Chapter 336

Yoo-shin was walking in a new continent.

He had long forgotten neither thirst nor tiredness.

She just walked aimlessly.

Yoo-shin, who has reached the 8th stage, currently has three ‘other worlds’.

The first is the 8th floor, the world created by the Lee Ga-won.

The second is the world of time applied inside the horse tower.

The third and final space is a unique space created by Yoo-shin through 8 processes.

A blank world that erases everything except itself and one object.

At the same time, it was an inviolable world that maximized the beta tendency of the 8 process and prevented anything from interfering.

Yoo-shin reduced this inviolable world to the extreme, making it barely covering his own body, and he walked while maintaining this state.

This was Yoo-shin’s only way to cross the new continent.

– Creepy!

Even high-ranking monsters in the new continent could not do anything about Yoo-shin. Although they were close in terms of distance, Yoo-shin and the monsters were in a completely different world.

Of course, maintaining 8-step magic for a long period of time consumes enormous mental power, so Yoo-shin came up with a trick.

That is, while maintaining the 8-step magic and walking, he is entering the conscious world.

He developed his existing ‘Requiem’ magic as an instance version and applied it to himself.

Although Yoo-shin’s eyes were blurry and out of focus as he was walking in the New World.

“Oh, this is fun!”

In fact, he entered the conscious world.

He was lying comfortably on the sofa in his pajamas, scratching his thigh with one hand and holding the remote control in the other.

Yoo-shin’s past videos were playing on the TV.

“Yeah, yeah! That’s it! Oh, I should have beaten up Frost more then!”

Next to Yoo-shin, who was watching TV, a woman with grass on her skin cut her fruit and brought it.


All around Yoo-shin, his colleagues were resting comfortably.

The ‘water-soaked old woman’ looked in the mirror and carefully trimmed her golden hair, while the ‘fat baby’ was devouring the meat from his hands.

‘The man with a split body’ and ‘the man with a broken neck’ were sitting on the floor playing card games.

Now the man who had lost his neck had his neck reattached, but instead he wore something like a mechanical coffin over his head.



Suddenly, the room shook unsteadily, and the world of consciousness began to blur.

Frames hanging on the wall and books on the shelves fell down. Yoo-shin fell off the sofa and rolled on her floor.


Yoo-shin, who raised her body, smiled embarrassedly.

“I’m sorry everyone. I must have stumbled somewhere else.”

Her colleagues laughed cheerfully. ‘The man with the crown on his head’ was angry that he had ruined the card game he was winning, but everyone seemed to not care much.

Yoo-shin climbed up on the sofa again.

“Uh, it’s already over. Then, on to the Healer Alliance side…”


A knock was heard at the door. Yoo-shin was like, ‘Oh really!’ and slapped her on her knee and lifted her body up.

“Now, kids, pay attention! I’ll introduce you to a new friend.”

The door opened and the ‘man who became ashes’ entered the room. He was charred all over his body, and only two holes of his white snow were pierced.

“He’s a friend we’ll always be with. I hope you don’t fight and get along well. Come on, applause!”

Colleagues clapped and whistled.

The ashes of the man came forward, scratching the back of his head in shame. And he bowed his head politely to everyone.

After the introduction, Yoo-shin lay down on the sofa again and picked up the remote control.

– Top owner.

Ea’s voice was heard.

In the conscious world, Ea’s voice echoed through the room like a speaker.

“Yeah, ah. I’m listening.”

-… … Is this the world of Tapju’s consciousness?

“As you can see.”

– I can’t believe it. How many years in a place like this… … .

Yoo-shin gave a light smile.

“It’s okay. I was awkward at first too, so I struggled a bit.

Yoo-shin picked up a piece of meat that had fallen on the floor and hurled it backwards. The ‘fat baby’ jumped up like a dolphin and bit the piece of meat in its mouth.

“It’s okay to stay here because I’m used to it. The kids are nice too.”

-… … Please stay strong.

“How about outside?”

– Things are not so good.

* * *

[6, 000, 000, 000 : 6, 000, 000, 000][49: 59: 59]

Another billion died.

After several days of terrifying second offensive, a grace period of 50 hours was given.

Secretary-General Phil held a large-scale countermeasure meeting in which all influential people from around the world participated.

Because the second offensive was so fierce, the whole world was showing enthusiasm for the raid. The teleporters were busily moving and transported officials to Switzerland.

The members of the meeting include the heads of associations from each country, certified first-class hunters, global management heads, and even the defense ministers.

All the people called me were gathered, but they all didn’t look good.

“No, if that’s the case, then why did you disband the raid?”

Franz, a certified first-class, raised his voice.

“If you set off as planned, you should be holding Nemesis and resting at home!”

“Isn’t that overly optimistic?”

Lucia, a certified second-class and Vatican Arc Bishop, spoke up.

“What could we have done in the New World with a small force the size of a rat without the United States and China? It is better now that we can take countermeasures rather than throwing troops away in vain.”

“The problem is that I didn’t even try because I was afraid of the leverage.”

The official first-class Wangya continued with a loud yawn.

“The disbanding of the commander-in-chief’s raid was a rash decision.”

