Chapter 339

The advance of the human raiding corps to hunt nemesis has begun. There is now less than 30km left to the core area where Nemesis is located.

And the monsters in the New World that protect Nemesis are all ‘Ultio’ series.

It is a monster with opposite external and internal appearance, covered with white bones from head to toe, with skin and muscles inside.

Ultio is a demon that hunters hate the most, and the weakest individual is Rank 7.

If they appeared as normal cracks, they would be enough to destroy a city before a 3rd-level hunter came to stop them.

From small to very large in size, the shape and combat techniques used are also different.

It was by no means an easy opponent, but hunters from all over the world were united and advancing through the offensive of monsters.

While the battle was going on for a while, Yoo-shin was resting inside the ‘shelter’ of the lion fleet.

No one objected that he took a break. He’s already done more than that, serving as the commander-in-chief of humanity.

“Are you okay? Senior.”

“It’s okay. I’m just a little tired.”

Next to him was Hong Yeon.

In her case, Yoo-shin came forward and requested a physical arrangement, saying that it was a key card in the Nemesis game. Because it was Yoo-shin’s words, who made a great operation a success, it was accepted this time as well.

‘It depends on Hong-yeon’s performance in the future.’

Plans after nemesis are only possible by eliminating nemesis. As a guardian, she had to play a big role in this boss fight.



“Lie down and relax.”

She knelt down on her knees and slowly laid her Yoo-shin’s head on her own lap. Yoo-shin, who felt a soft touch on the back of her head, blinked in embarrassment.

“Uh, are you doing this?”

“Yes, but this is the last time.”

She blushed and turned her gaze away.

“…don’t look this way because it’s embarrassing. Lay down.”

“Pillows are in high demand.”

Immediately, Hong Yeon’s harsh punishment followed, and Yoo-shin rolled around with an aaaaaaaaaaaah sound.

Meanwhile, outside the shelter, the battle was in full swing. The monsters of the new continent were powerful one by one, but the momentum of mankind was explosive.

“Come on, get out! Get out!”

Han Yun-jeong flew into the sky and swung her arms like a windmill.

A large sand pit appeared, and sand sergeants poured madly into it. The monsters pierced through the blade and exploded.

– Mobile battleship, start firing.

Air flagships made with advanced American technology poured out missiles. As if ridiculing the common sense that missile firepower would not work from rank 5 monsters, they were detonating a large number of rank 7 monsters.

And there was a gray old medieval sailing ship, flying proudly alone among the air flagships, the pinnacle of state-of-the-art technology.

Gray shells flying from the ghost ship comfortably surpassed the air flagship in efficiency alone.

The magic of the monsters caught in the explosion evaporated and collapsed, and the hunters on the ground easily pierced their hearts.

“Neither can we lose! Let’s go!”

This time, the aerial squadron of the horse tower led by Ha Ye-rin appeared from the Fortress. Wizards using the power of Icarus flew at high speed and dropped their magic.

The body of the monsters burned and disappeared, and on top of that, Adam, an android, aimed a wand device and fired a particle accelerator to hunt a large monster.

“What is that?”


The hunters murmured and looked up at the sky. As it was the last war, it was the appearance of a large-scale adoption of advanced weapons of mankind.

– Multiple enemies found at 4 o’clock!

-This is Arc Bishop, I’ll go.

White horses flying in the sky, reminiscent of Pegasus in the subordinate, led the carriage. Although ranged attacks poured in from various places, the wagon smoothly avoided it and finally arrived at the target area.

And Arc Bishop Lucia grabbed the cross necklace.

A huge cross that came down from the sky fell on the ground, and nearly 100 rank 7 monsters exploded all at once.

An enthusiastic cheer erupted from the friendly formation.

-Good! Good! Let’s go!

– At the 9 o’clock position, 20 Ultier aerial types were captured!

-I’m coming.

