I Am a Big Player

Chapter 330: Long-lost classic!

"May I use the piano in the rehearsal hall?"

This sentence is very calm, like a neighbor knocking on your door suddenly and asking: "Does your house have soy sauce?"

But in such a calm remark, there is so much confidence, as if the temperament of the young man standing at the door of the rehearsal hall has instantly changed.

In the face of this self-confidence, Joseph couldn't even think of any reason for rejection!

"It can be used, Mr. Ren He, it's just..." Joseph didn't know what the other party was going to do? Is it playing those three pieces? But if he only knows how to play, it doesn't mean that he is the original author.

Ren He has come to the beautiful black piano. Although he is a master in piano skills, it is the first time he has played such a good piano...

He sat down, the first song, to Alice.

In fact, in terms of piano performance and interpretation, you will know how to play it. First is the pitch, then the pursuit of higher and uniqueness, and finally the feelings.

Between 1808 and 1810, Beethoven, who was nearly 40 years old, taught a female student named Therese Malfati, and had a good impression of her. Once in a very happy mood, he wrote a A small piece of "Bagatyle in A minor" was presented to her, and the music score was inscribed "Dedicated to Teresa", so the original name of this song should be "To Teresa", but it was published in 1867 I made a mistake in the song...

When Ren He played this piece, everyone seemed to be in that foreign town, and that kind of hazy goodwill came to life...

This is probably the most fascinating interpretation since they saw the score, and they have played it themselves, but now it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Hmm... Maybe this is really the creator, otherwise why is the interpretation so perfect?

But even if you are not a creator, this musical attainment cannot be ignored at all. At least the current piano performance teacher at the Juilliard School of Music thinks that there is still a little distance from Ren He.

After Ren He finished playing to Alice, he didn't stop and played Canon directly.

The brisk music style and cheerful rhythm directly brought everyone out of the emotions sent to Alice just now. After listening to Canon, everyone even wanted to dance!

However, when Ren He finished playing Canon, he suddenly got up and smiled: "Can you give me a violin?"

What do you want a violin for? Everyone is at a loss. They are experts in the field of music, so they know best that it is not particularly difficult to be proficient in many instruments, but the problem is that at the level of a master like Ren He, his violin is definitely worse than the piano. Some, why use the violin? Just keep playing the piano.

And everyone is still a little unbelievable. The piano level of a 16-year-old Chinese boy has already made them give them a "master" evaluation in their hearts... This is incredible!

Joseph thought for a while, "Pete, you can go to my office and get my violin."

Joseph played the violin himself. It's just that others are surprised. Joseph's violin is usually not good, but now it can be used by strangers?

Pete flew all the way to Joseph's office to fetch the violin case and flew back all the way back to Ren He.

Ren He seriously opened the box and took out the violin. At this time, everyone suddenly realized that only Croatian Rhapsody was left in the three songs. Is it necessary to use the violin to perform Croatian Rhapsody? !

In the previous fight, when performing these three songs, he didn't even think about having other instruments, but he did not expect Ren He to choose the violin at this time.

In fact, he used the violin to accompany Liu Jiamin in the dance party of the Fourth Middle School before. In fact, the violin can also perfectly embody the extremely high-spirited temperament in Croatian Rhapsody.

When Ren He was standing on the stage of the rehearsal hall and closing his eyes, the music began to explode from the strings, as if the war in Croatia was the day when the cannonballs flying in the sky were passing over everyone's heads.

And Ren He stands tall in this chaotic artillery fire, without fear, grievance, self, and regret.

Even the violin playing level is at a master level... Joseph suddenly thought that even if the other party is not the creator of these three songs, he is fully qualified to be a professor of piano or violin!

This is only 16 years old!

When Ren He finished performing his last song, even he closed his eyes for two seconds before opening his eyes, and he was greeted by the applause of the staff from the Juilliard School of Music: "Wonderful, genius!"

Ren He smiled, yes, this seems to be exciting enough, but for himself, it is not enough!

Standing on this stage, watching these world-class musicians applaud him, Ren He began to enjoy this stage.

Although this stage is limited to the faculty and staff of Juilliard School, this is exactly what Ren He wants. If it is really open, he would not want to be because he does not want to be a star.

Ren He solemnly put the violin back in the case and handed it back to Joseph. However, before Joseph could speak, he had returned to the piano and sat down.

Everyone looked at each other. What are you going to do? Haven't all three songs been performed? Do you want to perform it again?

No, no, I know that you are awesome, so you don’t need to play it in a loop, okay...

However, when Ren He played the first note, everyone was stunned, and then there was a huge expression of ecstasy, and his eyes were full of excitement: new song! What this boy wanted to play turned out to be a new song!

Ren He ignored them, but was immersed in the inexplicable happiness.

Beethoven No. 13, Sad Sonata, Chapter Three! Long-lost, classic!

In previous lives, this is probably one of the most familiar classical music among Chinese teenagers. Some people will also ask, it is clearly called sadness, why is the style of music a bit cheerful?

Because this chapter embodies Beethoven's desire for freedom and beauty after his anger and sorrow.

Some people say that this song is actually not difficult, and that the piano will be played after level 8, but Ren He can only say that there is a big difference between being able to play and playing well.

Is this song difficult? Depends on your standards and the standards of the audience: for lay pianists, it's as difficult as the sky, because they can't even tune in.

For amateur pianists, it's not difficult, because they don't pursue the quality of performance, and the pitch is good.

For professional pianists, it is too difficult, because at that level, pitch is just the most basic thing.

The people present are experts, so when Ren He started to perform this piece, he understood how difficult it is to play this piece well!

However, that's the problem. After all, Ren He's musical prowess demonstrated in the three songs just now has given everyone a shot.

What they are more concerned about is that this is another new song!

This is another piece that has become a classic after all!

At this moment~www.readwn.com~ no one can question Ren He’s identity as a creator. He first conquered the ears of everyone present with his performance level, and then conquered everyone’s talents with such a new song. Imagination.

They can't even believe that a 16-year-old boy has composed 4 such classic songs!

This world is crazy!


Ten thousand rewards plus more... I can't stand it anymore, but I did it. Good night everyone...

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My personal Weibo: Ren He is a monster, please forgive me

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