I Am a Big Player

Chapter 218: Information is wrong

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Parkour? Lao Wang knows that monkeys play this every day, but at this time there are still more games abroad, so Lao Wang doesn't pay much attention to it. He just thinks that monkeys look pretty neat when they parkour.

When the two were discussing, they saw Ren He sprinting from not far away. His toes just tipped on the red brick wall. Don’t climb onto the roof of the bungalow. His actions were simple and neat, and the monkey whispered: "Master. what!"

How to tell if a person is a master of parkour? In fact, the very simple point is that the flow of movements is not smooth. When the training reaches a certain level, everyone can basically master the movements, but mastering does not mean that you can be very proficient in using these skills.

Do not increase the difficulty of the movement first, because many difficult movements are impossible to complete due to physical limitations. Just speaking of the decomposition of the action, some people will make you feel a little wretched in the process of parkour, and from time to time you subconsciously hold your shoulders and feel that the whole person is very hesitant.

This is because he is still not sure whether he can successfully complete this action, so he instinctively will hold back a little when doing the action, because he is afraid of injury. This is the instinct of the human body.

And when a person is very sure that he can indeed complete this action, there will be a very strong self-confidence manifested.

Just like that, Ren He used the combination of stepping on the wall and cat jumping when he stepped on the wall just now. He didn't hesitate for a while. The strong confidence made the monkey realize that the other party should be a parkour master.

Lao Wang watched Ren He's speed on the wall and it hurts a bit. He watched Ren He disappear from his field of vision. His mouth grew and bigger. Nima, ah, did a task, so why didn't he stop? Up!

Can you still play happily! ?

The so-called technical profession has specialization. Although his physical stamina is still at its peak, he may not be able to catch up with Ren He with his own skills in this complicated terrain. When he was in the army, the 400-meter obstacle race was a little bit moderate...

"Monkey, follow him, I will drive around, maybe he is just to throw us off, maybe something will happen!" Old Wang turned around and ran towards their car, leaving the monkey alone and sprinting on the wall. The wall followed, and it was quite interesting to be able to compete with parkour masters.

The buildings in this area vary in height, with bungalows at the outermost periphery, and there are even three-story buildings in the middle.

When the monkey followed, because he was unfamiliar with the terrain, it was a bit difficult, but he was originally a great **** in the parkour circle in Kyoto, so he reluctantly followed him, but he was a little curious. The one in front of him shuttled between the buildings. Is it okay to step on the ground, but if he is a little slack, he may not be able to catch up.

Where did this monster come from? ! With this skill, he is also a god-level figure in the parkour circle of Kyoto.

The first thing that extreme sports was accepted by the Chinese people was actually parkour. There is no cost. Anyone who wants to play can play it.

So parkour was the first to have a circle in China.

However, the monkey originally thought that the opponent's level was not much different from himself, but Ren He suddenly took off within his line of sight!

The monkeys were dumbfounded, and Ren He jumped over the two-story building that was nearly 8 meters together!

My Nima, what a special **** level, is this a true god, okay? ! Looking at Ren He from a distance of nearly 8 meters, a cat pounce grabbed the edge of the opposite roof, and jumped away with his hands again...

The monkey walked to the edge between the two buildings and took a look at this distance. He knew that he couldn't jump over. He really had to jump to the edge of the building. He might be able to die...

What is the concept of 8 meters? The world record for run-up and long jump is only 8.95 meters, okay? !

Suddenly a deep sense of powerlessness arose in the monkey's heart. Is this a 16-year-old student in the first year of high school? ! When will 16-year-old students have this kind of physical strength? ! What he didn't know was that Ren He's physical fitness was close to the limit of human beings. He had to exercise for more than a week when he jumped three meters in the teaching building, and now he is confident about jumping nearly 8 meters.

It was this jump that evoked Ren He's decision to play parkour. The feeling of walking on the ground in the steel forest is really good, and he doesn't know what tricks he can play in parkour!

The monkey said painfully in the bluetooth headset: "I lost it, you come on..."

However, there was no response from the Bluetooth headset, which made the monkey perceive a faint of danger. At this moment, he found something reflecting light on a tall building not far away.

Lao Wang drove his car all the way from the west around the main road and copied the bread to this area. When he reached the opposite street, Lao Wang got off the car and hid in the shadow of a corner, waiting for Ren He to appear.

However, at the moment when he was in the shadows, suddenly a cold steel breath was attached to his thin T-shirt. The old Wang's hairs were exploded at the time, it was a gun!

The nerves that have been trained for many years told him that this kind of feeling can't be wrong, but Lao Wang can't figure out that someone will stay here? !

Careless! He had only chased Renhe in his mind before, and he had never thought that someone would lie in wait!

And the other party is also a master. Before he came, he abandoned the condensed hiding behind an obstacle behind this corner, just like a cheetah waiting for its prey.

A master lays his heart in ambush, it's really hard to find!

The other party took off the Bluetooth headset from his ears from behind him and threw it on the ground to smash it, and took out his gun from under Lao Wang's ribs, took a look at the flag engraved on it, and then said in a deep voice, "Tian drive? "

The people behind Lao Wang didn't seem to expect to meet Tianqi. Lao Wang also realized that the other party was actually not him. The other party didn't even know that he would appear here. Who would it be?

The person behind said: "The observation post reported the target location to me."

At this time, Lao Wang's thoughts changed sharply, thinking of what Stardust said to him in the afternoon, what a **** target Yang En, in fact, the target that the other party wanted to retaliate at first was the young man he was following.

And while they were following Ren He, another wave of people was also looking for Ren He's traces. Neither party found each other, and the other party had an accomplice who was monitoring Ren He.

The intelligence made a mistake and killed people, so I thought it was an ordinary mission and I bumped into someone performing the mission. How could it be reasonable? !

Obviously Zhao Junyi should be sent here to help him!

It's too late to say anything now, the other party is very professional, at least professional than the kidnapper last time, and the purpose does not seem to be kidnapping people, but simply wanting revenge killing.

It is really bold to dare to do such a thing at the foot of the imperial city, but the other party is indeed going to succeed! When facing Ren He, one cannot violate discipline and use weapons, but the other party is different.

But there is still a hint of hope in Pharaoh's heart. What if the monkey can be of great help at this time? In fact, he didn't think it was realistic either. The monkey followed Ren He, even if the other party hadn't noticed it before at the observation post, he should have noticed it when he started parkour.

How to do? People are not as fast as guns.

At this moment, behind them, there was a collision and gasping sound of someone jumping from the roof to the ground. Both of them turned their heads and looked back at the same time. It turned out that it was the protagonist Ren He in this mission...

Ren He is not blind, and not only is he not blind, he has super vision!

When he just jumped down and was about to end this mission, he saw someone in the dark holding a gun against the man who was beaten by himself last time. Fuck, that's a gun!

Without hesitation, Ren He was ready to step on the wall and return to the roof...

Lao Wang's teeth hurt when he saw Ren He's movements, you are so decisive...

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