Chapter 327

Fair magic transforms into a completely new magic as one process is added to the ecosystem.

It is a bonus that the construction difficulty rises exponentially.

What I learned this time is the 8-step magic that combines eight ecosystems.

The 8-step magic cannot handle all eight ecosystems, so it gives up on maintaining the shape of the ecosystem.

A continuation of nonsense mixed at random. It’s terribly complex and cannot be reduced to an equation or a system of logic, but once you understand it, it’s no longer complicated.

This is the basis of ‘chaos’ that Anton said.

It is different from the creation of the 7th process.

Creation is creating something that already exists in this world, while chaos creates something that is not in another world.

In other words, it is the power to create or destroy another world.

I jumped up from my seat. He created a mana chalk, held it in his hand, and drew on the wall the chaotic formula of the eighth process in his head.

Every time the mana chalk strokes a wall, it leaves a clear blue mark.

I wrote down the formulas without hesitation.

heart beats Laughs like crazy

His arms are moving as if possessed by a ghost. Two arms are not enough. At times like this, I think it would be nice to have about ten.

It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced over-immersion.

And when you wake up.


It was when I heard Jinbora’s voice.

It was then that I realized that I had stayed up all night.


Belatedly, the dizziness set in.


Jinbora ran up to her and supported her.

“I really can’t live! Are you okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“What is all this?”

Jinbora’s pupils looking around her were shaking. Then I looked around too.

Equations drawn with mana chalk were drawn on almost all the walls of the 7th floor.

Later on, I was too frustrated to do it with two arms, so I used remote cast to hold ten chalks at a time.

So it’s like this The whole wall was filled with formulas.

“This is the key to overcoming the ordeal of the 8th floor. And…”

I looked at Jinbora and smiled.

“This is the key to attacking Nemesis.”

She spoke confidently, but what came back was her sigh.

“Nemesis is good, but you need to rest for a while. What’s the use if you’re short-lived before the world is destroyed?”

Jinbora looked around her and spoke.

“Ea-san too, if you over-immerse yourself in this person, please stop him.”

“I couldn’t dry it.”

Ea came down from the air with a halo.

“Tapju has just attained the great enlightenment of reaching the eighth stage. If it had dried up here, it may have taken many more years to attain enlightenment again.”

“…they seem to be starting to look alike.”

I got up with a helpless laugh.

“Then I’ll try again tomorrow, ah. Capture all of these formulas.”


* * *

And the very next day.

Without further ado, it’s a decisive battle.

[You have to pass an ordeal to get to the next floor.][Would you like to challenge the ordeal?]


We passed through the darkness again and arrived at the ruins.

He rested well throughout the day and his body is in perfect condition. I raised my magic.

First, I turned on the maester and scattered feathers around it. Feathers stuck to the floor, creating an 8-step magic circle.

This is a speed game.

Hong Yeon arrived in 3 minutes, so I had to finish it before that.

The magic circle of 8 process magic is different from other magic circles in appearance. It is not connected with formulas and magic circuits, but looks like a child’s scribbles, in which formulas are entangled in a messy and messy manner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I took a deep breath and then looked straight ahead.

I hear footsteps in the dark.

My heart is beating fast with tension. The fear of death, created by repeated learning several times, wriggles to encroach on my head.

– Top owner. Completed.


I activated the magic without hesitation. Then, a barrier unfolded around the magic circle and wrapped around me.

At the same time, Hong Yeon appeared in the dark.

‘… … It was close.’

She looked at the curtain around me with her cold eyes.

“You are using a strange power. Are you Nemesis?”

I did not answer, and she lowered her posture.

“It’s good. If you disappear, it’s all over.”

As she unleashed a sword, a straight sword strike flew in her direction.

The very technique that pierced my heart and blew my throat so many times. A stack of red light that can rip any defense magic.



blocked this time.

No, to be more precise, it leaked.

The sword strike that hit my barrier slipped right back.

This is not just a concept like a shield. Hong Yeon and I are facing each other, but we are in completely different worlds.

Since it cannot interfere with this world with the power that was blown from that world, it passed as it was.

She looked at me with a surprised expression.

“Come on, don’t be afraid and come in!”

I expanded the universe around me. Her membrane swelled in an instant and swallowed her.

She shut her eyes tightly, as if preparing for her shock, but there would be no resistance.

She opened her eyes and looked around her.

This is a white sandy beach. It is a tropical landscape with the sea roaring and roaring and palm trees swaying in the wind.

“Are you at peace?”

I said with my arms wide open.

“Welcome to my world.”

She straightened her sword and looked at me.

And I am finally feeling it.

She is no longer protected by the world. Even her magical powers are not attracted to her.

That’s right.



It sounds like I can now show my skills.

