Chapter 282

Yoo-shin, who rode the sky castle, took Gangwon-do and moved to Gyeonggi-do.

“Yerin, how much mana do you have now?”

– One step ahead! But if I shoot this, I think there will be a problem with the power.

“Okay, then let’s go straight to Paju.”

On the Cataclysm side, the urgent fire was put out.

The remaining area would be sufficient if the Hunter team, including Garam, stepped forward.

Now the problem is Redgate.

If you can’t stop this, all the good things you’ve done for Cataclysm will be in vain.

Hong Yeon is overbearing.

I had to go help.

‘It’s not bad.’

Hayerin drove the sky castle, and thanks to her managers fighting her well, she saved enough mana.

Now is the time to pour it all into Red Gate.

Yoo-shin turned on the ear mic and spoke.

“Now I’m going to enter the Red Gate myself. Report it to Hunter Im Nam-jin in advance, and ask him to go through the entrance procedure.”


Yoo-shin looked back after finishing the report. Seo-jin Jeong, Jin-nam-ra, and Eun-sol were talking happily and laughing.

Just like before.

At first, five years later, I felt lonely and alone, but then and now, nothing important has changed. I felt relieved by that fact.

Jin-Bra felt Yoo-shin’s gaze and waved her hand. Jeong Seo-jin and Eun-sol also looked at him with a smile.

“You’re going to the Red Gate now.”


“If it doesn’t get in the way, we’d like to follow.”

“Thank you, but things are messed up. I think we fired a nuke at Redgate.”

The three of them exchanged glances with a surprised expression. Yoo-shin shrugged his shoulders.

“I needed a radioactive suit to get inside, but they said I didn’t have enough. I also decided to borrow from Hunter Im Nam-jin. You wait outside the gate and block the monsters.

Jeong Seo-jin and Jin-Bra gently exchanged glances.

“Yes why?”

“Actually, when I came here, I thought about how to hold on to you.”

Jinbora said, putting her hand on her waist.

“I don’t want to repeat what happened five years ago.”

Yoo-shin laughed bitterly.

Now, even if the managers were worried about that, there was nothing to say.

“I don’t do such reckless things anymore. I’ve become strong enough that I don’t have to. Well, I’ll promise you one thing.”

I said with thumbs up and pointing towards me.

“I’ll be back again this time. I’ve been patient for five years, can you stand it for one day?”

Jinbora let out a long sigh.

“I told you. You won’t hear it even with the back of your ears.”


Then Eunsol came and hung something on Yoo-shin’s shoulder.

“Uh, is this a wing golem?”

“Yeah! It’s a gift.”

she laughed hehehe

“Actually, there is no one who can handle the wing golem properly except my brother, so I haven’t developed it in the meantime. I couldn’t charge it much because I was in a hurry to make it. It won’t last long.”

“Wow, thank you so much! I still needed it.”

When the wing golem installation was finished, Yoo-shin sent his magic power to raise the wings. Blue wings with a neat appearance spread out.

“I’ll write it well, Sol-ah.”

“Yeah! Be sure to come back safely!”

Eunsol approached and she hugged Yoo-shin’s body and showed her aegyo.

As Yoo-shin stroked her hair, she smirked.


Jeong Seo-jin, who was watching her, clenched her chin with a serious expression. Jinbo-ra playfully patted him on the side.

“Why are you so serious alone?”

“It’s good to be stroked, but it’s not good to be stroked.”

“…Ah, you bastard really.”

* * *

The battle was in full swing in front of the Red Gate.

The monsters that were not affected by radiation came out first, and then there were monsters that were infected with radiation and their bodies were broken.

-Start shooting!

Once again, the army’s firepower poured out, but through the thick explosion smoke, rank 5 monsters rushed into the defense.

Im Nam-jin, who was watching from the front line, put the radio to his mouth.

“Hunter Team B-35 engagement begins.”


Hunters with magic swords rushed out and slashed high-ranking monsters. Its large body quickly turned into a piece of meat and fell on the floor.

– Deputy Commander! The enemy stock is getting bigger and bigger!

