Chapter 277

Among the wizards here, I called the best. The wizard who was about to shoot an ice javelin at me got up.

“Do you know where Bora is locked up?”

“Yes! I’ll guide you.”

We took the magic circle elevator and went up to the second floor of the main library.

‘It’s been a long time here too.’

The wizards working in the Great Library were still working until the disaster struck. They didn’t seem to care whether we passed or not.

Looking at the blurry eyes after a long period of hard work, I think that Jeong Seo-jin is also brutally rolling his subordinates.

“By the way, ah.”

I spoke to her, who was walking next to her side by side.

She said, “Why have you been asleep all this time? I’ve been told she’s dormant.”

“That’s right. Forced dormancy due to the long-term suspension of the Master’s activity. This is a system to prevent a person other than the Master from taking power of the Tower by using a homunculus.”

“…there was something like that.”

Nodding her head, she smiled softly.

“Topju is stronger than before.”

“Huh, of course! I’ll catch you later and tell you what happened.”

She talked to her about this and that, and it didn’t take long before she arrived at the sealed study.

When the guards guarding the study saw the wizard sitting with us, they saluted and moved away.

“Do you think the command is pretty high?”

I asked.

“The introduction is late. My name is Shin Sung-yeon, the 6th floor manager.”

“Oh, it was the manager? I didn’t know this.”

“Although only pattern admins have no privileges on the layer.”

Well, it’s not.

Although Na Dae-yong is the 15th matop master, the position registered in the estate window is the 4th floor manager. Since it is not possible for a manager to appoint a manager and give him the authority of the floor, this kind of greeting was the best.

“Are you really interested in the 6th floor manager position when I return?”

Shin Sung-yeon waved her hand.

“Oh, no! With my skills, such a heavy burden is burdensome.”

“I’ll remember the name in case you don’t know.”

Shin Sung-yeon bowed her head saying that she was grateful for even a word.

“This is it. Ma Thap Lord.”

Shin Sung-yeon placed her hand on the magic circle drawn at the entrance and unlocked the security.

We went into the study room together. Jinbora’s figure could be seen right there.


She looked cruel. Her arms were hanging from her ceiling chains, her feet off the floor.

She was treated almost like torture.

As she hung her dead, she found me and smiled faintly.


Frustrated, I ran to her and released her arm.

She slumped into her seat, her arms clenched, and Lindsey shrugged her body.

“It’s okay, are you okay?”

“Okay. It’s been a while since I hung up like this. Don’t worry too much.

I patted her shoulder and glared at her.

“Isn’t this a bit harsh? How do you treat your co-workers like this…”

“Me, I didn’t even know that the dispensing officer was being treated like this! It really is!”

Shin Sung-yeon had a really bewildered expression on her face. I let out a long sigh and looked at her.

“What happened?”

She explained her self-defense.

Not much different from what we expected. Dae-yong Na finds out that I have returned and is locked in the library trying to hide the fact that he is Jin-bo.

Na Dae-yong persistently questioned him for more information, but she was consistent in the silence of Jin-bo. A quarrel continued to this day just before her catastrophe, and in the end, her enraged Na Dae-yong hung her from her ceiling and left.

‘For me… … ‘

I still remember vividly when I picked him up for an interview.

Master, Master, why did the simple and kind person who followed me around, changed so much?

After all, Dae-yong Na doesn’t want me to come back.

‘Calm down.’

His mind was complicated, but now was not the time to be immersed in thoughts.

I put my hand on the ear mic.

“Seo Jin-ah. You made it to the tower safely. I woke up Ea as planned and saved Bora.”

– Oh, you worked really hard! We will put the vehicle on standby.

I said looking at Jinbora.

“The tower is dangerous. The Arcane is also the same as Na Dae-yong’s demonic beasts. Until the disaster is over, I’m going to go into the temple and rest.”

“I can fight, too. I’m now certified 3rd grade…”

“You’ve been locked up all this time. Even if you fight later, get a good rest for a day or two.”

I supported Jin-Bra’s body and said to Shin Sung-Yeon.

“Everyone behaves as usual. Even if Dae-Yong Na asks you to question him, you will be around him in moderation. He will be crazy because he is also attacking a disaster anyway.”


“Ah. Don’t show yourself to people, just focus on my support.”

“Follow the orders of the master.”

Jinbora, who got up with my support, looked at me.

“Then the senior…”

I replied with a smile.

“Ea must be back, I’m going to join this war too.”

* * *

-Check Red Gate expression!

-10 minutes before the gate opens!

Leading the TOP10 guild and countless regular troops, Hong Yeon was at the forefront of Paju.

In fact, the best in Korea. If they collapse, Korea will also collapse.

The Imjin River was flowing over the vast field, and in front of the flowing river, red magic reminiscent of a typhoon was swirling.

The gate will open over there soon.

The situation was not optimistic.

The top 10 guilds were held tight by Hong Yeon, so there were no defectors, but some guilds who were instructed to participate in the Red Gate guild fled abroad.

Their message was clear.

‘I don’t want to be killed’.

It was dangerous to attack the Red Gate, and it was even more so now that the horse tower and the Garam were removed.

‘But you have to do it.’

He took a long breath and closed her eyes.