The strongest telekinesis talent, certified first-class Samuel, spread his arms.

The monsters cling to each other as if a magnet were working, and then their bodies were shattered and disappeared.

Humanity had an overwhelming advantage in air power.

-9 o’clock clear.

– The right to offer has been secured! Just look ahead and run!

Hunters were all excited. Since I was born, I was fighting with the legends I thought I would see once.

It was the first time in human history that so many first-class public figures had gathered in one place.

“Fire support is not a joke. It’s too easy, isn’t it?”

“Let’s go all the way to Nemesis!”

But soon trouble struck. The hunters, who were running without hesitation, unknowingly swallowed their saliva and stopped walking.

“…Yeah, it can’t be this easy.”

Thousands of Ultio Legions perched on the hill stood in their way.

Besides, it doesn’t run away even when it sees humans. Hunters were also momentarily overwhelmed by the appearance of maintaining the formation and tactical movement.

– Do not hesitate.

Gabriel’s voice was heard through the ear microphone.

-Have you already forgotten? 5 billion will die Even at this moment, our families, close friends, and neighbors are being murdered on the continent.

Hunters clenched their teeth and gave strength to the hand holding the hunting device.

-Have a will, and have a will to kill. And take pride as humanity’s last resort.

The exalted hunters shouted.

-All hunters with shield devices pop out!

-Hunters specializing in melee warfare are also in the future!

-Aerial power is ready for firepower! U.S. flagships, horse towers, sky castles, ghost squads, and the Holy Knights must stand by in their places.

Soon, all preparations were completed, and the corps of mankind advanced.

The corps of Ultio were firmly in their place.


Cuckoo Cuckoo!

Hunters with shield devices collided with the monsters in the front.


The monster’s force prevented the charge, but mankind had aerial firepower.

The artillery of the sky castle was opened, and all the guns of the air flagship were opened. Wizards also spread their magic circles and waited.

-Start shooting!

All the firepower of mankind is poured out. As the monster formation’s waist collapsed, the strength to withstand it weakened.


At that moment, the first-class grizzly, the official hunter of Russia, and the second-class giant, certified by the Vatican, jumped in.

Their bodies swelled by tens of meters in an instant, like a monster movie. One turned into a bear and the other turned into a giant.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

As the two giants swung their arms, Ultio monsters flew like bowling pins and cracked the front.

When Gabriel, the strongest in close combat, and the veteran hunters squeeze through the gap, the enemy base collapses. The legions of mankind became a single spear and broke through the formation.

“Do, do! Let’s go forward!”

“Don’t miss this opportunity! Catch up with all your might!”

The fight that followed was a battle of honest numbers. The momentum was on the human side, but the difference in power was similar to the Hunters and Ultio, so a battle that killed as much as they killed was fought. If someone pierced Ultio’s heart, a human’s neck fell from somewhere else.

– Monsters were additionally replenished at 11 o’clock in front!

– Blocked!

-Shut up and run! If you fall behind here, there is no answer!

everyone knew After all, the number of monsters in the new continent is over 5 million.

As time dragged on, more monsters had to be dealt with.

Now was the time to reach Nemesis even with some force.

-The resistance is too strong!

However, as the air force’s firepower support has reached a quiescent state, progress does not go out.

Yoo-shin, who tried to rest with his eyes closed, was also anxious and sat down. Hong Yeon, who was sitting next to her, bit her thumb.

“I can’t. After all, I have to come forward…”

As Hong-yeon was about to get up, Yoo-shin grabbed her by the shoulders and sat her down on the road.


“Wait. I’ll take care of it.”

Yoo-shin grabbed her ear mic.

“Samia. Please prepare the next plan.”

-The fifth floor is always ready. But will other countries cooperate properly? … .

“I will cooperate. Surely.”

-I know.

Yoo-shin stared outside.

The raid team could not find a breakthrough, and the damage was continuously accumulating. More than anything else, the number of troops in the rear increased without seeing it.

