I Am a Big Player

Chapter 301: The first person to climb Mount Everest without an oxygen cylinder!

That is to say, on this evening, the three team leaders put oxygen cylinders, oxygen masks, and regulators for everyone, and Ren He felt a strange feeling holding the heavy oxygen cylinders. Ω hunting "Ω Wen Wang WwΔW. ΔLieWen. Cc

In fact, the mountaineering industry is controversial about oxygen cylinders. Some idealistic climbers insist that talented athletes with excellent physical fitness can climb without oxygen cylinders after a long period of adaptation to the climate. Go to the top of the mountain. Purists take this view to the limit of logic, and they believe that the use of oxygen is tantamount to deception.

Therefore, some people have always believed that humans’ climbing to the summit of Mount Everest is not a true summit until someone can climb to the summit without an oxygen cylinder. It is the first time to conquer that mountain, and this parallel world. In 2oo7, no one has done it yet, at least there is no well-documented one.

There was a strange look in Ren He's eyes. Until now, it was only the rays that bothered him. He did not feel the feeling of lack of oxygen...

And as he stayed on this mountain for longer, he seemed to adapt to the climate here. It was not until then that Ren He realized that his extraordinary physical fitness fully includes his physical adaptability...

Someone’s experiments in the decompression chamber have shown that when the human body is suddenly pulled from sea level to the top of Mount Everest, where the oxygen content is only one-third, the human body will lose consciousness within a few minutes and die soon. Therefore, every climber needs such a long adaptation cycle, and will never climb to the top in one breath like usual climbing. No one can do it.

And Ren He seems to be the only exception, his body has adapted to this low-oxygen environment!

Everyone felt that they were able to reach the summit, but the reality was cruel. When assembled early the next morning, the team leader suddenly found that there were two more unwell people among more than 20 people. They did not bleed or were particularly noticeable. The symptoms are just as if he was drunk and lost his ability to judge.

It's like that joke: the drunk guy gets up in the middle of the night and uses the refrigerator as a toilet and asks his wife why the toilet lights have become smart...

The origin of this problem is that the team leader found that the shoes of the two of them were not separated from each other when they were assembled, and even when they were asked to recognize their faces, they began to a little bit unable to remember the names of their teammates.

They are no longer suitable for continuing to climb to the top and can only be escorted down the mountain by Sherpas.

There are more oxygen cylinders, but they are not for the team members. Those oxygen cylinders will be put on the way back to the summit by the Sherpas. You can replace them with new oxygen cylinders to ensure sufficient oxygen.

That is a fixed supply point.

Just after everything was ready, everyone went to Camp 4 at an altitude of 79oo meters, where they would spend another night there and then charge towards the top of Mount Everest!

Suddenly, the female reporter of the China Travel Magazine safely and quietly put some sunscreen on Ren He: "I don't know if it will work, but it works as a starting point."

This was something that Ren He had never thought about preparing, and it was an unexpected surprise.

Xia Boyu's body was finally in trouble. He gasped heavily and couldn't resist his hypoxic state, and his tremors became more and more severe. Ren He and the others surrounded Xia Boyu, and said in a low voice, "Give up," Then you will die on it."

Xia Boyu grabbed the snow and rubbed the snow on his face forcibly suppressing his trembling and said: "I have the consciousness to pay everything for it, even if it's life, don't care about me, I'm fine."

Ren He looked at the seemingly endless dark night outside the tent. He used to infect others, but this time it was others who used practical actions to tell him a truth: There is indeed something more important than life in this world. Things, beliefs.

Those beliefs are as dazzling as the sun, moon and stars in the sky.

The next day, Ren He and the others successfully arrived at Camp No. 4, which was an ice and snow plateau about the size of four football fields. The mountain breeze blew through the V-shaped mountain pass, and the speed was almost unimaginable.

They have to rest there for 5 hours, and then go directly to the summit. They are expected to reach the summit at 1 pm, and they must descend before 2 o'clock at the latest. This is the rule for returning at 2 o'clock.

If you still have a certain distance from the top of Mount Everest at 2 o'clock, even if it is only 5oo meters, you have to turn back down the mountain.

Otherwise, you may sleep forever there and sacrifice your soul to Mount Everest.

During these five hours, Ren He didn't sleep at all. Unlike the exhaustion and depression of others, his heart was more excited. When he arrived at Camp 4, he had already put on his headphones, and there was only one song in the headphones: fade.

As he once said to An Si, he firmly believes that in his Bgm, nothing can beat him.

Five hours later, the morning sun rose from the edge of the clouds, and the light slowly spread, it was like Ren He's hot heart.

When the light shines on your face, you begin to feel the meager temperature bursting gradually.

Then the immersed power in his body began to flow in his blood. Ren He even wanted to jump down through the clouds from here with excitement, breaking through the ground like a meteor with a long tail.

But he couldn't do it, at least not this time, he didn't bring equipment.

Ren He looked up at the mountain above his head, that was the place he was going to challenge today.

Someone in the previous life once said to him: Ren He, your destiny in this life is doomed to be ordinary, just live a mediocre life.

However, things like destiny are born to be stepped on. If you do not have the power to resist it now, then please accumulate your own strength, and then wait with your utmost courage.

Ren He waited for this day for half a year. As early as half a year ago, he planned to come here to conquer the roof of the world, but he has been waiting, waiting with courage.

And now, it's time for him to set foot on his fate.

It does not matter whether the storm in the dream will arrive as scheduled. In fact, the most interesting thing about experiencing life and death is to let you understand the meaning of life.

The meaning of being alive is actually those things that pass through your mind instantly when you are about to die.

Every time he experiences life and death, Ren He will love life even more. This is the fundamental meaning of life and death to him!

When Ren He was about to leave, it suddenly became apparent that the oxygen cylinder barometer behind Xia Boyyu was too low, indicating that the other party was forcibly supporting it with oxygen on the way to Camp 4 before. With such a little oxygen, Xia Boyu had to die on the road.

He smiled and took off his oxygen cylinder and put it on Xia Boyu, but Xia Boyu's discarded oxygen cylinder was thrown aside by him.

Xia Boyu didn't have any resistance in front of Ren He. He watched Ren He replace himself with oxygen cylinders. He made a lot of money: "Are you going to die? I should have been in the storm 30 years ago. Dead inside, but you are different, you are still young..."

"Hmm..." Ren He pondered for two seconds and laughed: "I don't need that stuff, this is my greatest respect to you, come on, see you at the top."

After that, Ren He had already rushed out of the camp alone and sprinted towards a higher field~www.readwn.com~ At this time, there was only one road ahead, and Ren He no longer needed a guide.

Xia Boyu yelled to the others behind him: "Stop him, he gave me the oxygen cylinder!"

Everyone was shocked. They looked at Ren He's vague figure walking out in the snow and realized that Ren He did not carry an oxygen cylinder!

are you crazy? Theory is always just theory, how could anyone really challenge the oxygen-free cylinder to reach the top!

too crazy!

Xia Boyu stared blankly at Ren He Fengxue's never looking back, so lonely...and tough!

I don't know why, he always feels that today, the first person to climb Mount Everest with an oxygen-free cylinder may really be born. This is the first time that mankind has conquered Mount Everest in a true sense!


Million rewards plus more

He must live to see that scene!

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