I, Alone Is Enough!

8 The Peculiar Frui

Pass Noon

Jade only rest for about thirty minutes, that is when he looked for some fruits in the forest, luckily there is some edible fruit that he is familiar with.

"Thanks to the Old man, for bringing random fruits"

It's been 7 hours now since Jade started chopping the tree, as the Old man said he doesn't visit him all this hours, but surprisingly Jade doesn't even consumed one of the three potions that he have, he only rely to the fruits that he ate earlier.

"I need to conserved this potion" He already planned that he will only consumed one potion when he is already very exhausted or when he can only lift one of his hand.

After 9 hours. (3 PM)

The looked in Jade eyes is quite vacant as if he is losing his hope, that is after looking at the damage he have done to the tree that is not even one fourth of the total area.

"I need to continue"


Contrary to the helpless looked on Jades' face. The Old man is quite pleased with his training method.

" I should increase the difficulty of my training regime"

He looked at the direction of where Jade is, and a smile form on his face.

There is a reason for the confident expression of the Old man, that is because every potion that he gave to Jade contains a very strong medical healing capability, that can restore vitality and energy, but the most important of all is that it can double the strength of whosoever consumed it for at least several hours.

"He should be half finish right now"

He estimated that Jade will be finish chopping the whole tree by tomorrow morning minimum and tomorrow noon by maximum, that is considering all the factors that might occur.


6 PM, 12 hours since Jade started training.

"It's about time I should get some rest."

Jade has already rested four times and every time, he doesn't consume any potion but only rely on the fruits in the environment that he can gather.

"What a strange fruit this is"

Now he is holding a very peculiar fruit, this is the last fruit he has,the color are combination of gray and black, but the shape is almost the same as a apple which he is very familiar with.

" Except of its color,It looks edible"

He pondered for a while but still he ate it, that is because all of the fruit that he gathered all this time in this forest doesn't bring him any discomfort, so in his mind he already generalized that all of the fruit in this forest is safe.

After a minute right after he digest the unusual fruit, without him knowing and only for an instant a Shadow of a Dragon materialized at his back but disappears right after, then he fell unconscious.


Midnight (First day of the training)

"Haaaaaaaahh'(Sounds of yawning)

Jade opens his eyes and starts yawning, then he realized it was already dark but as he looked at the sky specially the moon, he starts admiring it because it was so beautiful, it also illuminates the surrounding.

'Did I just fall asleep? maybe I am just so exhausted, I should start again'

Without realizing what transpired earlier Jade stands up but after standing he feel quite strange as if there is great change inside his body.

"I feel my body is brimming with strength, What just happen? "

After thinking for some time and not coming up with plausible answer he decided to put the matter aside, and starts chopping again.

Nevertheless, after one chop he was so amazed, that is because his one chop is almost equivalent to his 12 hours of chopping earlier, but that's not what surprise him the most, but the fact that he felt there is still more that he can do, and that chop only contains a small portion of his entire potential.

'Is this a dream?'

He was so elated that he tries to exert more force, but it seemed like there is something that is limiting his strength. Even so, after a couple of minutes he already chop the whole tree.



"Did you see that, ?"

"I did it"


After finishing his task, he laughs to his heart content that is until the fatigue hits him hard, and he fall asleep yet again.


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