Chapter 325

[The Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Attack Squadron is a certified first-class Kim Yoo-shin Hunter in Korea!]

Reporters murmured from the TV. And.


Enthusiastic cheers erupted around me.

“That’s great! Commander-in-Chief of the world!”

“Are you the best brother on earth now?”

“Of course, the Lord Matthew must do it!”

Seeing people’s reactions, I laughed bitterly.

‘… … Phil, are you coming out like this?’

In a large-scale expeditionary force that is mobilized around the world, it is customary for the most powerful hunter to sit in the position of ‘commander-in-chief’.

Since the tactical and strategic part is mainly in charge of military experts, the commander-in-chief Hunter has a great symbolic meaning.

A strong candidate that comes to mind is ‘Gabriel’, who is temporarily called the world’s strongest hunter after Hongyul has disappeared.

Although he may be pushed back by his own strength, ‘Franz’, the leader of many global guilds.

Other than that, Pharaoh Han Yun-jeong, who is dominating Africa, and Hong Yeon, a young hunter who has shown the hottest performance in the last five years and is hitting the ground at a frightening speed, are people convincing people to do.

However, a young man who had just become a certified first-class man was placed in the position of commander-in-chief.

And more importantly, I am now a controversial figure in the Bahrain case.

The wizards cheered, but the reporters in the conference room were murmuring with obvious bewilderment faces.

Questions arose immediately.

[Why did you put the terrorist on the top of the human race!][Isn’t this a decision that ignores the international situation? Middle Eastern countries that hate Kim Yoo-shin may not participate in the raid. What do you think about this?][ Kim Yoo-shin is not the world commander-in-chief, and even his official first-class qualification has a problem!]

Phil sighed and opened his mouth.

[Are you eligible? Master Kim Yoo-shin is the first person to share magic with the world, and the hero who saved the world time and time again. I don’t need to explain his skills or achievements.]

Phil looked at the other reporter.

[And above all else, he is also the most active official level 1 in this Nemesis. Look at what Kim Yoo-shin has accomplished in such a short time.]

A reporter raised his hand and shouted.

[Achievements? Could it be interpreted that the head of the federation made a statement in support of the terrorism in Bahrain?][It was not a terrorist act, it was an act of justice. 0 civilian deaths and the property of the demons were submerged. As a result of that side effect, many Middle Eastern countries were liberated from Mine. If it wasn’t for him, six months later, the Middle East would be doomed and all strategic nuclear weapons would have been dropped around the world.][Still, it is not true that coercive means were used. Isn’t it the same as a robber who puts a gun to his head and tells him to listen to me?][Your opponent is the worst criminal who aims to destroy mankind. What are you going to do with coercive means even if a nuclear weapon falls on your head?]

As much as Phil placed me in the position of commander-in-chief, he accepted criticism and actively defended me.

[There is no redundancy. The decision of the Federation is firm. The Federation has no doubt that the raid team led by Kim Yoo-shin will save the world.]

Then the phone rang in my pocket.

It was a communication from Shinnara.

-Congratulations! When should I catch a flight to Switzerland?

I replied with a giggle.

“I’ll just go to Warp. Please prepare for the interview.”

-Yep! We will prepare a thorough list of expected questions!


A busy journey ahead of Nemesis has begun. A press conference was held at the headquarters of the Federation in Switzerland.

While the reporters lined up, I opened the warp and showed a performance.

“I will definitely win.”

“I do not intend to leave the composition of the raid to the autonomy. All Hunters with a certified level 3 or higher are eligible.”

“I don’t think the attack on Bahrain is wrong. The tower can do anything to save lives.”

I think I cooked well in my own way, but I was exhausted after dealing with reporters after a long time.

After concisely finishing the interview, we headed to the conference room of the Federation Headquarters.

The next meeting awaits.

Accredited first-class meeting.

“This is it.”

I followed the directions into the room.

In rather dim lighting, five men and women were sitting in luxurious seats and glaring at me.

Life, a sense of intimidation, and superpowers are swirling.

Official Level 1 Unofficial Ranking.

1st place, Gabriel Garcia Rodriguez.

Second place, Franz.

Fifth place, the king.

8th place, Seraph.

9th place, Firefly.

Of the 10, including myself, 6 people participated.

Phil said that the level of participation in this first-level meeting was unprecedented. It is common for unruly certified first-class people to attend meetings with an average of two people.

It would have been scary in the past, but I had a similar experience at a World Guild meeting once before, so it was just a joke.

“I’m Kim Yoo-shin.”

I strode through them, and sat in the center commander-in-chief, crossed my legs.

“I don’t have time, so shall I go straight to the main topic? This is the target of recruiting all certified 1st graders. I hope you do your best to attack Nemesis this time. That’s ideal.”


There was an eerie silence in the room.

“Wait, matop lord.”

Franz opened his mouth. He was a westerner with thick brown hair reminiscent of a lion’s head.

“Did you know what kind of seat this place is?”

“I know.”

