Chapter 252

“The antidote and the infection warhead are all blocked. What should I do now?”

“…it can’t be helped.”

A ferocious voice came out from Andamun Albert’s lips.

“Remove the disruptors and carry on the plan.”

“You’re coming out all the way to the end.”

Against the backdrop of the falling castle, Yoo-shin, Marcello, and Marie stood side by side.

Albert was hovering in the air, looking down at the challengers.


When Yoo-shin signals, a warp gate opens in the air.

As soon as Albert’s gaze turned to that direction, his body was swept away by the rushing flash of light and crashed into the wall.

Whoa ah ah ah ah!

The attack magic possessed by the tower itself.

In addition, the closer the activation distance of the warp gate, the faster it opens.

The light of destruction pierced the Adamantium wall, which had been weakened by the attack, and sent Albert out of the castle.

“We’ll go too!”

The three of them followed and ran outside. Albert was flying above the flash of light.

Yoo-shin bit his nails tightly.

‘Damn! That baby’s unique ability isn’t wings, isn’t it some kind of zombie thing?’

Albert’s body, who had escaped the crisis several times, flew past the top of the sky castle and flew high into the sky.

A green gust from the unfolded Icarus strikes the ground with a vicious force.

Whew oh oh oh oh!

The gusts ripped through the ground and tore the building debris to pieces. Now, a fierce attack as if it were okay to do anything with the sky castle.

The hunters who were fighting outside were frightened and fled. Even the ghost ship that the ghost squad was proud of became a piece of wood and disappeared.

“Kim Yoo-shin! What do you do now?”

Marie said as she hid her body behind the perforated steel frame. Yoo-shin, who hid himself in the opposite side of the steel frame, made an impression.

“There’s only one way to try right now.”


“To be honest, Albert seems difficult to defeat.”

Marie pursed her lips with her stiff face, but she did not deny Yoo-shin’s words.

“So, I’m going to find an ‘alternative relic’ somewhere in this castle and destroy it. Albert’s strength comes from Icarus’ ability, so if I get rid of it, I’ll return to a normal player.”

“That’s a good idea, but…”

She glanced around her. All the things that had maintained the shape of the perforation castle were blown away, and now only the skeleton remained.

“No matter how you look at it, there is no room to hide the ruins.”

“I think from the beginning the relic was not in the castle. Maybe down there.”

Yoo-shin pointed his finger at the ground.

“It must be hidden somewhere in the ground on this island. Leave it to me. If I use the 5-step crevasses to split this place in half…”

“Is it going to come out like that?”

Yoo-shin looked back at her with a delicate feeling. Albert appeared behind him like a shadow.

“I won’t let that happen.”

When Albert’s arm was shoved off Yoo-shin’s back, something like a hook grabbed Yoo-shin’s waist.


As Yoo-shin dragged in, a large, broad machete fell on Albert’s shoulder.

Whoa whoa!

Yoo-shin, who had fallen to the floor, hurriedly raised her head.

Suddenly, behind Mari’s back, a spirit in the shape of a pirate stood still. Albert did not move his arm and raised one of his wing to block his sword.

“Are you going to disturb me to the end? Ghost King.”


strength entered her arms. At the same time, a strong force was applied to the machete holding down Albert’s wings, and Albert’s two feet cracked the floor.

Albert pulled one of her feathers from her wing and swung it in the air like her sword.

Sreung! With a sound, the pirate’s soul was split in half and disappeared.


Marie, who had been forcibly disbanded, vomited her blood. The moment Albert is about to rush to Yoo-shin again.

Quad Duke!

This time, a huge spear came and pushed Albert’s body away. Above her, with her right arm outstretched, the upper body of a knight in her heavy armor appeared.

“Heo Eok! Ha! Whoo!”

She took a step forward, widening her blood-lined eyes.

The spirit of the knight slashed her spear violently, and Albert flew into the air and flew her feathers.

“No spirit can defeat me.”

Every time her feathers were pierced, the knight’s shield shattered like scrap metal.

“Sorry! Hold on a little longer!”

Yoo-shin clenched his teeth and prepared her magic. At that moment, Na Dae-yong’s voice was heard through the ear microphone.

– Master! Are you okay? We’ll help too… … .

“Don’t come! Never! Only deal with the Celestial Castle Hunters who are attached to the tower!”