In this way, you will be under siege.

– Kim Yoo-shin Hunter, you’re ready.


At that moment, Yoo-shin felt a warm body temperature in her palm. Hong Yeon grabbed his hand and looked at him with worried eyes.

“You haven’t been able to rest for a while. If you’re going to be overworked again, please let me go.”

“Huh? Oh, don’t worry. I’m not going to go out.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Aside from the senior’s Armageddon… is there any other firepower in the tower that can overcome this situation?”


Seeing her blank face, Yoo-shin chuckled.

“I’ll borrow the firepower.”

-Top-ju, activates ‘Lee Ga-won’ at the coordinates.

Once again, the battlefield was covered with pure white sand. Hunters looked around with bewildered faces.

Coordinates can be freely set for Lee Account-Won on the 8th floor. And now that the distance from the tower is close, there is no limit to the duration.

– Kim Yoo-shin Hunter. I don’t think I’ll have enough mana to use Warp for the time being.

“It’s fine. I’ll spend it all here.”

The otherworldly sky opens, and the warp gate, larger than ever, opens its mouth.

Yoo-shin silently crossed his arms and watched. If you don’t respond, it’s a huge waste of mana.

But if you reply.

– Observation of multiple projectiles in the warp gate! It’s coming!

– This is manager Kim Sa-rang. I will activate the amplification field magic in front of the gate.(Read more @

Yoo-shin nodded, connected to the earmicrophone command channel and spoke.

“All troops stand still. Be prepared for firepower from the sky.”

… in the sky?

Soon from the sky, more missiles than the stars in the night sky appeared. Hunters opened their mouths.

“What else is that!”

Countless missiles from the gate pass through the field magic circle on the 4th floor and pour down on the monsters.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The wide space becomes a sea of ​​fire all at once and is covered with thick smoke. He was deaf and the smoke from the ammunition made it hard to breathe.

“Senior. This is…”

“It’s borrowed firepower.”

The principle was simple.

He spread out the warp gates all over the earth, and designated the entrance to this side through the coordinates of the other world. It is the same principle as moving the attack battalion force to the new continent.

Before entering the New World, Yoo-shin sought cooperation from the US Defense Secretary Dick Green, as well as China, Russia, and the United Kingdom, which possess the largest number of missiles, as commander-in-chief of the attack squad.

If you open Teni Warp, which will notify you of the location of the warp in advance, ask him to pour missile firepower into it. He also added that hunters must pass through, so nuclear and chemical weapons should be excluded.

At that time, the heads of each country objected, saying it was nonsense, but Yoo-shin said.

-I am requesting firepower because it must have been that the raiding party that had crossed over to the new continent was in crisis. If there is no firepower, think that the raid will be annihilated, and the attack on Nemesis will be a far cry.

At that time, it may have sounded absurd because the raid squad could not even enter the new continent, but now the situation has changed.

A situation in which all countries beat their own hunters and earnestly hope for their safe return.

In a way, Yoo-shin was provided with firepower by taking the lives of his own hunters hostage.

United States of America.

-ICBM Minuteman 3 million foot standby.

– I have arrived at the carrier group point! Start shooting!


– This is an order from the President of the State. beat them all

-G, can I really shoot over there?

-Do not question the commander’s orders.

In addition to the UK and Russia.

Humanity’s power is concentrated in one point, destroying monsters. On the 5th floor, the dimensional coordinates were calculated in detail so that the missiles did not collide with each other.

Existing missile firepower is known to be ineffective against high-ranking monsters, but it did not sell well in quantity.

The hunters, who were tired, retreated far away.

“But why is the operation name ‘Plan Jjjamjamyeon’?”

Hong-yeon looked at Yoo-shin’s cell phone and asked.

Yoo-shin responded by waving his finger.

“A combination of magic and science.”


“…don’t make a face like that. It’s embarrassing.”

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