Chapter 295

It’s an SSSSS-class relic, so I folded my arms and looked at the Tree of Life.

“I know it’s great, but where are you going to use this?”

“The Tree of Life has various effects, but this is the most representative power.”

As Ea reached out her hand, a bottle of liquid flew out and landed in her hand.

“This is an aqueous solution containing monster poison ingredients.”

“What are you going to do with that?”

Ea opened the cap of the bottle and, without hesitation, sprinkled it on the flower bed with the Tree of Life. So Sim-hee and I made a startled sound.

“What is this?”

“Please wait a moment.”

The poison sprayed on the flower bed disappeared into the ground as if seeped into it.

And not long after, she said.

“Take care of your head.”


A fruit fell from the branch. I caught the fruit coming down in amazement.

It was about the size of an apple, and the skin had an intricate pattern, and it was a pinkish fruit.

“What is this?”

“The fruit of the World Tree that contains the detoxifying properties of the poison that was just sprayed.”

“…what, what?”

EA said with a smile.

“You can try it once.”


I looked at the mulberry fruit in my hand.

It was embarrassing, but… … Okay, so EA is going to try to kill me? He took a bold bite and ate it.


The dense juice bursts out of your mouth like a burst.

I felt at ease with the kind of sweetness I had never tasted before. My taste buds are fading away.

“Oh, this is crazy. Try it too, Mr. So Sim-hee. It’s really delicious!”

“Me too?”

She took the fruit I gave her and took a careful bite. Then she had the same expression as me before and shook her shoulder.

“Isn’t this sweet? How could it taste like this…”

As we sampled the berries, Ea slowly continued her explanation.

“The Tree of Life has a purifying effect. It can detoxify any evil power.”

“Wow! Then isn’t this like a panacea? If you just extract cancer cells and put them in a flower bed…”

“I can’t do that. Only diseases of the other world, which are mana-based, can be cured. Because the tree of life itself is a huge chunk of mana.”

I nodded. Even if you just sell this fruit to denials, you can make money, especially if you make and sell an antidote for disease… … .

“It’s a pity that even when you see this great product, you can only think of snobbery. Topju.”

“I can’t help it.”

I took the research file out of the bookshelf and opened it.

“The 7th floor is so difficult that I don’t know how to use it. Except for eating honey-flavoured fruits…”

[Implementation of a diffusion network using a horsepower-based spatial filter]

I stopped talking. The title of the experiment caught my eye from the file I opened without thinking.

The theory that artifacts are created centered on magic crystals, and a special diffusion network is constructed in the form of waves.

I seriously turned the page.

[As a result of the study, there is a limit to the holding power of the wavelength with only artifacts. It requires a whole new kind of medium.][Galactic calendar 35034. 10. 017. Research suspended.]


“Yes, Top Master.”

“Put up the recruitment notice for researchers right now. The fields are biology and mechanical engineering. Regardless of nationality or affiliation. Get them all by paying twice your salary, no, four times.”

So Shim-hee narrowed her eyes, and EA nodded her head.


“I’m going to start a completely new project. It’s called physics engineering and biotechnology research sponsored by Magic Tower. It’s okay to bring out all the stories that might appeal to scientists.”

Scientists who like money and scientists who are interested in new technologies are all going to be caught. I don’t have the time to slow down industrial espionage, but it’s well worth the risk.

“Even in Magic Tower and Arcane, all those with engineering-related characteristics or related knowledge are recruited and sent to the 7th floor. Among the wizards, we need a suitable person.”

“Follow orders.”

Ea disappeared with the halo.

I looked at the files again and saw So Sim-hee standing next to me, looking embarrassed.

“Ah, I’m sorry. If I’m stuck on just one, I’ll be crazy…”

I stopped talking. She suddenly looked at me with a terrifying expression.

“…is the representative really the representative?”

In an instant, a tingling sensation ran through my body.

“Yes? Oh, yes. It’s really me.”

She nodded her head slightly.

The atmosphere was relaxed. did it really happen? I asked stunned.

“Why? Do you think I’m fake?”

“No, really nothing.”

Since I’m back after 5 years, the question itself is not strange.

However, the fact that this time at Red Gate or that EA, who woke up from dormancy, obeyed my orders, has dispelled such doubts.

Because it wasn’t something a fake could copy.

‘I don’t know what So Shim-hee is thinking, I need to get closer.’

I coughed and said.

“Mr. Sosim-hee is active in the global guild ‘Guardian’ in New York? Do you have any plans to return to the horse tower?”

She nodded her head slightly.

“…Yes, I want to go back if possible.”

Fortunately, the negotiations seem to be going well.

It seems that life in America is not so satisfying.

She is a certified 2nd grader and can transform into a dragon, so if she enters her tower, she will gain considerable power.

You can’t miss her either.

“We’ll take care of not only the salary increase, but also the placebo issue. Then, if So Shim-hee returns…”

I thought about the empty seat for a moment, then said.

