I Am a Big Player

Chapter 128: I am a car god

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When the night came, Ren He took Yang Xi and Xu Xu to a small restaurant in the Laojun Mountain Scenic Area for a meal. The authentic chicken stewed with mushrooms here is a must, at least it is natural and pollution-free.

The three of them were ready to go back to the room when they were full in the evening. Ren He checked the time. It was now after 9 o'clock in the evening, and it was time to start his mission.

After all, it takes about an hour to ride down, and it takes another hour to drive up. It's interesting to think of it here. Calculating the speed at which he rides is faster than driving. Because his driving level is only the level of an ordinary old driver, driving at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour on winding roads is almost the same. Even at a speed of 60 hours, he still has to continue to slow down when turning a corner.

And he is riding at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour!

On the way back, they saw that the villa seemed to be gone. Many people walked out of the villa and got into the car, and then slowly drove down the mountain. It should be the end of the birthday banquet and hurry home.

Ren He and the others didn’t look much and went straight back to the room. When he put the red scarf in his pocket and went out carrying the mountain bike, Yang Xi waited at the door to watch him and smiled calmly and said: "Be careful, I Waiting for you to come back to watch the sunrise together."

Ren He was stunned for a moment, this feeling... it was like he had a home suddenly, someone was waiting for him.

He thought about the appearance of a home.

Close the door and turn around. It is a sofa that occupies half of the living room. The cushions don't need to be very high, but they must be very soft. There was a gurgling noise in the pot in the kitchen, and the smell of the ribs soup in the pot wafted with a dull aroma.

The sky was about to dim, and the star-spotted lights reflected the city on the glass. Below, there was a constant stream of traffic and busy people in the car.

He pushed the door in, and the door clicked open. Ren He returned home with a cold air and said with a smile, "I'm back."

Then he hugged the people in the house, as if he hugged the whole world.

Suddenly, Ren He wanted to buy a house, to create a place that only belonged to two people, and it was safe and solid.

He recovered and smiled: "Don't worry, you must come back safely. I am a car god."

Yes, from now on, until he rides to the foot of the mountain, he is the car **** of Los Angeles!

Ren He disappeared into the night on a bicycle. He came to the starting point of the winding mountain road, put on goggles, and covered his face with a red scarf. In the end, only his eyes were revealed. In the eyes are his firmness that has been praised by countless people. Look.

The new challenge has begun. At a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, the resistance of the wind will make him feel uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter, the challenge of life has just begun.

The bicycle chain made a crisp click, and Ren He and his new car had already shot out like an arrow from the string.

In just 16 seconds, Ren He's speed has reached 100!

When driving, he wouldn't feel anything at 100 per hour, but when he was riding a bicycle, Ren He felt as if he was passing by the **** of death every second. His super memory came into play at this time, and he knew how long it would take to enter the next corner. The entire winding road was a three-dimensional map in his mind.

The super vision also makes the mountain night as bright as day.

Ren He sighed that the magic of the Heavenly Punishment System had given him so many incredible abilities in this life, so he would let this journey of life be repeated, a worthwhile trip!

Hurry up, there are still people waiting to go back!

With a single thought, there are no obstacles!


At this moment, Ren He's car accelerated again, only because within these two 2 kilometers were nearly a straight distance, and his speed had reached a terrifying 110!

What is downhill? Some people say that it's fast down. It's not like that. Ren He has his own definition in his heart. In his opinion, with his own physical fitness, a speed of 100 is not a real challenge at all!

Since it is a life-threatening, then you have to have a good time. Think about those great people who can do mountain cross-country downhill speed of 150 kilometers per hour in the past life, where are you? ! The speed of the wing-like flight has reached more than 170, and some people have even completed the feat of crossing a target at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

That is the end of oneself, and now, it is just the starting point!

The mountain quickly retreated behind him, until he entered the first corner, his speed dropped back to 68 kilometers per hour. When he entered the corner, he leaned down and saw high-speed drifting and turning the corner again! And this time the speed has reached 68, which is 8 points higher than the speed in the name of the knight video.

However, Ren He knew that the speed of the 68 bike to drift through corners was already his limit, and he couldn't be faster!

When the cornering action was completed, Ren He's speed soared again, and it was not that simple to complete the task of accumulating a speed of 100 for 30 minutes.

At this moment, he suddenly saw more than a dozen cars passing by the mountain pass in front of him slowly, as if they were the people he saw at the entrance of the villa just now, right? Why did he drive so slowly, Ren He frowned and thought, he thought the other party was almost at the foot of the mountain.

Yes, the opponent's speed is 50 kilometers per hour, which is not low compared to the speed of all cars on the winding road, but compared to Ren He's speed at this time, it is almost no different from crawling!

Ren He hurried forward at an extremely fast speed, his red scarf pressed tightly against his face by the wind.

At this time, the driver of the vehicle at the rear of the convoy inadvertently glanced at the rearview mirror. It was a habitual action, but this look surprised him: "It seems that something is approaching at high speed, not a car!"

The person in the car wondered: "What else can it be if it's not a car?"

"I don't know, there are no car lights, the moonlight is not clear, it feels like a person is riding a bicycle!" The driver guessed ~www.readwn.com~ He glanced at the rearview mirror again to confirm, but Exclaimed: "How do you ride so fast!"

He saw clearly that it was a bicycle, and the bicycle that was still a long way away was approaching their fleet again at this moment between his eyes!

At this time, the driver has thoroughly seen... the red scarf on the opponent's face!

"It's a car **** in Los Angeles! Oh my God, how could he be on this winding road!" The driver's hair was exploded. For the past two days, he has been listening to the car **** in Los Angeles, but he was thinking of a ride in his heart. What is the name of the bike's car god? He also went to watch the video. After watching it, he was a little fascinated and wanted to buy a bike for fun.

"It's so fast, it's too fast, it's almost twice as fast as mine! I am driving a car!" The driver was shocked. No one thought that he would encounter the car **** of Los Angeles in such a remote place. The speed of the car, as well as the red scarf on the opponent's face, can prove that everything he sees at this time is all true!

There is a curve ahead, and the driver is panicked. According to the current speed of the two cars approaching, they will probably enter the curve side by side on that curve!


The driver had to choose to step on the brakes, the opponent was bold, but he didn't want anything to happen!

At the moment when he stepped on the brake, he watched the place where the lights were on, and suddenly a bicycle passed by and passed him, and then the whole car **** leaned down almost to the ground at the bend!

It's the classic drifting cornering action!

I actually saw this drift with my own eyes!

Los Angeles Car God!

"It's really exciting! It's awesome!" Although the driver was forced to brake by Ren He's bicycle, there was only a deep shock in his heart!


To be the leader of a dreamer, there will be more in the afternoon or evening. (To be continued.)

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