I said as I rubbed the nails of my index finger.

“Isn’t it like a tea party for the top hunters?”


Franz’s expression darkened.

“There’s nothing the kid can’t see…”


The blonde woman who restrained Franz looked at me.

Seraph, the strongest man in the gravitational field.

“Are you showing such a rude attitude because you’re the commander-in-chief? We’re not under your command, and we don’t care about the bravery given by the Federation. You’re in a position to ask us to participate.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

I supported the back of my head with one hand.

“Then tell me honestly. What do you want? Money? Honor? Lee Kwon? Or do you want me to rub even my crooked palms because I’m afraid of your life?”



That was then.

A man who had been sitting quietly all the time, a man covered in esoteric and dizzying tattoos, raised his head.

The current strongest hunter, Gabriel Garcia Rodriguez.

“I’m not interested in this war.”

“It’s good. It makes more sense this way.”

There are ups and downs in a person’s life, and as they go through the ups and downs, wrinkles form in their thoughts and values.

Every human being is bound to be twisted somewhere. They are only suppressing their nature, but in fact, there can be any person or any person.

In that sense, these certified first graders are the highest peaks of twisted people.

To be honest, I don’t think it’s possible to become a certified first-class sane person.

You have to slaughter tens of thousands of hundreds of millions of monsters, go back and forth between two dimensions as if you were going to a local convenience store, and cross countless deadlines.

These people are the monsters created by accumulating such karma.

People who have gone through a twist that is so deep that ordinary people can’t even imagine, and people who are somewhere crazy to keep themselves in that state.

These twisted monsters are no longer driven by money, love, or honor.

Interesting as Gabriel said.

Or, you need to give each person a proper motivation to move.

They were interested in me, so they came to my summons, which I did not have to respond to.

If they feel disappointed in me here, they will leave without regret.

“Then let me tell you a few things.”

“Hmmmm,” I said, clearing my throat.

“This catastrophe Nemesis is the end of your hunter career. Whether you clear Nemesis or not, this is the end. There is no after that.”

“…where did you hear that?”

“I can’t tell you the specifics because it’s top secret, but I’ll tell you what I heard firsthand from the Oracle. So, you have to burn the last flame, right? Gabriel”

I looked at Gabriel and continued.

“Aren’t you looking for a place to die?”

“…you know more than you see.”

“Yes, I know a lot about you. The point is that this is the last catastrophe, and there are only two endings, whether the Earth survives or not. Then I’ll ask again.”

I said clenching my fists.

“Do I need to beg you to join the war?”


“I don’t like it, so I won’t participate in the raid. Oh, do whatever you want. There is also the freedom to commit suicide. But what is certain is that this Nemesis is a disaster with a higher probability of extinction than the probability of human victory, and your participation It is a fact that, apart from that, there is no choice but to create a raiding force for mankind.”

“You are really mistaking something.”

Gabriel got up.

“I’m not interested in disaster.”

“So what?”

“Sleep right now.”

His eyes blazed as if on fire.

“If you want to write me, prove it.”

fighting spirit.

“Hey, uncle, you’re talking right after a long time.”

said Franz.

“You don’t want to crouch under your blue little boss? What do you mean you’re going to beat us up and become the captain?”


“It’s not up to me to know what’s going on or what.”

The white haired man’s eyes lit up.(Read more @

“let’s play together.”


“I don’t think I need to talk too long.”

I got up from my seat with a smile on my face.

“Everyone get out.”

* * *

Hong Yeon, who was busy preparing to dispatch mines, asked the Federation for permission in advance and arrived at the Swiss headquarters a little late.

Since he became the president of the association, it is the headquarters of the federation, which he often visits, but it was unusually chaotic today.

The name Kim Yoo-shin is also often heard.

I began to have an uneasy feeling that this person might have had an accident again.

She contacted her secretary-general Phil and she asked what had happened.

– This is so… … There is a problem.

The foreshadowing was right.

Existing certified first graders with strong self-esteem did not recognize Yoo-shin sitting in the commander-in-chief, so Yoo-shin took them and disappeared somewhere.

Yoo-shin just told Phil.

-The president expected that the first-class would come out like this, right? I will implement my own means of persuasion.

Hearing those words, Hong-yeon felt extremely anxious.

As soon as she told Phil of her place, she went over there with the help of the warp wizards Yoo-shin had attached.

An island in the Spratly Archipelago.

Hong Yeon was startled as soon as she passed the warp gate.

The trees had been uprooted and were rolling on the floor, and the sky was covered in black smoke. And in the middle of these ruins someone sat.


Lightning flashed from the gray sky, and the surroundings were brightened.

Hong-yeon opened her eyes. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

1st Gabriel.

2nd Franz.

5th king.

Above the first-class hunters lying on the floor one by one, a man in a colorful blue coat was sitting.

Curl rumble!

Lightning struck again, and a man’s face appeared.

A gloomy smile hung on his lips.

“Are you here? Yuna.”

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