I Am a Big Player

Chapter 146: No. 1 in the high school entrance examination!

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Kunlun's model is still relatively simple, so as soon as Ren He said, programmers would understand. And what makes them feel more novel is that in this parallel world in 2006 when the game industry was generally uncreative, Ren He proposed the concept of turn-based games.

This makes them more surprised, can we fight like this in the original fight? It feels kind of interesting!

It was also such an opening that made them feel that the other party was not joking with them, so they listened carefully.

Ren He spent nearly 4 hours telling all the programmers about the game mode of Dota, but it will definitely be more difficult to dictate. Ren He simply wants to play a few games in person for them to experience it, but this is impossible. of.

Therefore, in the early stage, they can only make the game engine first, and then wait until they come back from Kyoto before continuing to complete the details.

The programmers looked at each other. They always had a feeling that although the boss of this company did the planning personally, it seemed to be really good, as if the other party had actually played the game!

But they are all insiders, so it is clear that those games are released every day in the world, and they have not seen this mode yet.

But programmers just do their own thing, don't question whether other people's plans will work, this is their duty. In addition, I have a lot of money. In a small city like Los Angeles, I can get as much monthly salary as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Why not?

After the meeting, Ren He took Xu Nuo to the side and had a serious conversation alone. He was a little nervous, and Ren He calmly said, “You may not have thought that you would start a business so early, or even thought about yourself. Will start a business, but now this company has 40% of your shares. Do you know how much I want to invest in this game? At least 17 million or more, so you have to take it seriously. You also know that my biggest wish is to play extreme sports. So I inevitably rarely participate in business. Have you considered your future role in this company? You will be the actual leader, so I hope you see yourself first."

The promise was a little embarrassing, even a little cowardly: "I might not be able to do it."

But all of this is in Ren He's expectation. If he suddenly told himself in his previous life: I am a distant cousin, and now my company will be run by you.

Ren He's first reaction is that you are making me funny, the second reaction is stage fright, he may not be able to do it.

But this kind of thing will never be done if he doesn’t do it. He must force the promise to this position so that this little fat man and Dota can grow together. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake in the early stage. Anyway, he still has time to take care of it. After a while, Ren He can really let go in the later stage.

If Ren He can completely let go of the later stage to make time, Ren He is absolutely willing to exchange it with a little tired now.

The 40% of the shares I promised was not for nothing. There were emotional factors. The other party was the only real friend I had passed through to the present. Liu Erbao and others were not as good as the relationship between him and promise.

Secondly, these shares are meant to bind the promises to their own tanks.

Although it is possible to hire professional managers at a lower cost, is the counterparty worthy of trust? Not necessarily.

Again, there is no end to making money.

Ren He threw the promise there and asked him to slowly blend in with this group of people, regardless of his life or death attitude...

The time for the trip to Kyoto has also been determined. Just 3 days later, Yang En will take Yang Xi back to Kyoto for the summer vacation, and go back to see his grandparents. When the time comes, he will follow him secretly, and then abduct her daughter to Houhai kicking hall.

In this waiting time, the high school entrance exam was released!

Everyone can consult their scores over the phone, and just report the admission ticket number.

Ren He's score was checked on the same day: a total score of 601 points!

When this score was found, Ren He took a breath. It can be said that the total score of 645 for the high school entrance examination after removing the 30 points for physical education, the total score for cultural classes is 615. What is the concept of him getting 601? !

But the problem is that in my chemistry and physics papers, the questions I can do add up to only 17 points. Where did my remaining 20 points come from?

My Nima, can I get so many points for writing jokes? Are you crazy, grading teacher? !

Ren He is really powerless to make complaints. If this is to be done as usual, Ren He will definitely be very happy: I didn't expect that writing jokes can really get so many points.

But now it's different, this is just to make him close to the rhythm of full marks! Adding sports, he actually scored 631 in the senior high school entrance examination! This year’s question is difficult. Is this the rhythm that you want to be famous for?

It’s good to know that many good students can get a score of 22 or more in physical exams. Now students’ physical fitness is getting lower and lower. This is a common thing, and the sports entrance exam in Los Angeles has always been managed. Relatively strict.

Ren He is a little bit out of shape now, how many places will he rank? Top 50 in the city? In fact, the first 50 feels pretty good...I'm afraid...

What he didn't know was that when the teacher who graded his physical chemistry papers saw his papers, he subconsciously thought that this was definitely a poor student. Otherwise, how could the scores in chemical physics be so low? As for being so bad!

So he thought, it doesn’t matter if a student with such poor academic performance complies with the public opinion on the Internet and his original intention to give this paper a high score. Anyway, it will not have a big impact on the overall score. The school can’t pass the exam, after all, the total score of this paper is only 50 points~www.readwn.com~ But the scoring teacher never expected that Ren He is the kind of student who is in the extreme of the legendary subject!

This is embarrassing...

Director Liu of the Political and Education Department of Ren He's school was drinking tea in the office. Suddenly a friend from the China recruiting office called, and the first sentence was: "Congratulations, old Liu, this year's senior high school entrance exam winner is in your school!"

Director Liu's eyes lit up and he quickly put the water glass on the table and asked, "Really? What's it called?" If you know which school has won the top prize, the enrollment work next year will be much easier. Now the principal is putting pressure on him. Every school is getting bigger and bigger. As long as more good students are grabbed, the percentage of students in the college entrance examination will be better. This is a virtuous circle.

However, the results of the city-wide mock test in the 13th middle school this year are not satisfactory, and there is no one who has even entered the top 20. How can a dark horse be rushed out at this time? What a surprise!

That's the champion!

His old friend on the phone smiled and said, "It's definitely Ren He from your school. It will be announced this afternoon. I'm congratulating you in advance!"

"What the hell?!" Director Liu mumbled: "Ren He?! Which Ren He?"

"Look at you, you don't even know your own top students. You are incompetent as the director of the Political and Education Office! Your school's Ren He ranked first with a total score of 631. We will take this to the city in the afternoon. Announced, I think you have to talk to him now, it is best to stay with you in high school and continue to study, maybe the college entrance examination will give you a surprise," the other party joked.

This is so incompetent. Isn't it a top-notch job? Why are you telling Lao Tzu who is the top pick in the senior high school entrance examination? I heard it wrong!

I still have the guts to keep this stuff in this school? Hehe, you probably want me to die...

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