I Am a Big Player

Chapter 308: Live to death

Above Mount Everest. "Hunting" Web www. ΔLieWen. Cc

Xia Boyu just watched Ren He put on a red scarf and jumped down from the top of the peak. He was too old to touch the Internet. I don’t know what the meaning of Tk’s flag is. I don’t know why Ren He inserted both sides. Banner, I don't know why Ren He had to wear a red scarf before jumping down, but... he seemed to have heard people say about the red scarf, but he couldn't remember what the red scarf meant.

In fact, Ren He didn't need to wear a red scarf. He was wearing a red scarf at the beginning to prevent people from recognizing him, but now his face is so black that no one can recognize him, but he still wears it.

Because from this moment, he is a real knight.

The Hillary Step is actually close to the top of the peak, so when Ren He jumped down from the top of the peak on a skateboard, everyone could see it!

They had imagined that someone would yell on it, and they had imagined someone holding a flag waving on it, but they had never imagined that someone would jump from it...

"Fuck, it's that boy! An Si!" Someone recognized Ren He from his attire.

"No, red scarf..." someone murmured on the rope.

"Nima, it's the captain!" All the Chinese people present exclaimed, "Fuck, it turned out to be the captain! I went to Mount Everest with the captain, and witnessed him skiing on Mount Everest with my own eyes. Down the mountain!"

The U.S. team leader and Small are both dumbfounded, Cavaliers? !

For the young people present, they all know that the rider is now a high school student, the first person in the field of extreme cycling and parkour, but they never thought that the rider was walking with them!

How many young people now do not know the name of Cavaliers? The Chinese are called the captain and the foreigners are honestly called the knights. It can even be said that for young people who love sports, the knight has become a certain belief.

When the new promotional pictures were posted on Tk's official website, they already knew that the Cavaliers would have new moves, but they never expected that the Cavaliers would come to Mount Everest.

Who can think of it?

A parkour biker chose to give up his oxygen cylinder to someone else at an altitude of 79oo meters, while he climbed the Mount Everest alone with his bare hands, and then not only successfully climbed to the top, but also jumped down from Mount Everest. Choose the most awesome way down the mountain!

The awesome life is simply unexplainable. Everyone is shocked and inexplicable. This is the most awesome life. It was born under their own witness!

Without the camera, the other party just jumped down from the top of the mountain in such a solitary manner. The red scarf is the best proof!

Nowadays, wearing red scarves has become a fashion in many places. Many people on the street wear red scarves, but they clearly understand that the only people who dare to ski here are the knights!

No wonder the physical fitness is so abnormal, it's no wonder that you dare to play so much, it's no wonder that you can become the first person to conquer Mount Everest without oxygen!

It turned out to be a knight!

It seems that everything they didn't understand before can be explained at this moment, that's a knight!

A group of people started cheering crazily behind Ren He, even if it would lose some of the oxygen in this way, it would have been a long time ago, but Ren He couldn't hear it at all.

There was only boiling Fade in his ears.

This is probably the closest I have been to death, no, I have experienced death once.

If there is no natural punishment system, he might risk continuing to rush down the Hillary Steps, and then rely on his strong physical stamina to try to break through the limits of mankind to fight for the probability of survival, but in fact, Ren He understands that even in that situation He also only has an infinitely small chance of survival, so he is a person who has died once.

At the moment he jumped off Mount Everest, he thought a lot.

Someone once asked: "If this is the last day of your life, what would you do?"

"If every day in the future is a repetition of today, what would you do?"

This is a difficult question to answer, because the essence of the question is to let everyone face life and death, but whoever has not experienced it knows what will happen.

Most people's answers will choose to make life more passionate, and what Ren He is experiencing now is not those two problems, but turning the problems into reality.

The fear of death will motivate us to find our passion, and use the most intense conflict in life to help people find the most meaningful part of life.

Ren He is now heading straight to hell, but when he really survives, he will be in heaven.

Everyone just watched Ren He dive down on the Hillary Steps, and then flew directly from the top of a raised rock without even changing the path. This flight took more than 30 meters before restarting. Falling on the snow, but the knight himself has nothing to do.

Everyone watched him jump from the top of the peak, and then left with the flying snow...

This feeling is amazing!

Suddenly someone shouted: "I just took the last scene of him in the sky, it was so shocking!"

"Haha, give it to us when I go back to the camp. It will be enough for me to go back to Mount Everest with the knight for 3 years!"

"I can blow for a lifetime..."

However, Xia Boyu suddenly appeared above the Hillary Steps and shouted: "An Si said that the storm is about one hour away. If you don't queue up, don't queue anymore. We must go back!"

Ren He explained to Xia Boyu, if the people on Hillary's steps don’t believe him, don’t continue to waste time, decisively take the people on the top of the mountain down the northern slope, Xia Boyu just wants to try it now, I don’t know what everyone will do. How to react, I don't know if the situation mentioned by Ren He will happen.

If Ren He is still here, something very painful will happen...

"Huh, the captain said the storm is coming? Fuck, then I have to hurry down the mountain!"

The Americans did not understand Chinese and asked what was going on. Someone translated him: "The knight, the old man said, the storm is coming, hurry down!"

At this time, there is actually a lack of an authoritative voice telling everyone: hurry down the mountain, or they will all die here.

It turned out to be a momentary thing, everyone chose to retreat to the camp!

If this let Ren He know that he has to spit out a sigh of blood, would he have used his name so useful, why not? !

Even if you want to ski down from Mount Everest, it will be the next time you think about the route. This time it is obviously to catch the ducks!

But in fact, think about it carefully, if he didn't wear a red scarf and jumped off Mount Everest, how many people would really believe that he was a knight?

And it's already slipped down and it's too late...

The mission requirement of the natural punishment system is to ski back to the 6ooo meters base camp~www.readwn.com~ even if he only gets to camp 2 it is a failure...

Xia Boyu stared blankly at everyone consciously retreating. Why did it seem a bit different from what the young man said? Isn't this pretty conscious of everyone?

In this way, the people on the top of the mountain don't have to continue to knit down from the northern slope. It ends perfectly.

Although many people have not yet climbed Mount Everest, as long as their lives are still alive, they will have a chance sooner or later, right.

Just when they returned to Camp 4 to get into the tent, a black storm really came!

Many people looked at the terrible storm outside the tent with lingering fears: "The knight saved us."

"If you don't retreat in time, I'm afraid no one will be able to go back alive in this storm..."

"I just want to know if the captain succeeded in skiing down the mountain..."


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