I Am a Big Player

Chapter 191: Humble self-introduction

Yang Lan is a very interesting person. There are only a few words about Yang Lan's profile on the official website of the Fourth Middle School, a national senior teacher, a cat slave. Tian ""Lai Fiction Ww" W. 』⒉3TXT. COM


   What kind of ghost profile is this? Ren He looked at the words on the phone and was speechless. How could the words Mao Nu appear on such an official website? !


  Ren He had no interest in the school’s official website, but when he saw Yang Lan’s introduction, he was interested in reading it, and immediately showed several not-so-serious introductions...




There are 4 national special-grade teachers and 117 national high-level teachers in the fourth middle school. Some people think that this thing is not based on the appraisal of professional titles. However, Ren He had the honor to listen to a few math classes given by the national special-grade teachers in his previous life. It's as if the previous teachers are all leading you to learn knowledge, but the special-grade teachers seem to lead you to understand the world through knowledge.


   is indeed different.


   Tomorrow is military training, and today is the process of getting to know each other and receiving books. The students should introduce themselves one by one, and then arrange their seats.


When he introduced himself, Ren He discovered a very interesting phenomenon. The specialties of his classmates are really diverse. The biggest advantage of this place is that everyone is outstanding, and Ren He is also willing to show a lot of himself. To blend in with them.


His deskmate is still a fat guy, but he is bigger than the promised little fat guy. The first sentence of this guy on the podium is, hello everyone. My name is Jiang Haoyang. I like to study physics. I am determined to participate in the national physics competition and enter the national team. My hobby is reading novels, and my favorite work is Kunlun.


   Ren He felt refreshed as soon as he heard of Kunlun. This is his own fan. You should get close and listen to the other party to praise yourself...


But this is how anyone who jumps out is a high school leader. To be honest, Ren He really can’t compare with others in terms of learning. At best, he is just a student who has studied hard for a while in the third year of high school, and he has nothing to do in junior high school. When it comes to a place like Fourth Middle School, probably my grades will always count down...


Some people say they are good at writing articles, some say they are good at drawing, some are proficient in three musical instruments, some are proficient in a lot of foreign languages, and some directly introduce themselves in an authentic London accent. Some are already participating in dramas. ,and many more.


Among them, Ren He remembered that a thin and small classmate named Liu Bing, who took the stage and started talking directly on the talk show: "Everyone may not know much about Teacher Yang Lan, but I was promoted from the middle of the fourth middle school. Therefore, I am concerned about Teacher Yang Lan. Teacher Yang Lan is a very literary scholar. In 3 years, he was busy teaching students while publishing books and writing. He wrote 13 novels and 2 academic works. ...But every one is not popular. When the last book was published, I remember that it was half a year ago. On the day of publication, he vowed to anonymously post in the school forum that there is a book to be done today, and everyone should buy it soon. He thought he was anonymous and we don’t know who it was, but he has done this kind of thing 15 times... Teacher Yang Lan, as a student who has been following you for 3 years, can I trouble you to do something serious? It's not fire."


  Yang Lan laughed and leaned back together. There was no embarrassment in her anonymous post touting her story. Ren He felt that he might feel the atmosphere of the Fourth Middle School.


When it was Ren He’s turn to introduce himself, he suddenly didn’t seem to know how to introduce himself. What he could introduce was probably things that he didn’t want to expose now, such as the author of Kunlun, the Three-Character Classic, and the Kite Chaser, such as the Qinghe Fund. The owner of the game, such as the owner of Qinghe game, such as the first person in extreme sports in the bicycle field, the author of the most popular hand-drawn sketch dream catcher, and the songwriter of the most popular star Yang Xi, although most of the four middle schools are amazingly talented The generation, but these achievements of Ren He still seem to be too shocking.


So he can only briefly introduce: "Hello everyone, my name is Ren He from a small city in Los Angeles. I can write and draw. I can interpret English simultaneously. I don’t have anything to do for charity, but I also play games, occasionally. I also write songs, play bicycles... what I do best is bragging."


   When he first introduced himself, everyone was amazed. There were so many things, but when he said the last sentence, the audience laughed. It turned out that they were all blowing? There is a sense of humor.


   But many years later, when everyone looked back at what Ren He said on stage today, they were shocked. It turned out that everything was not bragging.


   It turns out that behind all that humility is really awesome.


   When Ren He returned to his seat, Jiang Haoyang stabbed him in the arm: "Yes, brother, I think you are pleasing to the eye, we will be friends in the future."


   "I think you are pleasing to your eyes," Ren He said cheerfully.


   But Jiang Haoyang always feels weird. It always seems that a certain star is watching the direct sense of his fans...


   It may be due to fate or similar odors. Liu Bing, Jiang Haoyang, and Ren He quickly got in touch, and by the end of the afternoon, they all started to be brothers and sisters.


When school is over, Jiang Haoyang and Liu Bing are a little sad. Jiang Haoyang said: "Tomorrow will be military training. I especially checked the weather forecast. The forecast said that the next two weeks will be clear and clear, which means we have to complete the military training in the sun. ! I begged my mom to get me a sick leave slip to the hospital, but my mom told me directly that it just made me lose weight..."


   Military training is probably the most painful time for every student. Standing in the sun with a high temperature of more than 30 degrees, the instructors don’t care whether you will peel off or not, anyway, they won’t...


   Although Renhe has very strong physical fitness now, it does not mean that he likes military training. Why do you participate in military training? Is it necessary to put himself half-dead in the sun and stand in the sun for a whole day?


   is meaningless!


   How do you compare push-ups and pull-ups to the instructor? Isn't it so idle and nothing to do?


   So Ren He also wanted to escape military training, but how to escape is a technical job.


   He suddenly asked Jiang Haoyang and Liu Bing: "You really don't want to participate in military training?"


   Ren He still needs to ask for their opinions. After all, he still has to ask the parties concerned for this kind of thing, and he can't make the decision without authorization.


   The two slapped their chests and said: "I don't want to, absolutely don't want to!"


   "Ahem, are you willing to pay some price for this..." Ren He was a little embarrassed.


   Although Liu Bing and Jiang Haoyang had a somewhat unknown premonition, they didn’t know where this feeling came from~www.readwn.com~ so they said blankly: "Yes!"


Now that they both agreed, Ren He didn't care about anything... He took the two goods to the side and whispered: "Although there is no sick leave slip, we can pretend to be sick, right? The sun will be so poisonous when Jiang Haoyang When we went to the ground, we both rushed out and said that he was going to help send him to the infirmary because of heat stroke, and the instructor didn't dare to take this responsibility!"


   Jiang Haoyang is a little painful: "Why am I lying on the ground?"


   "Because you are puffy, you are more likely to be trusted with heatstroke, do you think anyone believes my physical fitness lying on the ground?" Ren He explained calmly.


   It seems that this is the case. Jiang Haoyang looked at Liu Bing and Ren He, and it seemed that he was the most suitable one.


   But the ominous premonition in Jiang Haoyang's heart grew stronger, and he always felt as if something bad was about to happen to him.




   The fourth grade middle school is real, but this is a novel after all. Friends in the fourth middle school don’t have to check in, just borrow a prototype.

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