I Am a Big Player

Chapter 98: Not good at skill

   There is such a song, which is very similar to Nanshannan in that it was only circulated in a small area before being covered by others, and the spread was very low.

   However, after being covered by someone, it immediately became popular all over the country!

   This song is Song Dongye’s Miss Dong.

   Its fire seems to have started to burn from the cover of a boy in the Fast Boys Draft until the end, so that this song immediately became a song that many young people all over China talked about.

   Is it suitable for Yang Xi to sing? Suitable for.

If you let Song Dongye, the big master, sing, it will obviously make people think that it is a song written for a girl in your heart, but its lyrics have another characteristic. If it is sung by a girl, the song is like Singing like a little girl's own heartfelt voice.

   Miss Dong

   you never forgot your smile

   Even if you are the same as me

   longing for aging

   Miss Dong

   It's beautiful when the corner of your mouth is down

   is like Anhe Bridge

Clear water

   Miss Dong

   you put out the smoke

   Speaking of the past

   You said that this is the case for the first half of your life

When Ren He wrote down these lyrics, he subconsciously felt that it would be nice to let Yang Xi sit quietly somewhere and tell such a melancholy story, just like saying that the girl was born in the first half of her life. There is still the love that you can’t get when you meet in the frustrated days.


   But Ren He thought of whether to change Miss Dong directly to Miss Yang? But he feels that his music theory level is still at the level of writing scores according to memory, and he should not change the original work, and it will be embarrassing to save it.

   But he changed Miss Dong's Dong character to understand the character, understand the miss.

   is like laughing at myself when I knew everything when I was young, but suddenly turning around to find that I had missed a lot.

It’s always better than calling Miss Dong directly. Ren He is worried that Yang Xi asked herself who Miss Dong is and if she wrote a song for this girl named Dong... Then it’s hard to clean up if she jumped into the Yellow River, after all. The emotion in the song is still very full.

   This kind of misunderstanding is absolutely necessary...

As soon as Miss Dong finished writing, the task of the Heaven Punishment System came. This thing was more punctual than anything else: "Task: Climb up to the hotel with bare hands. Do not use extra objects outside the wall. The deadline is one week. If the host is not completed, it will punish the host for baldness. ."

   Ren He was not good at that time, let alone the difficulty of this task, he just thinks that the punishment of the natural punishment system is getting more and more weird. Where is this? !

   Bald? Is it the kind of Mediterranean baldness that people reach middle age? So if he fails to complete the task, he will have a kidney loss at the age of 16?

   But this mission seems to be not serious, even if you are bald, you can cover it with a hat, but there is a very important feature of this punishment that Ren He noticed, that is, there is no time limit for baldness!

   For example, the previous punishment for frequent urination was that it only lasted one month, but this baldness didn’t mention the time at all. Maybe it would last a lifetime... Can you wear a hat for the rest of your life? Obviously not...

  Looking at the task again, it is obvious that the natural punishment system is not satisfied by his own opportunistic way, but it has not made it clear before that it is impossible for Ren He to take advantage of the loopholes, so he simply released another task...

   Yes, just climb. Yesterday, Ren He also carefully observed during the completion of the task. There is actually a steel frame structure between each glass wall of the Kailai Hotel that can be used to rest your feet.

   The only thing that makes Ren He hesitate is...Will you meet that young man again?

Yesterday, I put the car into the car and beaten up again. It will always be a bit embarrassing to meet... But Ren He thought for a while, if the other party is still there to spy and monitor, it would be better to meet. , You have to **** him out of shit!

   In the evening, Ren He followed Yang Xi to Yang Xi’s house. He was about to take the guitar to the rooftop and was shouted by Yang En: “I’ll practice at home on such a cold day, and I’ll have dinner.”

Yang Xi hasn’t reacted yet, but Ren He understands that people’s concern is first of all, because it is really too cold outside, and secondly, let Ren He be in the sight of others, and you don’t want to do anything that crosses the line. dare.

   But Ren He didn't plan to do anything, he simply and generously accompanied Yang Xi to practice piano at home and taught her the new song "Miss Understanding".

   Yang En is cooking in the kitchen and can hear the guitar and singing of two people. I think he was also a young man who loved rock and roll back then, and now occasionally miss the feeling of tears in his eyes. He can play the guitar, so when he hears Ren He playing the guitar, he instantly feels amazing!

   No wonder I can write such a nice song, I have to say that the song I went to Dali is suitable for people like Yang En.

  What kind of education did everyone receive since childhood? Study hard and serve the motherland when he grows up. Yang En feels that he has done this. However, sometimes life was not as desired. He resigned from Kyoto and couldn't accept the foreign policy of the time, so he had the heart of retreat. When he reached this level, he could not bend the waist for five buckets of rice. He would rather accept more dangerous tasks than do things he doesn’t like~www.readwn.com~ so he went to Dali Zhong "Are you not satisfied with life, haven’t laughed for a long time and don’t know why," the lyrics are simply It's too close to his mood.

   To be honest, he really admired Ren He a little bit. Yang En had already labeled Ren He as "talented" in his heart.

   Yang En suddenly asked during dinner in the evening: "Where did you meet the person monitoring Yang Xi yesterday?"

   "Um..." Ren He was stunned for a moment. He didn't tell Yang Xi that this matter was not easy to tell. After all, if someone asked, why did you run to the top of the hotel in the middle of the night? ! How to answer? Can't answer.

   Could it be said that I went to the rooftop to see the night scene? People believe in your evil!

   Yang En saw that Ren He didn't want to say it, so he didn't ask this question, and changed the subject: "Is the other party Chinese? I heard Yang Xi said that the other party was beaten by you? How was the other party's skill?"

   These questions he asked were just to see who the other party was. Yang En himself seemed to understand his situation, and it was not impossible for someone to take risks to ask for information.

Ren He happily said: "Yes, it's a Chinese, and that person is not good at his skill, and I beat him to the ground in two strokes!" The old man can't ask for credit in front of him to increase his impression, right? As for him, I once wondered about Lin Hao's skill, which seemed to be quite good, but he had forgotten it selectively, so he couldn't raise the enemy, right? That is not the style of our party. All reactionaries are paper tigers!

   Lin Hao, who was smoking a cigarette in the hotel, didn’t know why he suddenly felt an urge to vomit blood. What's the matter? Did you smoke too much, or did he have some hidden injuries from the fight with Ren He last night...


   ahem, even if the lyrics are not more than 50 words, the main reason is that someone hasn’t heard the song before, and they can understand some of the lyrics.

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