This is by no means a fight for other people to get involved in. The victims only increase.

Yoo-shin casts the Earth World 5 Fair Magic Crevass on the back of her Specter.

However, as she unfolded her formulas, doubts lingered in her mind.

‘If we split this island in half for a while, will we be able to find the remains?’

‘Can you break through Albert and destroy the ruins in time?’

As all of her conversion attacks missed, Yoo-shin felt that even her confidence was significantly lowered.

His brain raced to find another solution.

How to catch Albert… …

only one.

But Yoo-shin soon shook his head.

It was Yoo-shin, who throws odds when necessary, even if the odds of success are low, but this was just crazy, aside from being an irrational number.

‘Ah. Leave the 5th process to me and find a route to the basement. There will be a way to reach the ruins without using forceful methods.’

– All right, Topju.


The sixth spirit that Marie took out turns to dust and disappears. Marie knelt down on her floor, vomiting her continual blood.

Albert approaches her.

“With respect, I will send you pain-free.”

Albert plucked his feathers and held it like a sword, ready to wield it.


Just as Yoo-shin is about to stop the 5th process and rush in, the biggest cross he has ever seen falls on Albert’s head.


The whole island was tilted.

The cross of light, which was bigger than the sky, exploded, and the center of the island was greatly tilted to one side.

‘Marcello… … ‘

Judging by the size of his power, I thought this would be Marcello’s last attack.

Just then, Marcello was walking towards Yoo-shin.

“Hunter Kim Yoo-shin, get out of here.

“Then what about Albert?”

“…I’m sorry, but it’s too early for us to handle. I’ll leave the back to other certified first-class.”

Is it escape?

He really, really didn’t want to admit it, but Yoo-shin unconsciously admitted and said in his head that it was the best.

He stopped all the plans of the fortress and put out the fire in a hurry.

With the antidote developed, Albert can no longer hold onto the Alliance.

As soon as this disaster is over, the Federation will classify Albert as a Maine and issue an order to punish him, and certified first-class people from all over the world will come.

Considering such a situation, it seems best to avoid the body and plan for the future.

“I’ll buy the time. Hunter Kim Yoo-shin, take Marie and escape.”

“Yes? So what about you?”

“Escape requires sacrifice. I’ll get your attention somehow…”


Marcello’s body shook and shook. Yoo-shin’s eyes widened at the sight of his pure white sincerity stained with blood.

The tip of a feather protruded from the center of Marcello’s chest.


“Oh, don’t worry too much.”

His complexion deteriorated sharply, and he laughed, fiddling with the tips of the feathers protruding from his chest.

“I’m not going to die like this…”


Before he could finish his words, another feather pierced his neck.

Marie’s tearful scream resounded like an echo.


Magic fluttered in her feathers. Albert was able to replace the magical energy contained in his feathers with weight.

Six feathers rip through the wounds and descend.

With a thud, a feather lodged in his chest rips through his stomach, his thighs, and comes down his legs.

The feathers stuck in his neck ripped Marcello’s body in a straight line and went down to his groin.

As the blood-stained feathers fall, the sound of rebars falling is heard and the floor sinks.

Marcello was torn like a piece of paper and collapsed.

Marie couldn’t help but turn her head away. Yoo-shin stood stunned in place, completely lost.

“It was a rare talent.”


Albert came.

“He had a lot more to do for humanity. He wasn’t a young man who would disappear like this.”

“… you crazy bastard.”

Yoo-shin trembled with her bloodshot eyes.

“You weren’t the kind of young man who would die and disappear like this? Are you a fucking person?”

“I am a certified hunter. I can do more than this for the survival of mankind.”

drop. and.

Yoo-shin felt that even the slightest bit of self-control she had maintained her own was cut off.

Yoo-shin, who got up from her seat, sobbing like a zombie, also scattered the five-step crevasses she was making at best into her atmosphere.

I won’t run away

Either I die or whatever.

Kill that bastard right now.


When she makes such a decision, her boiling blood and anger quickly cools, and her brain cools.

Everything calms down, and a firm will becomes the goal of this body.

I will not stop until I achieve my goal.

After finishing her resolution, Yoo-shin lifted her heels and put a Daeva star on her feet.

-… … top owner.

“I’m sorry, Ea.”

Yoo-shin said, grinding his teeth.

“Now there’s only one way.”

Albert spread his wings like a nightmare and faced Yoo-shin.

