I Am a Big Player

Chapter 335: I am not a prodigal

Yang Xi's eyes lit up when Su Ruqing said to have a meal together in the evening, which means that Su Ruqing has let go, at least he will not be completely opposed as before, and of course, it will not be so easy.

On the first day of school, Ren He wanted to familiarize everyone with his teacher. Although he came for Yang Xi, the problem is that since he became this teacher, he must teach his students with due diligence in the future. It doesn't matter how long he can do it, he has to do it well anyway.

Otherwise, the Juilliard School of Music is very face-saving and pushes himself to this position under pressure. As a result, he still makes people suffer from controversy and pressure, which is too inappropriate.

Ren He pays attention to reciprocity in life. If you treat me well, I will treat you well. Anyway, Ren He has nothing else to do when he comes here. I have thought about whether to start another industry here, but think carefully about how easy it is. Most of what he can do is the IT industry. This is an industry where user information is easy to obtain, and the Chinese are not very good at it there.

The so-called openness and freedom are for Americans, not Chinese.

Although everyone was still curious and puzzled about their new 16-year-old teacher until the end of school, they couldn't be faulty since they came here. They can only wait to see the teacher's level after class.

In the afternoon, Yang En returned the phone to Yang Xi, because Renhe people were here, and it didn't make any sense to confiscate a phone.

To be honest, Yang En himself is also very curious about what Ren He's music level is like to be able to come to a world-class conservatory as a piano professor...

Su Ruqing felt very sad the whole afternoon, but Yang En was different, he felt that Ren He was a little more interesting instead.

He previously felt that Ren He might not be simple or improperly related to any forces, but Tianqi has also determined that Ren He has no problems, so for Yang En, he still respects Yang Xi's own decision. , It's just that he couldn't accept his 16-year-old puppy love.

But the problem now is that it won’t work if you don’t accept it...

What kind of kid can push the parents to this? Is this the only one?

All afternoon, Su Ruqing complained about Yang En, not that Yang En was not optimistic about Yang Xi, but complained, why did Yang En take Yang Xi back to Los Angeles...

This is very embarrassing, Yang En feels that he is also very innocent, how can he think that Ren He is so capable!

The place to eat in the evening was chosen by Su Ruqing. The French restaurant. Ren He is also the first time a Chinese eat French food in the United States. It feels like a very high class...

But strong women like Su Ruqing like to have everything under control. Now that the mother-in-law has given up, Ren He will not serve her mother-in-law, so she can eat whatever she wants. She will open another bottle later.82 Year's Coke!

At dinner in the evening, Yang En and Su Ruqing sat on one side, and Yang Xi and Ren He sat on the other side. Yang En’s mentality was relatively relaxed. After Su Ruqing did not put pressure on him, he was relieved. He looked at Yang cheerfully. Xi and Ren He suddenly felt that the two children still fit together well...

Su Ruqing saw his cheerful look and stopped fighting. Although she had already made concessions in her heart, the one who should beat Ren He still had to beat: "I didn't think about this situation right now, but I also see. When it comes to Ren He’s determination, I told you before that I’m not against you, but against Yang Xi’s dating so early. I want to emphasize a few points. First, you can’t open your relationship in the United States. , Teachers and students are not allowed to fall in love here. I hope you don’t touch this taboo. The second point is that you cannot live together in the United States. If you live together, I will still resolutely oppose your affairs."

Ren He nodded quickly: "Don't worry, I absolutely understand the severity, she is still young, and we will definitely not make mistakes!"

After listening to Ren He's words, Su Ruqing was silent for a long time. Is she still young? Where can you get older? How do you talk like an adult? !

She stroked her mind and still felt uneasy, and then continued: "Love is not only romance, but also responsibility. Although you are now a professor, Ren He, have you ever considered yourself as a student? Your own worldview, outlook on life and values ​​have not yet formed, how..."

"Don't worry, I'm all ready to donate a library to Columbia University next year, and then continue to study!" Ren He said seriously.

In fact, many universities in the United States are like this. Every year, 30% of students go through the back door, donate a toilet if it is relevant, donate a library if it is relevant, and children of alumni and employees. It's a normal thing. Ren Heyi is not a child of an alumnus, and two is not a child of an employee. It does not matter if the third is not. If you can't donate the toilet, then donate to a library...

The civil construction part of a library is only 6 million yuan. For Ren He, 6 million to buy a parent, mother-in-law, and the university life he wants is absolutely cost-effective. After all, it’s boring to save too much money. .

Su Ruqing almost didn't come up in one breath. As soon as she said her words, Ren He usually solved her problem. She said coldly: "Knowing that learning is a good thing, but don't rely too much on the financial strength of your family. Your family is indeed more prominent. Your mother and I have had several ties. She is indeed very powerful in the business circle. But when you were a student, you used your family’s money to buy a car and a courtyard house in Kyoto. Now you have to donate another one. The library doesn't cherish the hard-earned money of parents too much."

Ao, Ren He understood when he heard this. People already knew his family's situation. Fortunately, because Su Ruqing herself is a strong woman, she feels that she can solve things that she can solve without bothering others, so she didn't go to Ren's mother. The complaint, in fact, Su Ruqing did think so, a high school student can't be cured by herself, she is still a strong woman.

It turns out that she really can't cure it...

If Su Ruqing chose to file a complaint with Ren's mother this time, it would be too much to solve this matter. If all the property for Ren He is not confiscated so that he can go to school with peace of mind, that would not be Ren's style...

Regardless of what Ren He is making a lot now~www.readwn.com~ Compared with Ren Ma's current commercial real estate projects, it is really not at the same level...

In the eyes of Ren's mother, this is all for Ren He to earn in the future. It is enough for Ren He to study at ease. Now he does not need to make money... This kind of logic is actually not understood by Ren He.

But since the mother-in-law has the impression that she is a prodigal son, she can’t do it without turning around. Ren He deliberately said in a tone: “You see that is the case. The money I spend is actually earned by myself, and I didn’t spend any money at home. Money, my mother gave me 5 yuan in pocket money a month, and then I started boarding in Kyoto, only 200 yuan a month, and the rest of the money was made into a supermarket stored value card..."

Thinking of this Ren He felt very painful. If he didn't make money, how miserable he was? !

However, this was different to Su Ruqing's ears, and so did Yang En, they were shocked!

They don’t know how much the courtyard house in Liuhai Hutong in Kyoto is worth. Isn’t Ren He just a musical genius? Where did he get so much money?


Routine, eat a meal

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