– Remaining ammunition remaining for allies is 30%! Permission to use the following tactical nukes!

Im Nam-jin clenched his teeth and said.

“Wait a little longer.”

There was one hunter who would enter the Red Gate. A person who might become a hidden card that can turn this situation around.

But he couldn’t wait that long. The defenses are getting loose.

“When are you coming…”

“Did you find me?”

At the sound of the voice behind his back, Im Nam-jin turned his head.

A red color flashed across his face in an instant.


He hurriedly approached Yoo-shin and hugged him tightly. Yoo-shin looked at her with a smirk and smiled.

“I was waiting.”

“You seem to have waited a long time. What is the situation?”

Im Nam-jin immediately responded with a serious expression on his face.

“The problem inside Red Gate is serious. Everyone has reached the limit of their stamina, but they haven’t been able to find the boss. It’s not strange if they are annihilated at any time.”

“How about Hong-yeon?”

“You’re safe. If it wasn’t for the president of the association, I would have been pushed ahead.”

Yoo-shin nodded her head.

“I’ll go right in.”


“But please don’t expect too much. Just because I go in doesn’t mean the whole situation will change. What?”

Im Nam-jin shed a strange smile.

“If I hadn’t gone through the labyrinth dungeon, I would have thought so.”


“There’s a radiation protection suit over there. It’s my size, so it’s a little big.”

Yoo-shin put on a green suit and looked ahead. Countless monsters were constantly coming out of the gate.

“Wow, it won’t be easy to get in.”

“Then why not make it easier?”

Im Nam-jin got up and continued talking.

“I’ll see you off.”

he walked forward Just as Im Nam-jin appeared on the scene, cheers were heard everywhere.

He was also one of Korea’s leading hunters during the Hongyul era. Of course it’s still the same today.

In fact, it was safe to say that 30% of the defensive team’s hunters’ power came from Im Nam-jin.

“I will open the way.”

“Can I get close to you and follow you?”

“In that case, you too will get involved. Let’s walk a little further away.”

Having said that, Im Nam-jin fluttered his thick coat and moved his steps.

Damn it! damn!

Every time you step on the floor, the ground hardens and cracks like a drought.

When the monsters saw Im Nam-jin, they screamed and ran.

– Kyaaaaaaaah!

An ogre monster wields a hammer-like arm.

Go away!

However, the moment it touched Im Nam-jin’s body, his nails were shattered and his fingers to elbows were petrified.

A monster grabs his arm and suffers.



Monsters constantly rushed, but to no avail.

The monster that tried to bite Im Nam-jin’s neck turned his head to stone and crumbled, and the monster wielding an iron ax shattered from the blade to the hilt like a cookie.

thump. thump.

He quietly walked through the enemy camp. The attacking monsters are in agony and fall out. No attack worked against him.

Wherever Im Nam-jin’s body touched, monsters turned into stone statues, cracked and shattered. Monsters of rank 5 or lower disappear into powder just by getting close.

overwhelming performance.

Although not fast, he walked steadily and came closer to the Red Gate.

The waves of monsters were constantly rushing in, and Im Nam-jin was buried in the flesh of the monsters and became invisible.

– All troops start firing.

At that moment, Im Nam-jin’s voice was heard on the radio of the whole army.

– Yes, yes? But what about the deputy commander?

start shooting.

The gun gates surrounding the Red Gate blew fire all at once. The scourge of fire swept away Im Nam-jin and the monsters at once.

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooug) to do!

Fireworks and smoke billowing out of it. Yoo-shin, who stood back, hardened his impression.

‘Even though it’s Im Nam-jin, isn’t this a bit dangerous?’

That was then. His voice was heard through the ear mic.

– Now. come in

Yoo-shin stepped on the leaf boots and ran without hesitation.

At the end of the world of thick smoke, countless monsters turned into stones and spread out, and Nam-Jin Lim defeated a giant monster the size of a building with one hand.

He leaned back and pointed to the gate.

“I ask for the president of the association.”

Yoo-shin grinned. After all, the world was wide.

“I’ll go.”