“You would have noticed the difference in power, are you still going to fight?”

Albert’s feathers flew like a flash of light. Yoo-shin strongly stepped forward with her right foot.

His body led black smoke past his feathers and into Albert’s rear.

At the same time, he adds rotation and stretches his legs.

Boo Woong!

Albert shakes his head to avoid it lightly.

At that time, the direction of his left foot, which was passing over his shoulder, turned toward Albert, and the Daeva Star was activated as it was.

Whoa whoa!

Albert’s expression hardened as he hurriedly raised his arm to receive the attack.

The shock from his arm spread throughout his body, causing a stinging pain.

Yoo-shin jumped straight into the air without a recovery movement and stretched his opposite leg.

‘The technology does not exist.’

Albert also analyzed the Daevasta, Yoo-shin’s main weapon.

Yoo-shin wore Daeva Stars on both of his feet, using one of his feet for dash and the other for kicks.

Albert gently raised his arm to take him down, but his hand tapped Yoo-shin’s right foot as he approached him. With just that touch, a magic circle of a clear skull pattern swung on the sole of his shoe.

‘… … !’

Devasta was activated with a roar.

Albert hurriedly folded his wings to protect his face, but the shockwave forced him to be pushed tens of meters away.

When he lowered his wings and looked straight ahead, Yoo-shin’s body was already gone.


Albert rolled his eyes in admiration. Suddenly, I saw Yoo-shin wielding a great sword from behind.(Read more @


While moving Icarus to block Specter, Yoo-shin puts Specter down from his hand and digs into Albert’s side.

Go away!

Albert, who was waiting for this, slapped Yoo-shin on the head. Yoo-shin, who stepped back while splashing the soil, quickly regained his stance. His two legs, which had been pushed away while scratching the floor, landed on the point.

click! click!

EA had already laid out two Devasta magic circles on the floor. Yoo-shin lowered his upper body like a beast and rushed, and two Daevasta were consumed in ‘Dash’ at the same time.

oh oh oh oh oh!

Yoo-shin’s fists slam in at an undetectable speed and pierce Albert’s face.

Albert’s body moves in a large parabola and rolls over the floor.


Albert wiped the blood from his lips. As soon as Yoo-shin came down to the floor and turned on a Daeva star on his right foot, he jumped like a dagger.

“Crazy bastard.”

Albert blew his feathers away, but Yoo-shin’s body returned to the rear with black smoke again.

Albert, who received the swinging specter with his wings again this time, looked at Yoo-shin’s next move.

ordinary kick.

That skill doesn’t exist. The distance between the two hands and the legs is also far.

This time, after defending, you can move Icarus to feed the counter.

The moment Albert stretches his arms out into a guard position.


Specter is transferred in front of Yoo-shin’s swinging leg.

As Yoo-shin’s legs descend and scan the surface of Specter, his legs come down like a brush with paint on a palette, leading to black smoke.


Albert raised the corners of his mouth, feeling the wonder of admiration.

blah blah blah blah!

As if striking a nail with a hammer, Devasta’s firepower pushed Albert’s body with a guard into the ground.

Albert spewed blood from his mouth.

Finally made a valid hit.

“Huh, ha ha ha ha!”

When Albert caused a green gust around him, Yoo-shin finally took a tempo break and stepped back. Albert, who had fallen to the floor, got up.

“It’s a wonderful battle sense! What? Why did you hide your skills until now when you could have done that?”

Albert, who had asked such a question, looked at Yoo-shin’s condition and stroked his chin as if he had guessed.

“That’s right. Is it a high-risk technology?”

Black smoke was rising from Yoo-shin’s body, who abused Daevastar.

This looked serious to anyone. As a side effect, Yoo-shin’s mana was turning black, but Yoo-shin didn’t even think about driving it away.

[The Dark Affinity Attribute has reached Lv.9.]

Yoo-shin wiped her lips and sat down with her knees bent. His hands once again turned the Devasta into the sole of the shoe.


Yoo-shin staggered and touched his floor, kneeling on one of his knees. The condition was not normal.

“I don’t understand. You, who has a bright future, why do you have to fight me while cutting your life span?”

“Don’t pretend.”

Yoo-shin widened his eyes.

From his right eye, instead of his usual blue-eyed, black water was flowing.

“Whatever happens, you will die here today.”

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