‘The two of us would have easily overcome these difficulties.’

After entrusting himself with the chair of the association, Hong-yul disappeared as if he had been erased from the world.

After spreading the science of magic to the world, Yoo-shin became unconscious in a battle with the Heavenly Castle Lord.

Alone in the world after the disappearance of the two of them, she felt a deep loneliness to fight disaster.

She had many people fighting with her, but she was always lonely.

“What about the situation on the Cataclysm side?”

Ho-seung Oh answered Hong-yeon’s question by bowing her head politely.

“The cataclysm has manifested in three places in Seoul and six provinces. Seoul immediately went into battle, and the rest of the province’s points are also moved by elite magicians of the tower.”


It’s reliable if it’s a tower. She took a deep breath, hoping she’d play as good as she did in her starting lineup in part.

-Redgate will appear!

– Beware of shocks!

It started.

The swirling magical powers gathered in a single point and turned into a red portal.

Everyone swallowed dry saliva at the appearance of an extra-large portal that was several kilometers in length.

thud! Koo Kung! thud! thud!

The sound of footsteps is heard.

Innumerable monster corps are emerging from the wide gate. It’s as if the black waves are crashing towards you.

Hong Yeon turned on the ear mic and said.

“Prepare to charge the entire penetration team. Firepower team aim the Red Gate, prepare to fire.”

The guns of numerous armored vehicles turned upwards, and the hunters pulled out their hunting devices.


Thousands of cannons blew out all at once.

With black smoke, the Imjin River area is devastated and meat pieces are scattered. Air force bombers flew in the sky and dropped countless bombs.

The legions of monsters were literally buried in the explosion caused by human firepower in an instant.

-1 – 4 rank monsters are destroyed! Monsters of rank 5 or higher are enduring the firepower!

-Next wave! Monsters continue to appear in the portal!

The number of monsters rushing in is higher than expected. There is a limit to the amount of ammunition the army possesses, and it becomes disadvantageous as time goes on.

-Hunters dig into the gate and there is no way to see it!

– Many anti-aircraft monsters found! The success rate of an amphibious operation is close to less than 5%!

After hearing the reports from the staff, Hong Yeon made a quick decision.

“Preparation for tactical nuclear launch.”

shudder! shudder!

The batteries loaded with tactical nuclear warheads aimed towards the Red Gate.

Oh Ho-seung said in awe.

“Chairman of the Association! From the very beginning, the nuclear issue was not too hasty…”

“Isn’t that what you brought to shoot anyway?”

She answered and spoke into the ear mic.


Nuclear warheads fly with a roar and enter the Red Gate.

After the tactical nuke is fired, fire power is again poured on the monsters.

– This is the observation team! The appearance of monsters has been reduced by 70%!

The nuclear effect was obvious.

The number of monsters coming out of the gate was greatly reduced, and monsters with their bodies squashed and only breathing appeared roaming.

If you enter the gate, now is your chance when the offensive has been broken.

“Prepare to charge the penetration tank.”

When the order was issued, the hunters wore expensive radioactive protective suits over their personal suits.(Read more @

As long as nuclear weapons are used, the number of hunters that can enter the Red Gate is limited. Only elite hunters who were given this suit could enter the gate.

Hong Yeon herself put on her radioactive suit and drew her sword.


She placed her sword in front of her chest and closed her eyes. It was her own consciousness that focused her mind.

“This is the commander. I will participate in the war.”

She smashed her ground and was shot to the front. A red spark exploded and bounced, and the surrounding monsters were shattered with only a shock wave.

Although she was a certified first-class great hunter, she was a vanguard who took the lead in battles.

Every time she wields her sword as she enters her enemy camp, the monster’s mountain is split in half. Im Nam-jin turned on the ear mic and shouted.

“It is now! All the infiltrators will follow in the footsteps of the president of the association!”

“Oh oh oh oh oh!”

The best elite hunters, including the TOP10 guild, ran along the path she made.

The war had just begun.

* * *

Europe at the same time.

A ship was moving rapidly across the sea.

“I’m tired and I’m going to die.”

The hunter, who was looking down at the sea from the deck, took a deep breath. Next to him stood a woman who appeared to be a manager, politely clasping her hands.

“Okay, where are you this time?”

“It’s Romania. It’s impossible to control monsters, so we requested support directly from the association.”

The hunter, who took the tablet PC offered by the manager, started the video.

Monsters roamed in the middle of the city, killing civilians indiscriminately.

“…it’s serious! What was the association doing until things got to this point?”

“It happened after the main hunters were absent due to the attack on the international airport by the demons.”

Hunter was sulking and kicked his tongue.

“These days, the demon bastards are moving a lot. Where are their destinations?”

Hunter asked, but the manager did not answer.

“What, why?”

“…Hey, look over there.”

Hunter got up from his seat and looked at the sea. A little away from the ship, the sea was raging.

Hunter’s expression hardened at the sudden natural phenomenon.

“what is this?”

The other people on the ship were running out one by one.

Something was coming up in the middle of a huge vortex.

“Heh, heh heh…!”

Hunter took a breath.

That huge crab came up from the sea with its own power. The view of the water cascading down into a waterfall was utterly unrealistic.

“…what am I looking at?”

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