Feathers fell like rain of flashes from the countless magic circles in front of me.

She swung her sword and struck it. The sight of countless red sword strikes unfolding in the air was definitely a movement close to the extreme, like a real Hongyeon.



Feathers stuck in her thighs.

Whoops! Whoops!

Locked into her shoulders and abdomen. Her impression is fading away.

‘Isn’t something strange?’

This is ‘my world’. Strictly speaking, I am the creator of this space.

The rules of the world I just set. Gravity in this world is constantly changing.

The strength of a swordsman is the karma that has been accumulated through countless training and repeated battles.

However, as swinging a sword on the ground is different from swinging a sword in the water, the swordsman is vulnerable to changes in the environment.

Although Hong Yeon’s unique adaptability is difficult, I am shaking her balance by changing the gravity here every second.

As the 8th process becomes more proficient, various treaties can be inserted, but for now, it is just a sleight of hand. Nevertheless, it can be fatal to opponents of the same type as Hongyeon.

More and more feathers are pierced, and red blood seeps out of her suit.


Eventually she drew up her magic power, radiating her red light in the form of a tornado, blocking her feathers.

It’s a mistake. Here, as before, mana does not fill up no matter how much power is used.

I can win just by persuading her to keep using that skill.

Hong Yeon also noticed the fact that she was running out of mana and escaped her saturation point while the tornado maintained. It is accelerating and running around me at a formidable speed.

I follow her movements with Daeva’s eyes.

“Ha ha ha!”

Her sword slammed in every second and fell vertically.

I lightly tapped her shoulder to avoid it. The subsequent sword strike also tilted her head and lifted her legs to avoid it. Hong Yeon’s complexion hardened more and more.

If it were, seeing her sword and avoiding it would be infinitely close to impossible.

But I keep changing her gravity and air resistance applied to her in this world. Even while swinging the sword, the trajectory changes over and over again.

‘It feels good.’

In a world where I was at a disadvantage, now I am fighting in a world where I have an overwhelming advantage. Everything became comfortable.

I dodged the swinging sword, then stretched out her arm and snatched her white wrist.

“These clothes are also high-performance.”

A blue coat made of Ma Esther’s power tied her wrists, and the rest fixed to her floor.

I step back, and Hong-yeon is struggling to get out of her blueprint.

I immediately turned on the wing golem and leapt into the sky at full speed.

And EA finished loading the magic circle she was preparing for the Specter. The next magic to be used is the 7th Stage of Earth System.

She fluttered her red hair and looked back at her.

the ground has risen It’s not like I’d call it a bump.(Read more @

The ground was bent upwards as if the space had been distorted. Just by turning your head, you can see the land, the sea, and the forest.

I clenched my fist.

The ground that came up from the left and right was rolled up and occupied up to the ceiling, and gathered towards the center as it is.

Dude Dude Duk Duk Duk Duk!

She became a giant earthen ball made of the ground, and she was trapped inside. I twisted my clenched hand to the side.

It’s hard!

The size of the single ball was halved in seconds. That pressure must have been transmitted to Hong Yeon.

I kept applying pressure. The size of the earthen ball that gets smaller with a crackling sound has been reduced to 1/3 of its original size. The sand falls to the floor like dust.

‘It’s hard.’

I lowered my arms and exhaled.

At that moment, a red light began to leak out of the hole.


Hong Yeon, who broke the ball, rushed at me using a red light as a booster.

I also increased the speed of her wing golem to the maximum to widen the distance from her, and took out her 1st step rapid arrow almost indefinitely and fired it.

Her suit has been destroyed. In order not to get an arrow into my skin, I have to wear a red light flag around my body, and to catch up with me, I have to burn a red light flag.

Red Light is one of the unique abilities with extremely poor mana efficiency. Other times it wouldn’t have been a problem, but this is my world.

In other words, my strategy against Hong-yeon can be summarized in only two ways.

Avoid face-to-face matches.

her dry her to death

* * *

Still, Hong Yeon was Hong Yeon.

Even as she ran away, she had to overcome the danger of her death over and over again due to the ranged sword she wielded. If I hadn’t changed her natural values ​​that applied to her, such as her gravity and air resistance, she would be on my side first.

After such a long hide and seek.


The strategy worked. Hong Yeon was on her knees, panting her breath, with her sword nailed to the floor.

‘Because it’s ridiculous.’

Even though it looks like this, it is a body that has won against the top three first-class public figures. Even so, he could not even dare to face a head-to-head match against Hong Yeon.

even though it’s fake.

This result even though I brought it into my world.

have no choice but to admit

she is stronger than me

That fact may not be the difference between victory and defeat, but it was the reality.

‘I’m sorry.’

I raised my index finger.

Earth Claymore rose from the floor and pierced her heart.

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