I Am a Big Player

Chapter 268: God rewards hard work

After Ren He’s class was over, the children were still a little ignorant, but they really understood. Ren He opened up a new world for them in the most simple and understandable way that is closest to their lives, which will inevitably bring them a lot of attention. Shock. Liewen ""Net Ww "W. LieWen. Cc

And all they can do now is to study hard.

When get out of class was over, Liu Bing and the others came back. Ren He asked, "How is it?" He asked how many villagers agreed to the children to go to school. However, Liu Bing and others shook their heads helplessly. People are gone, and they don’t listen to anything.

Then I took farm tools to plant the land.

When I got here, I couldn't even understand many dialects. It was really a very weak feeling. Ren He thought about it and said, "Forget it."

He really wants to convince the villagers, but the inherent concept is not easy to change, it seems that these students are the only ones. They arranged the second class to become sports, and Ren He took out the school bags from the car and gave them to the children. There was also a set of stationery for one person. Football and basketball were used as school sports equipment. There was also a basketball on the small campus. field.

It was time to eat at noon, and the children did not go home, because all the adults in the family went to farm work. They took out the prepared dried rice **** and ate them like this. Liu Jiamin and Liu Bing watched them eating the lacquer. Qi's rice ball was stunned: "How do they eat this!"

If the previous school buildings in this village were the first shock to everyone, fetching water and cooking yesterday was the second shock, then today everyone saw the children's food for the third shock!

They don’t know what kind of rice **** are made of, potatoes or something? The black paint is not the color that normal meals should have, just like a patch of soil.

Is this something human eats? ! Everyone in the Qinghe community had this idea in their hearts at the same time.

Since childhood, the food they have come into contact with is delicious, they have vegetable oil, they have oily salt sauce and vinegar, they have white rice, and they have white noodles. In their concept, rice and white noodles are so cheap, and they should be the most basic. Food.

But there is no white rice or white noodles here! No oil!

It seems that the things that should have been in their former good lives no longer exist, as if they are experiencing a strange world.

In fact, most of the poor people in poor mountainous areas kill the pigs during the Chinese New Year. The good part is sold to the wealthy people, and the remaining part is reserved for their own family to cook some lard and eat some pork during the New Year.

But this is not the most terrible thing. If a chicken or a pig dies of disease, they really can't cry like crying.

No one in the Qinghe community has seen a scene where a villager holding his own pig who died of illness and crying, Ren He has seen it, not because they have feelings with the pig, but because they are already suffering, why God wants them It's worse.

The death of the pig means that they don't have a large income, and there will be no lard to add flavor to the meal in the coming year.

Liu Jiamin choked and knelt down and asked a child: "What are you eating?"

The child was ignorant and didn't answer her, so Liu Jiamin cried with a wow. It turned out that she was so happy that she could know so many things, and she could eat white rice and white noodles.

For this, what a blessing to be able to eat a bowl of stewed noodles for 10 yuan with a thin slice of beef floating on it.

Ren He stood beside him in silence. Everyone quietly watched Liu Jiamin holding the child and crying. The child whispered: "Teacher, don't cry."

How can it be wonderful to live a new life? Create Tencent, create Baidu, create Apple? Possessing the wealth of a rich and adversary country?

Ren He feels that this is of little significance. Whether it is extreme sports or bringing everyone here, for Ren He, he is trying to touch the higher dimensions of life with his own ability.

He is a selfish person, but after coming here, he is willing to keep enough of his wealth for the rest of his life, and get spiritual happiness from helping others.

"Let's cook a meal for the children," Liu Bing said with a choked voice.

"Okay, it's still soy sauce fried rice," Ren He turned around and went back to start the fire. There was enough oil and enough ingredients, but they only had rice and white noodles, and wanted to make a more hearty meal for the children. Will not work.

Two big pots of fried rice, the water they fetched back yesterday was almost used on this day.

Ren He came out carrying the pot. They didn't even have enough bowls and could only use the disposable paper cups left by Mr. Zhou to serve the children.

The children cheered when they smelled this scent. In the past, this scent could only be smelled during the Chinese New Year.

Eat, this is one of the worst foods in the outside world. There are no vegetable leaves, no eggs or meat, but you have to remember the smell, and then study hard and rush to the wonderful world outside. You have to understand There is no fairness in this world. You were born worse than others, or even worlds apart, but God rewards your hard work.

Ren He felt that he was really right here. Not only Liu Bing and their worldview were gradually improving, but also his own.

It's not time to retreat in life. Ren He feels that when the weather gets warmer after the year, it is time for him to complete the trip to Mount Everest he promised himself.

To touch the roof of the world, go to the top of the world and look down on the world again!

After Ren He’s class was over in the morning, he was all right. He picked up the iron bucket and went to the water well. If you really want Liu Bing and the others to fetch water, they will have to pay back. Liu Bing and Li Yifan still have to go tomorrow. However, the same amount of water as Jiang Haoyang's shoulder is enough to come back, 2o catties, 1o kilometers, it can be regarded as a kind of training.

Ren He believes that when they return to Kyoto, everyone's mental outlook will definitely change greatly. As long as this effect can be achieved, this trip will be worthwhile.

In the evening, Ren He stopped cooking and let others do it. Liu Bing volunteered to make fried rice for everyone. Ren He watched with joy while watching the excitement. These children seemed to be unable to grow up in a day. Less, but not enough.

Unsurprisingly, Liu Bing’s cooking is really unpalatable. Jiang Haoyang frowned after taking a taste: “Liu Bing, have you never cooked before?”

Liu Bing stiffly said, "You can do it, you can do it!"

"After all, don't waste food~www.readwn.com~ Ren He said cheerfully, he likes to watch this group of damaged goods suffer now.

After turning off the lights at night, Jiang Haoyang sat on the bed with a quilt like that, with green light in his eyes: "Boss, I'm hungry..."

Liu Bing swallowed, "I'm hungry too..."

Let's not say that the meal is unpalatable, it's not enough at all!

Ren He suffocated a smile and said, "You won't be hungry when you fall asleep."

"What you said makes sense..." Jiang Haoyang fell under the quilt and muttered after half an hour: "I can't sleep at all..."

It is this kind of difficult environment, everyone lies in bed thinking about the daytime, and then their thoughts slowly fly away.

Suddenly Jiang Haoyang laughed like a neurosis: "We are so terrible."

With a smile, the four elders in the room all laughed. It was really miserable, but it was miserable and meaningful.

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