I Am a Big Player

Chapter 270: Tomb Raider

In the middle of the night, Ren He took the flashlight and quietly led the Qinghe team towards the sound of the sound. Jiang Haoyang's faces were excited and they forgot about the hungry stomach, just want to see what the grave robbery was. What kind, I don't know if it will be interesting. Liewen ""Net Ww "W. LieWen. Cc

And Ren He was thinking that since the other party had used explosives, he must have found the exact location and was ready to open a thief hole and go to the tomb.

After running for more than a kilometer, it was a dirt **** to see a little light in front of him. Ren He pulled everyone down and lay down: "Don't make any noise!"

Ren He poked his head out quietly, the light in the distance of the soil **** was not particularly bright, it was just an old flashlight, but this did not affect Ren He's vision, because he had a strong vision task reward.

Next to an 8o cm diameter pothole stood a low man with thief-eyed eyebrows. There was a lot of debris scattered on the ground. It seemed that it was the result of the use of explosives. There are only two big bags left, and I don’t know what's in it. .

There is also a rope tied to a large rock next to it, and the other section of the thick hemp rope is in the robbery hole. It seems that it is going down this rope.

Ren He looked at it carefully, and this guy was watching the surrounding wind and grass astutely. This must be a tomb robber, and he didn't know how many people went down.

The other party was holding a dagger in one hand, and holding a flashlight in the other hand, so Ren He was relieved, he was fine without a gun.

Even if the opponent still had a gun hidden in his body, it was like the kidnapping case of Yang Xi's family. Ren He couldn't make them out of the gun that he didn't draw out. After all, it took more time to make a gun.

Thinking of here, Ren He relaxed here. They waited for a while and saw the thin man next to the pothole crouching at the entrance of the cave and shouting: "Okay, let's not wait for the villagers to come this time. We can't eat. Let’s go, it’s not what it used to be, we haven’t lit the candle yet, I hope nothing happens..."

A dull voice came from the pit and said: "Wait a minute, there are really a lot of things in this pit. I don't want to tell Lao Tzu that I don't believe in that evil."

The thin man outside the cave was overjoyed when he heard the words inside: "What's all there?!"

"Hurry up, don't you know when I go out?" The people inside muttered. At this time, your son must also be guarded. People must go up before things, otherwise things will go up and be given by accomplices. It would be nonsense to be buried underneath, and there is no doubt that it will die.

Not only did they have no guns, but there were only two people, and they seemed to have broken up with the team and came out to do it alone. They don’t look very professional. They don’t even light candles... Ren He happily took advantage of him lying in the pothole to look inside At that time, he signaled Jiang Haoyang to stay far away, while he slowly wanted to touch the pothole.

The thin man just lay on the edge of the pothole and waited, and suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Why don't you light candles?!"

On such a dark and windy night, in front of me was a dark robbery hole, surrounded by a dark mountain col, I was still doing mortal and wealthy things. The thin guy still believes in ghosts and gods, so I was a little scared at first, as a result, this Suddenly someone asked, have you lit candles?

How does it feel?

It's as if the tomb owner suddenly woke up and asked: "Do you not speak the rules? You don't light candles? How can I give you hints if you don't light candles?"

The thin man was trembling and turned his head slowly, just in time to see Ren He's face shining from his chin with a flashlight, Ren He was smiling happily...

"Oh my god!" The thin soul was almost frightened. Why did he come out of the tomb. He hurriedly crawled in the opposite direction of Ren He, but he forgot that there was a thief behind him. He just heard him. Just fell into the hole...

"Fuck, why did you come down! What are you shouting nonsense?!" The man who was in the pothole yelled, "Did someone come?"

The thin man said weakly in the hole: "Zongzi! Zongzi! Go outside!" Seeing that his fall was not light, he couldn't speak.

"Run Nima, its coffin lid hasn't moved a bit, where did the rice dumplings come from?!" The people inside roared anxiously: "I believe in your evil and look like nothing."

As he said, Ren He saw the rope on the side of the pothole began to sway. This was the rhythm of climbing up.

How could Ren He let them come up so easily? Just when the guy inside was about to climb to the entrance of the cave, a big foot kicked over!

"Fuck! Boom!" The square-faced man was kicked back by Ren He and fell to the ground...

"Oh, you smashed me!" This is the thin voice...

Ren He couldn't laugh outside the cave. These two stupid thieves were really okay. One was daring and desperate, and the other was scared and almost dying. However, Ren He has no sympathy for them. The real tomb thief is not as mysterious as San Shu wrote. Many of them usually commit crimes and even abduct children and women. Ren He wouldn't kill them, he wouldn't be able to kill them if he really let him kill them. Now he was just teasing them.

The square-faced man yelled at the bottom: "Don't care if you are a human or a ghost, let Lao Tzu go up if you have a seed, let's practice!" The square-faced man didn't believe that it was a zongzi outside, it was probably their former gang. Now that they found the tomb pit, they came to rob the black and eat the black. If it were villagers, there must be a large crowd of people coming in, and it would not be so small.

After that, he started climbing up the rope again...

"Fuck! Boom!"

As soon as Ren He stretched his foot, the goods went down again... He squatted at the entrance of the hole and licked his teeth and said with pain, "Do you seem stupid?"

The square-faced man was in pain, but at this time, the sound was not from their former gang member, but it was unbearable to kick these two feet directly on the face...

The thin man suddenly said in surprise: "Isn't it Zongzi?"

"Brown Nima~www.readwn.com~ Do you think these two footprints on my face were made by zongzi? Have you ever seen a zongzi that kicks people? You are so **** stupid, why would I go down with you? !" The man with a square face hated iron and steel.

Ren He was already very happy outside the pit and greeted Jiang Haoyang and the others: "Come on, there are two sturdy goods in the pit, there is no danger."

"Who is Biao you say?!" The square-faced man was unhappy, and the thin man was so scared that he hurriedly took hold, my uncle, now you are in the pit and people are on the top. !

"Why are you pulling me? You won't even be a security guard after you go home like this!" the man with a square face roared.

The thin guy cried at that time, just like this to you, can we two go home...?

Ren He is also happy, is he going to make a ticket to stop and go home as a security guard? What kind of security, what kind of bicycle!


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