Inside the forest night time.

'It's almost time, I must go back'It's almost two days since the Old man left, without knowing what to do with his training, Jade only runs and cut some trees inside the forest.

'My body feels normal know even with this chainmail'At first his body can barely handle walking with the chainmail and axe at hand, but now he can even run with it.

The most strange thing that he observead in this pass day is that, the discomfort he felt because of the sun doesn't change but it does not have direct effect in his body.And the most important discovery is, everytime the sun set and night comes he felt like he is brimming with strength.

"I should go and wash myself first'While training his body inside the forest he discovered a lake, it's a hidden paradise that's what he thought when he saw it.

"It's so refreshing, I should tell this to Sir so he can enjoy himself"

At the bottom of the lake, without Jade knowing, there is a long eared girl, with porcelain like skin. 'I must go back now" It's been almost a hour since she came here.


'WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!??" While Jade is bathing he heard a load voice of a girl.The girl is so beautiful that makes him stared senseless.

"A'hhhhhhhhh, I ... I'm.... Jade Mam, Pleaaassseeee Marry me!"He just blurted out something he never thought he would say.

"Huhhhhhhhhh?!"The girl looked at Jade with a disgusted expression.

"I fall in .......'Before Jade finishes his sentence the girl appeared beside her and covered his mouth."Shut your mouth, don't make any sound or I'll kill you"With a soft but cold voice he was threatened, but he can only nod his head.

****At the same time near the lake.

"Squad One reporting, nothing in our vicinity, No sign of that damn woman thief" Except for some chop trees and some fruits they doesn't find anything worth mentioning.

" Nothing in our end as well, Just go back for now"

"Yes, We will be back"


"They finally left" The beautiful girl felt relief, but change her expression to a cold one and look at the guy in her arms.'Now, tell me who you are"

"Uhhhmmmmmm, Miss.... You're naked now" Jade with his nose bleeding said to the woman, It must be said that Jade is a virgin.

"Don't look and don't go anywhere!!!!!"The girl throw Jade at the forest with force, she now felt mixed emotions.' I should kill that bastard'

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