I Am a Big Player

Chapter 299: Camp 1

Before leaving, the Sherpa must perform a formal prayer ceremony. They respect Mount Everest, the goddess of heaven, and have their own beliefs. Ww"W. "LieWen. Cc

They even oppose the indescribable things that men and women, men, and women are living on this sacred mountain. At certain times, when the weather changes suddenly, the Sherpa will even point to the sky and say: "Bad luck is coming, there must be someone It's smashing."

Of course, they definitely didn't use the term "Papa Papa", and Ren He didn't understand their logic too much...

The Sherpas stipulate that they can only officially enter the mountain after a prayer ceremony, but in fact their beliefs always have too much flexibility... If their sacrifices do not arrive in time, the Sherpas will tell everyone, what do you guys do? You can enter the sacred mountain at any time, because the goddess of heaven already knows that you will definitely make up the ceremony after you come back...

When the Sherpa said this, Ren He felt that he was pulling a calf on the spot.

In fact, the members of the three teams may not be as pure as Xia Boyu. They have some selfish intentions: insignificant celebrity benefits, career prominence, self-satisfaction, bragging capital, and dirty money gains.

But here, who can reach the top will not change because of these, and it depends on everyone's own physical fitness.

On the first day, everyone arrived at Camp No. 1 without danger, where everyone set up a tent to rest on the spot. At this time, the altitude has reached a level that ordinary people can't accept.

Everyone in the camp went in early to rest after setting up the tent. Their nerves were tense, and the burden of the brain due to lack of oxygen began to become obvious.

The entire camp was immersed in this exhausted state.

Except for Ren He.

Ren He didn't have any obvious feelings until this time. In fact, his physical burden was even greater. Only the net weight of the backpack he carried was 3 kg, not to mention the contents of the backpack.

When he headed to Camp One, the increasingly sensitive air began to become thinner and thinner, but his alveoli were still very effective for the effective use of oxygen, just as easy as climbing Laojun Mountain to watch the sunrise...

Although he still does not know how he will perform at higher altitudes, his physical fitness has allowed him to overtake all climbers. Even when he sprints to the top, he finds that he will be affected by the thin air, but At least one thing can be guaranteed, even at that time, he will still be the strongest of the three teams...

The campsite is next to the ice wall, which can block the huge cold wind on the mountain for everyone. Standing on the edge of the cliff overlooking the clouds below the mountain and the majestic mountains, Ren He is actually excited.

He shouted and vented like he was on other mountains: "Ah!"

The other people in the camp are fascinated, how come this stuff is so powerful, let me clean it!

Anyway, everyone now knows one thing. Among the 21 people in the three teams, there is a perverted existence. They believe that if they succeed in the summit this time, they must mention it when they go home and brag with their friends. Because this young man who is still like a okay person at such a high altitude is so different!

Of course, some people think that this is the first time that Leng Touqing has gone to Mount Everest. He doesn't know how to cherish physical strength, and he doesn't know how to cultivate vitality.

When eating together in the evening, everyone is gnawing on dry and hard food, slowly sharing their own experiences and mental journeys. Talking and communicating in this environment is actually very helpful for the adjustment of mentality. Ren He said in his spare time, let's play a killing game together, right?

In fact, he also wants to see the spread of killing games abroad. Not surprisingly, everyone knows about killing games, even American friends. This shows that the current influence of killing games is quite good. And there is no communication equipment on this mountain, except for sleeping, waiting for the next morning to continue to go out, it is really boring.

Everyone, Ren He, is serious about watching him silently when he wants to play a killing game...

Because of the lack of oxygen, your brain can't turn around so fast. As a result, if you want to play such a brain-burning thing, do you want to destroy your teammates...? Ok?

But at this time they really realized that Ren He was not stunned, he really didn't have any shit!

When everyone spoke, they were obviously slower, their expressions would be a little bit tired, and their emotions would become a little bit low.

However, as for Ren He, his speech is still fast and his thinking is not affected, and there is a happy smile on his face, which is a happy feeling close to the edge of his dream...

Everyone is not climbing the same mountain...! ?

Everyone felt that their physical strength had been abused, and silently went back to the tent to rest.

Before, I said that they have no experience, that they don't know how to save their energy, and that they are just a rich kid who has come to die. Now think about it, my face really hurts.

Do people still use to save energy? Save the dog eggs, some people even think that he is very likely to be like this bird when he climbs to the top of Mount Everest.

The U.S. team members are all fascinated, and now the younger generation of China is so fierce? Is the national strength of the United States declining? !

This is like a long-distance marathon. You think you have the potential to win the championship, but when you are tired and want to die just half the distance, someone already runs to the finish line to win the prize with champagne.

At this time they didn't even know Ren He's real name. An Si directly used his name instead of Ren He's name when signing up. Ren He simply asked everyone to call him An Si when he introduced himself in the team.

This incident once caused An Si to reflexively look back when Smail was called Ren He...

When the photos he took are posted on Tk's official website, everyone will know that he is a knight.

There are no other worries, just worry about whether Lao Ren and Ren's mother can accept themselves to do such a thing. For parents, even if you have gained great honor, you are not worth your life.

Compared to Ren He's life, they might prefer that Ren He has never climbed Mount Everest, and they might even prevent him from thinking like this.

Parents do hope that their children will succeed ~www.readwn.com~, but most of that consideration is because they worry about whether their children can take good care of themselves after they die, rather than hoping that their children can win glory for the country. What a glorious thing.

During the war, parents always hope that others will go to the battlefield, and their children should not go. This may be a bit selfish, but Ren He understands this selfishness, and many people understand it.

When Ren He becomes a father in the future, I'm afraid he won't let his children do such dangerous things. In fact, most people are the same. The love of parents for their children is a special deep love.

It can only be said that it is the pity of the parents of the world, Ren He does not want them to worry too much.

Of course, when this layer of window paper will be pierced, Ren He can't say for sure, he just hopes to be known by Lao Ren and Ren Ma as late as possible.

I don’t know how this group of people returned home after reaching the summit of Mount Everest until they found out that they had been teammates with the Cavaliers for a month, but in the end they had never seen their true colors, and even the names they knew were wrong. What would they be like...


Routine, eat a meal, are you happy to see this...

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