I Am a Big Player

Chapter 165: Kunlun Sea Selection

Because of the exposure of Yang Xi's identity, Su Ruqing is now focusing on her care regardless of work, and Yang En, the real guardian, has become soy sauce.


Ren He agrees with Su Ruqing's own practice of establishing a media company to protect Yang Xi. At least in this way, Yang Xi is the only one in the entire media company and does not have to fight with other people. Moreover, the boss is his mother, and there is something safer than this. Company?


Moreover, Ren He heard Yang Xi also say that Su Ruqing prohibits her from participating in any additional business activities. To be honest, Su Ruqing is indeed not bad money, although she is not doing large-scale scenic development but a chain of hot spring resorts, although she There is not much cash flow, but at least in China, Su Ruqing is also considered a well-known figure.


Not participating in commercial activities is also Yang Xi’s own thoughts, and it also coincides with Ren He’s thinking: it’s better to go to the strength group, sing good songs, and be a quiet singer, rather than going out all day to participate in inexplicable variety activities. It's much stronger with commercial performances.


  Many artists are worried that this will reduce their exposure, which will cause them to quickly pass away, but Ren He feels that as long as the strength is strong enough and the quality of the song is good enough, there is no overdue.


  Only people with poor quality will worry.


   Another thought of Su Ruqing is that she has also contacted many artists. Although she is very popular and popular, but when she really communicates with her, she will find that the other party is lacking too much on the cultural level. Such people may be popular, but their spiritual world is not perfect.


   So she hopes that Yang Xi can learn her own culture class well while singing, not lacking the diploma, but to receive education systematically and build her own logical thinking ability.


   You have to know that Yang Xi has just graduated from junior high school. If she enters the entertainment circle so completely, she will be missing a lot.


   Moreover, Su Ruqing went to school herself, and she would miss the time she used to be a student every time she was exhausted from work. It was such a beautiful and memorable time. She didn't want Yang Xi to even have such beautiful memories in the future.


   In this way, he and Yang Xi can spend more time together in high school life, so with regard to this point, Ren He and Su Ruqing are on the same line, although people don't care what he thinks.


   According to Su Ruqing's idea, the student named Ren He probably won't appear in his life in the future, right? How does a junior high school student bridge the gap of distance?


At this time, when Su Ruqing thought she was successful, Ren He was calling Yang Xi. Yang Xi was always curious that he seemed to be in a good mood. It seemed that the problem had been solved, but she refused to ask Ren He. It was revealed, only that it was not sure, and told her when it was done.


   Ren He didn't say anything, but he was worried about the accident. After all, the world was not shifted by his personal will. In case something went wrong in the middle, it would prevent Yang Xi from being disappointed, and he still had time to think of other ways.


Before the admission criteria for entering Beijing and the invitation for admission to the Fourth Middle School are in hand, Mr. Zhou must be served first. At the beginning, Mr. Zhou also specifically told him not to be late when he participated in the selection of the sea selection. There are screenwriters, directors, and directors who will be arriving today. The deputy director and other important members of the crew, as well as the producer Zhou Wumeng.


   Another investor will not be there, because the choice of roles has little to do with him, and the entire media company established by Kunlun is also in control of Zhou Wumeng's right to speak.


   Before, Ren He had no idea about the producer or director. He thought Zhou Wumeng was going to be a director. But after listening to Zhou Wumeng's introduction, he realized that it was not the same thing.


   generally refers to the producer of a film and television drama. Fully responsible for script coordination, preliminary preparation, formation of film crews, production cost accounting, financial review, execution of filming and production, post-production, assisting investors in domestic and foreign distribution, and domestic and foreign applications for awards.


   The producer is the master of the crew, the highest authority of the crew, has the right to decide to hire outstanding members, but also has the right to expel members who violated disciplines in the crew. From the completion of the film to the release of the film, it is the core of the whole film.


   The director is said to be Zhou Wumeng’s old friend, and Zhang Ming, a big coffee at the 8 o’clock station of CCTV, doesn’t help most people please. The status of the other party in the entertainment circle is actually similar to that of Zhou Wumeng in the literary world.


Therefore, the stars or newcomers who were attracted by Kunlun were all shocked when they learned that the director was him. Zhou Wumeng was the producer and Zhang Ming was the director. A series of CCTV series that broke out at 8 o'clock in the evening.


   Over the years, the 8 o'clock position of CCTV has always been a place for big coffee!


   Zhou Wumeng mentioned that he wanted to invite the other party because this book by Kunlun was so good that he was particularly interested. He also specifically explained to Ren He that it was Zhang Ming's intention to let Ren He come to participate in the casting and give advice, and Zhang Ming himself is also interested in meeting the original author. Don't worry about it. Zhang Ming is a very good person and has no strange temper.


In this way, Ren He also understands that, generally speaking, the choice of roles does not have much to do with the author. After all, there is a specialization in the art industry. The author is professional in building the world and the story, and the director is in shooting. professional. So he has always been curious, why let himself participate? I don't understand this myself.


   turned out to be what the director meant. I wanted to see Ren He's setting for the protagonist.


Now that Zhou Lao said that the other party is very easy to get along with, Ren He doesn't have to worry about any unpleasantness. On the contrary, he is looking forward to it. After all, this is his first time in the crew. It is estimated that he will enter the crew after changing his previous life. It's also a job of making a box lunch...


Ren He got up early in the morning when the casting job started~www.readwn.com~ After a simple meal in the hotel, he rushed to the crew. The time that Zhou Lao asked him was 10 in the morning, but he was 9 It's half past one.


This is an office space temporarily rented by the crew, which is a small remote courtyard in the suburbs. It can be seen that the crew is very concerned about cost control. The small courtyard rented in 2006 is cheaper than the urban area. Too much.


   Many people will pay attention to pomp in every aspect, so that they can be more face, but it seems that Zhou Lao and Zhang Ming are not such people.


   At this time, there are already a large number of people waiting outside the yard. Everyone is holding a number plate received from the crew. This is the order for entering the audition.


Ren He glanced at it and saw that there are really many people here. There are so many handsome men and beautiful girls, and all of them are very beautiful. There are also children who are also led by adults to participate in the audition. After all, there are also children in Kunlun. .


  The protagonist Liang Xiao's role in the childhood was still very heavy.


   Then there are a group of people, not to say how ugly, but they are all very characteristic. This is probably to try your luck. After all, there are handsome protagonists in martial arts series, and there must be weird green leaves...


   is like the legend of Condor Heroes, there are idols like Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, but there are also ugly comparisons like Qiu Qianren...


   Ren He feels that he uses the word "weird" very well...

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