I Am a Big Player

Chapter 105: Over-the-question event!

   Life returns to ordinary after passion. Many people will become a little at a loss at this time. As the so-called feast, tears will flow on their faces, and the dullness after passion will make people a little empty, which does not include Ren He.

   I don't know why he was not at a loss, but began to look forward to the future life even more, imagining himself getting rich, and the unknown rewards of the Heavenly Punishment System.

   There is not much time for the entrance examination, and there is a lot of noise in the classroom. It can be said that a person’s life is a rush. Every year in elementary school, there is an exam. After the exam, you have to take the middle school. After the exam is finished, you have to go to the high school.

   After finishing college, the society happily tells you that your life's hardship has just begun.

   What's the matter, I was a warm-up for the first 22 years?

But the actual situation is exactly like this. No matter how disgusting you are at the time, you will eventually enter the society. It will be what you miss most: the sleep in class, the novels passed between brothers and sisters, secretly The girl you like, the note you have passed, or which basketball game, or which time your classmates played a game.

   The situation in Ren He's class is pretty good. Even the little fat man who promised is studying hard. In Ren He's class in his previous life, several students had already given up directly.

   Originally, Ren He was actually the same role as Xu Xu, Xu Xu still felt that someone was with him in his heart, but now, when he was alone in learning poorly, he panicked.

"Do you think I can get into this school?" Xu promised a little panic. Our school's score was 490 points last year. However, he only scored 410 points in this monthly exam. This is the result of hard work. It's going to take the entrance examination in more than three months.

"As long as you keep working hard, it will be fine. At least when the score is close, your dad is willing to pay you for the difference in scores. I think the closer your score is, it will save him money. Feel like... He probably has the consciousness of spending high prices now. You will get a high score on the test when you hit it. He only needs to pay a small amount of money. If you say he is happy or not, you may be allowed to play programming. I'm thinking about it!" Ren Heman said casually, typing on the phone while talking, this phone is a bit stuck now, he plans to replace it with a new one sometime. He didn't put his mind on studying at all, anyway, there is no pressure on him for the senior high school entrance examination.

   Speaking of programming promises, the spirit immediately came back: "Recently, my cousin gave me a job, but I refused."

   "What to live?" Ren He asked curiously.

   "They seem to be making a game, and they gave me the development part of the game engine," Xu promised.

   game? I still want to make a game. A game basically needs three parts in the formal process. One is planning. The whole game is determined by it to determine the degree of excitement. The plot, skills, game mode, etc. are from here to have a concept, and then They are passed to the programming and model artists respectively to complete the execution part.

   is finally merged into a complete game.

   In fact, making a game is a very simple matter, unless it is a particularly complex game, such as World of Warcraft, just modeling requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Ren He’s idea of ​​making the game by himself is actually very simple. First, he made a crude version. While ensuring its gameplay, he patched it up one by one to make the game fuller. He didn’t intend to do it in one step. It's too expensive.

   The easiest part of the whole game is the planning part, because it is all in Ren He's mind: the model of the game hero, the game mode, and various skills, all are not a problem, just copy it.

   And he chose the first game to make without worrying about promotion, Dota!

   In fact, Dota became popular in the first place. Has anyone promoted it? No! It is too easy to spread and addictive!

   Ten-a-side confrontation games like League of Legends and Dota are simply poisonous!

   Of course, even if that is the case, it is not an easy task to make a crude version of this Dota, so it is not the time to implement it yet.

   "Ren He, help me see how to do this question," Xu promised to put a paper in front of Ren He and said.

   However, Ren He was stunned after seeing it for the first time. He curiously asked, "Where did you get this paper?"

   "This is the real question from the senior high school entrance examination last year. My dad asked someone to find it for me," Xu promised.

   It was not popular to do real questions in junior high school. Real questions are test papers that have been taken over the years. And the father of the promise was so painstaking to find the real questions for the promise. At the beginning, the old Ren also asked him to find the real questions for himself. As a result, when the old Ren took the real questions, it was time for Ren He to take the exam.

   At that time, Ren He was stunned by the old Ren. I should take the exam right away and you should review the real questions for me? Why don't you wait for me to finish the exam?

   The old Ren is also dumbfounded: Aren’t you just 2nd grade? ! This is for the third grade review!

   I have to say, Ren He and his family have always raised children in free range...

   But at this moment, what makes Ren He stunned is ~www.readwn.com~ He has seen this test paper!

At this moment, the super memory began to trace the source of the test paper in the memory. After 2 seconds, he was even more confused. This is clearly one of the piles of papers that the old man gave him before the high school exam. Will it become last year's high school entrance examination paper in this world? The two parallel worlds have exactly the same real questions!

Although the history in this world is much the same as in previous lives, even some dynasties have no difference at all. The major historical directions are completely the same. For example, the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, even with the specific date of October 1. Nothing has changed.

   But he didn't extend this matter to other things at all. After all, the cultural and entertainment events he had been exposed to most did not exist anymore, so it gave him a feeling of "different world".

   But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of surprise, Ren He grabbed the other papers in Promise's hand to read, and the remaining papers were exactly the same as in his memory!

   So the same thing can be proved, this year's senior high school entrance examination paper, if not surprisingly, is the one he took the exam back then!

   Although I think it's incredible, but it just happened! It's as if there are still many brands in the world that existed in previous lives, and this trajectory happens to be one of those that has not been affected!

"Fatty, starting from today, I will help you study. If you can't pass the exam, you can ask me to settle the account. If you pass the exam, you will accompany me to do some big things!" Ren He said cheerfully, this Nima, if you pass the exam If the papers can be matched, wouldn't it be the same for the college entrance examination?

   What's the difference between winning a 5 million lottery when you were a student? !


   I wish my classmate a happy wedding on the 13th, I wish forever a good result in the lucky star exam

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