I Am a Big Player

Chapter 311: Slap in the face too fast

Will be the top of Ling Ling, overlooking the mountains and small mountains. Ww"W. "LieWen. Cc

This poem is actually incomprehensible to foreigners. Even if it is translated into English, it will lose a lot of its charm. This is what Ren He asked the Chinese to see.

He has always liked this poem. The moment he stood on the top of Mount Everest, he really understood this poem very well. At that time, he used the most unexpected way to reach the top, and then the mountains were under his feet. At that moment Ren He's mind has indeed been sublimated.

When the mystery on Tk's official website was revealed, everyone knew it. It turns out that the rider went to the summit of Mount Everest during this period. This product has been crossing the border and has never stopped. After playing the bicycle, I will play parkour. , After playing parkour, go hiking, or climb the highest mountain in the world like the roof of the world.

It's terrible, is this still a human?

This is simply the cross-border gods in the sports field, okay? It seems that for the knight, those limit barriers in the inertial thinking of the sports world seem to be gone.

In the parallel world, there has never been a lack of sports masters who cross-boundary confidently. As a result, they have been devastated by reality. Some people go to track and field with confidence after playing football, and they are completely defeated. Some people go to play basketball after playing parkour, and they are completely defeated.

Facts have indeed proved too many times: There is a specialization in the surgery industry.

However, this principle is different for the knight. If he is only proficient in other fields, everyone can understand it, but the problem is that every time he crosses the boundary, he can win the title of the first person!

However, at this time, the problem of only photos as evidence of record still appeared. Someone suddenly said: “Although I trust the Cavaliers’ past record, this time I just posted a photo to say that I was the first person to conquer Mount Everest without oxygen. And I climbed the rock by hand, and challenged from the top of the mountain to ski and the altitude difference is 3ooo meters. A photo does not seem to be convincing."

Indeed, this photo can only show that the Cavaliers have been to Mount Everest. In fact, the brilliant achievements posted on Tk's official website cannot be proved.

With fans, there will be people who hate him. This is true for everyone. No one in the world can be recognized by others. So some people also took the opportunity to refute Tk’s propaganda: “If a photo can prove so many things, then what other people are still spending so much doing? The parachutist takes a photo after landing on the ground. All right."

This was something that Tk himself hadn't thought of before, and even Ren He hadn't even thought of it.

In fact, before I came out, everyone thought about doing a summit. In fact, they didn't think about so many extra things. It just proved that the Cavaliers had reached the summit, so there was no need to use cameras to prove anything.

However, the project that Ren He challenged himself in the process of reaching the top was so brilliant, too life-threatening, and too irritating. Tk executives were also very excited and decided to put it all on, even if there was no valid proof.

Now comes the problem.

However, at this time, someone also said another thought: "The knight is a Chinese. Why didn't even the flag be planted after reaching the summit, but only the Tk flag?"

Because only the photo of Ren He and Tk are displayed on the official website of Tk, there is no need to put the photo of the national flag on the official website of Tk. This question is too cruel. It is unpatriotic to point to the Cavaliers.

This is an intention to directly use moral benchmarks in the country to block knights!

However, at this time, an exclusive interview with the old man Xia Boyu on his hiking trip was reported on the full page of the sports section of the People's Daily!

Originally it seemed to be an unrelated matter, but it dispelled all doubts about the Cavaliers from the outside world. In this report, there is not only an interview with Xia Boyu, but also some words from his teammates and American friends!

Quite a few people who read this interview smashed it, smashed its mouth: "It's so fast!"

And at the same time, an interview with the American team leader was also released in the United States, and the detailed description was no different from that of Xia Boyu and others.

Xia Boyu went to People’s Daily because: First, he lost his feet because of Mount Everest saving people; second, he insisted on climbing Mount Everest four times after losing his feet, and finally succeeded in the fourth time; third, because they were in the storm this time. Retreat in the whole body.

The combination of these three points is really a gimmick. The People's Daily itself shoulders the important task of guiding domestic public opinion. A spirit like Xia Boyu is absolutely suitable for guiding the atmosphere of the entire sports world and the thinking of the people.

It is both self-sacrificing to save others and perseverance. Who is more worthy of coverage than Xia Boyu at the moment?

As for the American team leader, they are the vice presidents of the American Mountaineering Association. They came to Mount Everest. Of course, they have to report after going down the mountain. Although they did not succeed at the summit, they can retreat from the storm. By all things, everyone knows how terrible this storm is, and many people in the camp below the mountain thought they were going to die on it!

However, all the previous doubts about the Cavaliers disappeared in this pile of reports.

Someone posted that they captured the moment when the rider was skiing and diving with a red scarf, and there was a 6ooo meter camp time to prove that the rider did ski directly back to the 6ooo meter camp. If it weren't for skiing, there would be no time.

You must know that they spent nearly 2o days on their way up the mountain back and forth!

If it wasn't for skiing, how could the rider return to the camp at an altitude of 6ooo meters so quickly?

Not to mention free-hand rock climbing. The photos of the knights standing in the mountains and eating happily are in their cameras. The shock, the reporters can even feel all that through the photos, even the knight’s happy mood at the time. , It is too contagious.

The knight did not wear an oxygen cylinder or an oxygen mask, which proved that the opponent was indeed Mount Everest conquered without oxygen.

In fact, Xia Boyu’s interview more confidently explained this matter: "At that time, I ran out of oxygen ahead of time, thinking that I was finally dying on this sacred mountain. The dream of reaching the summit seemed to be impossible in my life. But at this moment, the young man gave me his oxygen cylinder."

When everyone saw this place, they felt this inexplicable shock in their hearts. They all said that in that place, all moral standards will be invalidated. However, Xia Boyu gave up his sleeping bag to others decades ago, and now others give up oxygen cylinders. To Xia Boyu, this causal cycle of drinking and pecking is teaching people to face this indifferent world with a kind heart.

Good people will indeed be rewarded.

"It turns out that he conquered Mount Everest without oxygen because he gave up his oxygen cylinder to others, the captain is awesome!"

"Fuck, I'm about to fall in love with Captain!"

"I wonder if the captain has a girlfriend?"

"Ahem~www.readwn.com~ As far as Captain’s physical fitness is concerned, one estimate is not enough..."

Yang Xi looked at Ren He coldly when he saw this, and Ren He smiled dryly: "I don't have that idea, don't watch them talking nonsense."

It is from this moment that all doubts have been clarified. The knight is indeed the first person to climb the summit without oxygen, the first person to return to the 6ooo-meter camp by skiing, and the first person to climb the summit of Mount Everest by hand.

And those in China who wanted to put Ren He to death without being patriotic, saw Xia Boyu saying in People’s Daily: “When I reached the summit, that boy had already reached the summit. He was the first one, I am Second, the moment I went up, I saw the motherland’s national flag hunting and waving on the top of the peak, and the sense of glory in my heart spontaneously emerged.

In the entire page of People's Daily, the most striking thing is the color picture on the top: the five-star red flag is waving in the wind on the roof of the world!


The end of the chapter pushes the book: "The Master of Chinese Entertainment" by my friend Qiu Dao Zhanyu has 10,000 characters.

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