“The meteorological design bureau on the 4th floor and the mana mine on the 6th floor. Which one do you prefer more?”

She made a surprised expression.

“Hey, am I the manager?”

“That’s right! When you’re about Sim-hee So, you should of course be a manager.”

“How can I get such a key job…”

She wiggled her fingers as if she wasn’t confident.

She couldn’t find the majestic golden dragon that flew through the sky and burned down monsters at will, and she was still a timid character.

“Think about So Shim-hee’s career. She’s the 5th magician and the world’s strongest person with metamorphosis. Anyone would think it’s an honor to work with So Shim-hee.”


She thought about it for quite some time, then said.

“How about Sa-rang Kim and Jo Yong-hee?”

“I will also recommend the two of them to manager positions. Kim Sa-rang said that the fourth floor is more comfortable, and Cho Yong-hee is going to ask about it tomorrow.”

“Well, then I’ll decline the 4th floor.”

She said, bowing her head.

“I’m not confident because I only learned transformation magic-related systems. In field magic, Sa-rang Kim is much better than me.”

“Yeah, then I’ll see.”

That’s how I ended my interview with So Sim-hee.

When she said, ‘You’re welcome to go back’, she ran away without looking back.

Out of all the people I’ve seen, he was the most unchanging person in 5 years.

“Top Master.”

Ea appeared from the air.

She said, “I’ve posted a notice for the research TF team with the secretary. We’ll start recruiting as soon as the details are in place.”

“Yeah, well done.”

I sat down on a nearby chair.

EA flew past me and fluttered. On her tray she brought was her snack.

Today’s snack was burdock chips.

“After all, I can’t do it without you.”

She asked while I was biting into the crunchy burdock chips.

“How did So Shim-hee look?”


I shrugged my chin and pondered. her voice came to mind.

-… … Is the representative really the representative?

I can hardly forget her face as she looked at me while asking that question.

What emotions was she feeling at that time? suspicion? anger? sadness?


If you ask which one it is, she was close to ‘void’.

“Ugh, I don’t know. How would I know what happened during the five-year hiatus?”

“I have a question. Topju.”

She said.

“Jin Bo-ra, Jeong Seo-jin, and Eun-sol. If the three aren’t Ma-in, aren’t Samia and the 4th floor team most likely? I wonder why you want to give them key positions again.”

“The biggest goal is to immediately secure a sense of power.”

I said, reaching for the burdock chip rack.

“Think about it. It’s called Nemesis in 6 months. It takes too long to find and nurture each person individually. The 4th floor team has proven their skills and the chemistry with the existing members is good. There’s no reason to use someone else. there isn’t.”

“i See.”

“And another reason, from my point of view, it’s easier to find out about keeping it close and observing than sending it away.”(Read more @

When I put the burdock chip in my mouth and chewed it, I heard a crunching sound.

“Don’t worry too much, Ea. Until Nemesis arrives, we will unconditionally find it.”

* * *

drive in a flash

I am driving through downtown Seoul in a car supported by Mt. The driver took the steering wheel, and in the backseat, me and Cho Yong-hee were both riding.

“If Jo Yong-hee returns to the tower, it will be a great help.”

Of course, I made the same offer to him as the other members. Jo Yong-hee bowed his head and answered.

“I already belong…”

“Of course I know.”

As I mentioned again, Cho Yong-hee is a guild master who established a guild called ‘The Secret Drug’.

“I heard that the secret drug is also a wizard’s guild, but I am willing to accept all of the secret drugs as full-time employees and give up a floor. I will spare no effort to support you.”

“Uh, um…”

However, since I met So Sim-hee first and then Cho Yong-hee, dealing with these types of people became a little worthwhile.

I gave him plenty of time to think.

“Then So Shim-hee and Kim Sa-rang…”

“Yes. Both of you decided to return to the tower.”

Cho Yong-hee pressed her forehead with a conflicted expression.

“I don’t want an answer right now. It’s okay to think slowly and answer.”

“Oh, yes!”

“Or maybe you can find out why Cho Yong-hee is hesitating? I might be able to solve it.”

If Cho Yong-hee felt a sense of responsibility for the ‘drug drug’ he had established and wanted to remain, I was thinking of putting him in the control of the tower like an arcane, rather than consolidating it as the next best thing. Otherwise, I plan to tie it up as an alliance guild.

Jo Yong-hee bowed her head and did not speak for a moment.

“I also really want to go back to the tower.”


“That, but…”

He grabbed his head and shook his head a couple of times. It seems to be extremely troublesome.

“…can I really tell you?”

“of course!”

“I think you’ll laugh when you hear it. I think you’ll think I’m stupid.”

“I’m not laughing. I promise. Please feel free to tell me about any minor issues.”

I used all my facial muscles to show the smile of an open-minded and tolerant boss.

Cho Yong-hee, who had hesitated, finally confessed.

“…I think a ghost lives in the tower.”

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