Han Yun-jeong.

“How do you think it will be?”


Han Yun-jeong put her hand on her lips with a worried expression.

“For now, I’m going to agree, but I don’t know how the other four will come out. They’re so ignorant people.”


The same goes for this one that doesn’t count.

Han Yun-jung is by my side from the start, and Marcello has a previous promise. If two people agree, it only takes one vote to stop the other three.

However, they are very difficult to meet, so there is no separate work for them.

“Let’s bump into each other. Even if you get rejected this time, you won’t have only one chance.”

At the time we were talking, Samia’s Warp Gate opened in the air. It was a warp that could return to the Federation headquarters.

“Come on, let’s go back and rest.”

“Good job, both of you.”

“Would you like to go get another drink?”

“Let’s sleep! Sleep!”

* * *

Finally, the World Guild screening has arrived. I put on a suit and a hunter suit and walked.

‘… Ahh.’

As soon as I got on the elevator and went down to the hotel lobby, I was faced with a huge crowd of filmmakers.

I made an effortless expression and walked forward. Bodyguards from Garam surrounded me.

“Hunter Kim Yoo-shin! How much do you think the odds of today’s World Guild Judgment are?”

“What do you think is the competitive edge of the horse tower compared to other world guilds!”

Reporters with familiar faces now point their mics in and launch a barrage of questions.

Of the many questions, I decided to answer only that last one.

“Matop’s competitiveness? Ummm…”

I thought for a moment, then answered.

“It’s also popular.”


“Then I’m alone.”

“Hold on, Kim Yoo-shin Hunter! Please explain!”

I got out of the filming crowd and got into Garam Management’s car.

It is enough to walk to the central building, but it seemed to be the correct answer because the heat of the interview was hot.


But who is sitting in the front seat?


Shin Nara in the passenger seat suddenly turned around and drew a V.

“Dae, CEO! When did you come to Switzerland? I heard you are busy.”

“I came here yesterday! Can our hunters fall for this important matter that is at stake in the future of Korea?”

It’s not about the future of Korea… … .

At that moment, Shinnara pulled out something in front of me and showed me.

“Would you like to try Woohwang Cheongsimhwan? Methylphenidate? Caffeine capsules? Or Awakened for hunters?”

“…Cheongshimhwan should be eaten by CEO Shin.”

In fact, Shin Nara, who brought nutritional supplements towards me, was trembling with her nervous face.

“Ugh, these people must be territorial jokes… It’s been a long time since the World Guild became a five-member system. What should I do?”

“I think there is a chance.”

I picked a light red ginseng stick, ripped off the top, and sucked the contents.

“I caught two out of five.”

Hearing this, Shin Nara’s pupils widened, and suddenly she shook her head while covering her face with nutrients.

“Ugh! Don’t make people expect that much again! If Hunter Kim makes an affair, it’s going to be real!”


You’ll have to meet him to find out exactly what it is, but I think the odds are about half and half.

The car moved smoothly and arrived at its destination.

Representative Shin led me to the front of the security area. From here, only officials are allowed to enter.


Outside her security area, she raised her arms and cheered. People murmured and looked at how loud his voice was.

I waved her arm and boarded her elevator.

The 90th floor of the Federation Central Headquarters.

When I got off the elevator, the waiting staff guided me.

“Hunter Kim Yoo-shin. This is the room.”


I exhaled lightly, cleared my mind, and entered the room opened by the staff.

In a room with a dazzling light coming through the glass, five people are seated with their own personalities. All of them exuded a great sense of intimidation.

1. Paladin / Vatican / Certified 2nd grade ‘Arc Bishop’ Marcello.

2. Gravekeeper / Egypt / Certified 2nd grade ‘Pharaoh’ Menes.

3. Heavenly Castle / France / Certified 1st grade ‘Heavenly Castle Lord’ Albert Clostermand.

4. Ghosts / Mexico! Certified Level 2 ‘Spirit King’ Mari Gold.

5. Lion Fleet / Singapore / Certified 2nd grade ‘Admiral’ Siam.

Five people in different moods are looking at me. I walked to the middle of the seats where they were sitting.

Han Yun-jeong looks like this.

He is wearing that golden pharaoh suit that he has not seen in a long time. He was staring at me with a proud expression with his legs crossed and his arms folded, but when our eyes met, he gave a slight wink.

Arc Bishop Marcello, after a long absence, is also seen. He smiled softly at me.

Marie, a ghost of a ghost who happened to run into her at the hotel, was fiddling with the doll she held in her arms. He didn’t pay much attention to me.

Admiral Siam. As his nickname admiral, he wore a naval uniform with decorations.

The oldest among the world guild leaders. It was very impressive to see a woman in her 60s wearing a uniform with white hair.

And it’s this person.

The only certified level 1 among the world guilds. And a person who is the de facto leader in the world guild where all members are equal.

Albert Closterman.(Read more @

He was a man with a sculptural appearance, wearing a white suit and a pure white scarf.

Rumors abounded about his appearance, but seeing it in person, the rumors weren’t exaggerated at all. There was no other handsome handsome boy who came out of a pure manga.

He was tasting black tea while holding a teacup with his slender fingers while wearing one-eyed glasses, which are difficult for modern people to digest.

I have a feeling it won’t be easy to convince this person.

“Then let’s start the world guild examination of the Magic Tower from now on.”

He opened his mouth. I bowed my head to everyone.

“Thank you for the opportunity. My name is Matapju Kim Yoo-shin.”

“About Ma Tower, we know it well because we’ve seen it. It skips obvious procedures like self-introduction. If you have any questions, try it.”

It’s just a question, so I don’t have a chance to appeal anything.

The introduction of the guild that had been preparing for a week was skipped, but I kept my composure and waited for the question.


When the surroundings became quiet, Siam spoke again.

“Then I’ll do it first.”

“Yes, it’s an honor.”

“The World Guild is already producing enough results with the five systems. The Federation and us are also satisfied with the current system. Why do we need to include the horse tower now?”

“The reason is simple.”

I answered her, looking into her eyes.

“Because of power.”


“Yes, I am well aware of the achievements the World Guild has achieved so far.

Destroyed countless demons and disasters. That’s why we’re getting respect from all over the world. However… … .”

I smiled faintly.

“Water that just stagnates will eventually rot.”

“…the expression is provocative.”

“It is true. The current world situation is chauvinism and nationalism. They even launched a coalition of hunter powers called M10. What do you think these series of situations mean?”


“The influence of the Federation is not what it used to be. In the recent African incident, ‘African renunciationists’ appeared due to the excessive pressure of the federation to support member states, and the trust of the federation was greatly reduced due to the unfortunate incident they caused.

I looked around everyone and continued talking.

“It has been over 7 years since the last world-class disaster appeared. It is clear that the power of the Federation is gradually declining. And due to the nature of the organization, the World Guild, where power is created from the power of the Federation, there is concern that its status will decrease. There is only one solution, that the world guilds must have their own strength and competitiveness, not just trust the alliance.”

right then

“You’re saying something interesting. Matapju Kim Yoo-shin.”

Marcello intervened with a smile on his face.

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