“Oh, you’re frivolous and you can’t play the game after sleeping! Don’t you have to eat poop to know the taste?”

Pharaoh Yun-jeong Han, who was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, opened her eyes.

“In the New World, there are only 5 million monsters with rank 7 or higher. At that time, breaking through with only troops would be nothing but death.”

“Even the pharaohs of the world bend their arms inward. Maybe it’s the same world guild.”

At the king’s prompt, she burst into laughter.

“It’s better than anyone who is narrow-minded who criticizes Kim Yoo-shin because it’s broken by 3:1.”

“Why is that sound now…!”


The noise in the hall subsided in an instant at the cry of thunder.

Gabriel Garcia Rodriguez, a wandering hunter who was sitting in the middle, raised his eyes.

“What does it mean for us to fight? Now is the time to put our heads together and come up with a solution.”

Gabriel turned his head to look at Secretary General Phil.

“Let the meeting go on.”

“Thank you.”

Phil bowed his head slightly to him and opened his mouth.

“Then I will start the 2nd raid briefing from now on. I will also tell you about the plans of Commander-in-Chief Kim Yoo-shin.”

Phil went on to explain step by step.

“The reason why the commander-in-chief disbanded the raid was for the purpose of the second raid. The commander-in-chief led the horse tower and the fortress to break through the Pacific Ocean and succeeded in removing the Fuhrer who was obstructing the process. Currently, he is breaking through the new continent alone. ”

The hunters exchanged glances while chattering.

“…everything was reported and received. Then what about the Tower and the Sky Castle?”

“Everyone has returned to their home countries. The gist of the strategy is that the commander-in-chief will reach the center of the new continent alone and summon all of the 2nd raid squad to the warp gate.”

“All the raid squad?”

murmur murmur murmur.

At that moment, a hunter raised his hand.

“Isn’t this a absurd plan? The commander-in-chief alone will break through over 5 million rank 7 monsters in the new continent?”

The American sign hunter, Hines, also made an impression.

“The New World is a dungeoned area. I know that both teleport and warp are blocked due to coordinate errors, so how is Kim Yoo-shin moving troops around the world alone?”

“I have something else to point out.”

A certified first-class seraph said.

“If warp was possible, it would have been good if Kim Yoo-shin moved to the new continent from the beginning. Why did he break through the Pacific Ocean? The words don’t match.”

It was certainly a reasonable suspicion, so everyone looked at Phil as if asking for an explanation. Phil said, rubbing his forehead.

“I’m not familiar with the magic part, so I don’t know the detailed principle. The commander-in-chief asked me to trust and wait.”

“… trust me and wait.”

Hunters’ impressions were frowned upon. Then bang the armrest! There was a man who hit and got up.(Read more @

“The picture is very clear-and clear. Isn’t it?”

Franz said with his arms wide open.

“Everyone, think about Kim Yoo-shin’s actions so far. Declaring war on the world without going too far, live broadcasting of the Bahrain incident, and even dismantling an intact attack squad. No matter how you think about it, it’s far from normal, right? And he was a vegetative person for five years. He suddenly recovered from unconsciousness, can anyone guarantee that his mental state is now 100% normal?”


As the surroundings became quiet, Franz raised his voice.

“I know the psychology of such assholes. I can solve this on my own again. It’s something that only I can do! I’m obsessed with that kind of compulsion, so I’m going to dismantle the raid without any countermeasures and let everyone else sleep. But now, if you trust and wait for this bastard, you will see blood.”


A girl rose from her seat, raising her hand.

“What do you think you know about Kim Yoo-shin?”

A certified second-class marigold, the head of the ghost squad. Five years later, she still had the look of her little girl, as if she had not aged.

“Hey, you guys are talking about it. Go over there and play, kid.”

As Franz waved her arms in annoyance, a loud laughter erupted from behind her.

“Whether it’s because of a desire for recognition or whatever, at least Kim Yoo-shin went to the new continent alone.”

Marie said steadfastly.

“Isn’t it funny that you, who ran away to your home country first as soon as the declaration of dismantling of the raid was announced, and bit Kim Yoo-shin over the issue of dismantling the raid?”

This time a loud laughter erupted from the other side of Franz. Franz’s face flushed red.

“This little boy…!”

“Come on, everyone. Calm down.”

At that moment, Duke Esper, a certified first-class fourth-ranked Duke Esper, clapped his hands and came forward.

“Fighting with emotions doesn’t help in resolving the situation. Rather, let’s gather our opinions.”

Skillfully catching people’s eyes, he looked around and continued.

“Let’s vote. If you think you can’t wait for the commander-in-chief here, please raise your hand.”

People raised their hands. Han Yun-jeong and some of the world guilds stood still, but most of the hunters raised their hands with their eyes open.

Han Yun-jung smirked and clicked her tongue, and Esper nodded his head.

“Actually, I personally want to trust the Commander-in-Chief, but I think that waiting for everything is too risky. No, it can be said that it is an irresponsible act as a hunter.”

Esper turned his head to look at his Phil.

“Sir. Even now, except for the Commander-in-Chief Kim Yoo-shin Hunter, I think we should form a second raid and enter the new continent.”


Phil looked into trouble with a hardened face.

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