I Am a Big Player

Chapter 296: Silence at an altitude of six kilometers

Slowly, the training cycle began to strengthen, and even a few hikes were carried out, but it was the same effect for Ren He, and he was not able to challenge his physical limit. "Δ" hunting Ω article network www "W. "LieWen. Cc

Everyone will be mentally retarded or even unwell after returning to the camp, but Ren He still sits on a big rock with Yang Xi to watch the sunset, and whispers a little bit from time to time. Only when the weather is extremely bad will he stop showing his affection publicly. behavior.

Gradually everyone started to feel a little confused. Didn't this product have never been up to 6ooo meters above sea level? Why doesn't it seem like nothing?

Even experienced climbers will experience discomfort in the process of slow training, more or less, but no one is immune.

When Yang Xi and An Si first came up, they were dizzy if they didn't do anything in the camp at an altitude of 6ooo meters, let alone Ren He after exercising.

The white youths looked at Ren He's back sitting on the rock through the tent, and felt like a dog in the sun: "Can he survive without oxygen?"

It was too slapped. After a few days of training, everyone seemed to have abandoned half-life, including Smail himself, but only Ren He still did nothing.

Even An Si was at a loss: "Are you still a human? Didn't you say that you have never been in a snow-capped mountain environment at an altitude of 6ooo meters?" An Si, Ren He, and Yang Xi held a small pot together in the evening. An Si asked while cooking the bread porridge.

"Yeah, I haven't been," Ren He answered naturally while stirring the torn bread in the pan. He almost vomited after eating bread every day. It was so dry that he couldn't eat it, and the altitude sickness was not difficult when I got here. Staying with him, eating makes him sick.

There are still soft leaves in the bread porridge to supplement vitamins. Looking at this little pot, Ren He feels that he must make a good compensation when he returns to Kyoto.

An Si is very sure that Ren He really has nothing to do after training for so long!

So slowly everyone in the team began to realize a problem... What Ren He said before about his better physical fitness than everyone else is probably not an angry statement during a quarrel, but a statement with confidence... …

Now the team has been dubbed the U.S. team and the Chinese team by the deputy team leader, and the U.S. team began to shut up slowly at this time. During the training excursion this morning, Ren Hedute had spare time to look elsewhere. Looking at the scenery, what is this situation?

Ren He didn't think anything. He came here to wait for the roof of the world, and everything else was secondary.

He had a spring dream before. In the base camp at an altitude of 6ooo meters, he had some indescribable things with Yang Xi...

These few days he and Yang Xi have both slept in a tent, holding Yang Xi from behind to fall asleep. Yang Xi would shrink all his bodies together in the middle of the night because of the coldness, and the two of them would be warm together. Ren He couldn't help but feel a little bit ready to move.

As a result, before the two of them started to do anything in the tent, Yang Xi was a little bit out of breath and began to feel dizzy...

This is so, the reality is really much crueler than the dream!

On the seventh day, a member of the American team began to have physical conditions. When he returned to the camp after training, he became a little confused. He started coughing a few days ago, and today he has started coughing out from time to time. Pink bloodshot foam.

This symptom is very typical, so Smail knows that this white American player is a disease of alpine pulmonary edema. It is characterized by acute illness and rapid progress of the disease. If it can be diagnosed and treated in time, it can be completely cured.

In fact, many people will have this symptom or even die at an altitude of more than 4ooo meters. It is easy to treat, but that is when medical facilities are available. When this disease occurs at an altitude of 6ooo meters, he It will take 3 days to be lifted up by the Sherpas, and it will be a big problem whether it can be cured by then.

Ren He and the others gathered around him and heard the white youth's breathing sound like the sound of sucking the bottom of a bottle while drinking yogurt. Hearing this sound knew how serious the illness was.

In fact, alpine pulmonary edema is originally known for its rapid disease.

Even the helicopters can't fly in this place. Only those pilots who are brave and skilled have the guts to try, but at least they have to pay $20,000 for this flight before anyone is willing to try it.

Small went to the expedition consulting company and borrowed a satellite phone to call the Yamashita Helicopter Company. However, there is no suspense that the other party is not willing to take the risk.

"The Sherpa can only carry him down, I hope he can resist it," Smail sighed. In fact, he knew in his heart that if the other party's illness was delayed for three days, he could be treated, even if he was rescued. Basically will be disabled.

The physical function of the white youth will decline, and the muscles will gradually atrophy. This is still a rescued situation.

There are already 4 teams at the base camp at an altitude of 6ooo meters. Now is the most suitable time for the summit. Professional mountaineering teams from all over the world are on their way.

Everyone watched the white youth carry down the mountain on a stretcher. This is the price of climbing Everest. The white young man lay on the stretcher while breathing hard while tears streaming down the corner of his eyes to the side of his face. He failed. In his heart, he failed.

Before coming up, everyone has this ambition, believes that they are healthy enough, believes that the unlucky one must not be themselves, believes that the summit of Mount Everest will definitely become their lifelong honor.

Some people have counted the death toll of the summit of Mount Everest, and others have counted the number of successful summits, but no one will count the number of people who died halfway...

In fact, this number is quite huge, and some people come here to realize that they may not have any hope of going to the summit to take a look.

Death is not terrible, the terrible distance is only one step away from the dream, but the distance of that step away is eternal, and there is no one step forward.

It was at this time that the American and Chinese teams in the Smyr team finally slowly started to get along with each other in peace, and everyone was shocked by the depressed force. Even An Si would sigh from time to time, but he didn't expect that he would only accompany Ren He to this Mount Everest~www.readwn.com~ and even see such a shocking scene.

Whenever this kind of thing happens, it has to go through a night before everyone can slowly relax.

On this day, everyone got into their sleeping bags early, only Ren He and Yang Xi were still sitting on the big rock watching the sunrise.

Someone looked at them silently through the gap of the tent, really envious.

Smail glanced at Ren He and Yang Xi, and silently took out his camera to photograph the two people's back under the sunset.

In the freeze-frame focal length, the setting sun was projected from the west, passing by the white snow-capped mountains, burning the clouds in the sky red. Yang Xi cleverly leaned in Ren He's arms and said nothing, like the desolation on the ruins rebuilt after the war.

But Ren He still had his back straight, like a stubborn and tough mountain.


Something happened tonight, maybe the update will be later, and I’m not sure about it... You can watch it tomorrow morning if you can’t wait.

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