Thanks to a certified second-class escort, Yoo-shin succeeded in entering the Red Gate with almost no mana consumption.

* * *

Enter the Red Gate.

Hundreds of meters from the entrance where Yoo-shin entered, the corpses of the bombed monsters were forming a mountain.

In the meantime, some monsters were still alive, and high-ranking monsters that could resist radiation were walking out of the way through the exit.

‘I hope these clothes are applied properly.’

Like the defensive force field of the hunter suit, when the radiation protection suit was switched on, a green curtain surrounded the body. There was also a purification function inside, so breathing was no problem.

‘Let’s get out of here for now.’

Yoo-shin turned on the wing golem and took off.

Some monsters found Yoo-shin and attacked from a distance, but he was able to easily outrun the winggolem by raising the maximum speed.

It wasn’t difficult to get out of the exposure zone, but it was hard to know where to go.

The dungeon looked down from the sky stretched endlessly beyond the horizon.

And monsters from all over this wide space were flocking to the Red Gate exit.

The appearance of the monsters running through the vast wasteland, raising a thick layer of dust, gave me goosebumps.

At first, I needed some small clue.

Yoo-shin expanded the functions of the Daeva’s eyes and looked closely around him.

Just in time, he found a group of people heading towards the Red Gate.

‘Why are you coming back towards the entrance? Are you a loser?’

Yoo-shin quickly flew towards it.

“Uh, huh?”

“Who is coming!”

The hunters were very wary and aimed their weapons at Yoo-shin. Yoo-shin raised his arms and said.

“This is the communication team hunter sent by the deputy commander.”

He said, waving the badge of the vice commander that Im Nam-jin had given him. Then people breathed a sigh of relief.(Read more @

“Ho, is this a formal retreat order?”

“I can’t tell you because it’s top secret, but it’s not a retreat.”

The Hunters’ faces hardened.

“So where are you going?”

There are about 15 vehicles, and about 50 escort hunters. They answered in a creepy, creeping voice.

“There are a lot of serious injuries, so we’re going back for treatment.”

Was it also a sledgehammer? Yoo-shin nodded softly.

“I want to help too, but I have a mission. Could you tell me the location of the main unit?”

Yoo-shin received a device from the signal operator that displayed the coordinates of the location within the dungeon.

“Please be careful.”

“Thank you. But there are a lot of monsters at the exit, so it wouldn’t be normal to get out? Isn’t it safe to just stick with the president of the association?”

At Yoo-shin’s question, some hunters slowly looked at them and said.

“The situation has gotten a lot worse now.”

“Has it gotten worse?”

“This dungeon is a dungeon that cannot be cleared. There is no doubt about the strength of the president of the association, but his stamina is not infinite.”

Saying that, the Hunters set off again.

‘It is a dungeon that cannot be cleared.’

It just feels that way.

It’s a situation where you have to find a boss who might be there while dealing with monsters that flock to you in such a wide place.

It’s not that she’s giving up.

Judging by Hong-yeon’s personality, he might be trying to find out somehow.

“I, there…”

That was then. A strange female hunter was sticking her head out of her car.

“Did you call me?”

She nodded her head and got out of her car. Bandages were wrapped around her body and her legs were also limping, which looked seriously injured.

“Hunter Kim Yoo-shin, right?”

Yoo-shin blinked her eyes in embarrassment.

She turned off the water curtain to focus on the wing golem and pressed on her hood, but I didn’t expect anyone to recognize it in the midst of this.

She had nothing more to hide, so she answered frankly.

“Yes, that’s right.”


As she opened her mouth, she bit her lip.

“I’m definitely going to die here.”


“I think I have reached my limit mentally now. Please, please. Please save Yeon-i!”

Seeing that she calls Hong-yeon, the president of the association, ‘Yeon-i’, she seems to be her close confidant.

Seeing her desperate expression on her face, it was highly probable that Hong-yeon’s condition was not normal.

“Yes, leave it to me.”

Yoo-shin nodded her head once and then activated her wing golem to float her into the air.

It seemed she had to hurry before it was too late.

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