I Am a Big Player

Chapter 350: The life of a knight

When a painting has its own soul, it is enough to prove its level, and from Richard's point of view, the painting is indeed a masterpiece.

He was still thinking about whether Ren He could only draw sketches this morning, otherwise how could he draw only sketches for two days in a row! ?

As a result, it has now been proved that Ren He is not only exquisite in sketching, but also of a high standard in oil painting.

In the impression of many ordinary people, the expensive paintings are basically abstract paintings like Picasso and Van Gogh. They are not. In the oil painting market, realistic oil paintings always occupy more than 40% of the market.

Take "Mountain Wind" by Mr. Chen Yifei in the previous life, for example, this is a realistic oil painting, but it was sold for a sky-high price of RMB 71 million early.

Ren He didn't expect how much money he could make from painting. He settled down to paint because he had too many memories in his heart to pour out. It was like a sad person who wanted to sing.

He is not sad, but there are too many things in his heart. He needs to sort out those things with one painting. There are too many things in his heart in this life. Only Yang Xi knows, and even Yang Xi doesn't know all his feelings.

An oil painting a day is like Ren He re-walking the path of his life's dream.

In the first picture, he jumped over from the teaching building. At that time, he had just arrived in this world and encountered a special punishment system that pits the host. He was forced to embark on the road of extreme sports in desperation. But it was from that time that I fell in love with everything now.

In the second picture, he climbed up to the building of the Grand Hotel with his bare hands...

In the third picture, he handed Yang Xi a love letter under a street lamp. At that time, it was Yang Xi who took the initiative to say to him: I like you.

Old Richard watched Ren He frantically painting oil paintings day by day. Ren He didn't sculpt them, almost all of them were finished in one shot.

These oil paintings are of very high standard, but none of them can give old Richard the same shock as the first mountain village elementary school, because he has no sense of identity, so there is no spiritual resonance.

So he also doesn't understand Ren He, why is this...like drawing a cartoon? ! And Old Richard couldn't even understand the content in these paintings.

It's as if Ren He didn't put too much emotion on these paintings, just some fragments of the soul were randomly pasted on the painting board, there was nothing special.

But he didn't know the significance of these oil paintings to Ren He.

As time passed slowly, Yang Xi began to find that Ren He was becoming more and more quiet: Ren He used to be like a book, and now the text in this book seems to be slowly disappearing, but Yang Xi does not feel that it is beginning to lose. The connotation is now, but he feels that Ren He's connotation is slowly beginning to recede, and the flame in his heart is converging into an inner core, and no one knows how much energy the inner core will burst out again.

This is not to say that Ren He's personality has begun to change, but that Ren He's temperament is undergoing some unknown sublimation.

Should I be joking with Yang Xi or joking. In the Conservatory of Music, if the students discussed the knight in front of Ren He and praised the knight, Ren He would still walk in shamelessly: "Yes, what you said is correct. The knight is really awesome!"

Yang Xi just wanted to laugh.

But Ren He was really different. When he was playing extreme sports before, the flame of hope and dream seemed to be able to burn and melt other people, but now he seems to have disappeared.

He never mentions extreme sports.

In fact, what An Si said is right. Athletes have to adjust their mentality after experiencing a peak competition, especially in extreme sports.

The two climbs to the summit of Mount Everest and the two downhill skiing down the mountain consumed Ren He's courage so much that he began to imagine at a certain moment after returning that he would be better if he had a safe life?

But there was a voice in Ren He's heart that denied it loudly.

The concept of "alive" is not to wait to die slowly, but to run continuously, run to a far place to see the world as wide as possible, and run to exhaustion to not regret it.

Death is not terrible, it's just a long sleep.

During downhill skiing, he felt death more than once, especially when the storm came and he was trapped on the Hillary Steps. No one knew how desperate he was at that time.

But when he went down the mountain, he still re-climbed without hesitation!

Ren He is not a god, he is just an ordinary person, and he will be tired.

But when you are tired, calm down and accumulate strength in the quiet.

He drew his own extreme moments, climbing the road to heaven, climbing the pants building with bare hands, climbing Mount Everest, the leap of faith...

Richard found that he was starting to fail to understand Ren He. How could these paintings be different from those of his own students...

What did you draw? Old farmers, hard workers, old people, women.

But what Ren He paints is like a series of commercial blockbuster propaganda posters, exciting, a moment of life and death.

Why doesn't it seem to be off the track, why don't you go to major in directing...

However, what Old Richard didn't know was that the filming of these experiences of Ren He was a commercial blockbuster, and it was proper. Now I don’t know how many people want to take a biography of the Cavaliers. I think it’s very popular. The metric wire of the Cavaliers is tens of millions in the world, or even higher. It’s really hard to say.

However, Old Richard didn't say anything. Nominally, Ren He was his student, but he examined his relationship with Ren He, as if he was just providing a quiet place to paint.

The realistic oil paintings painted by Ren He are getting more and more thrilling. The feeling of life and death seems to hit his face. Old Richard does not know what he is thinking in his heart, why he draws these things, he does not go online. , So I don’t know that these paintings can be called the challenge life of the knight...

Slowly, old Richard seemed to be able to understand Ren He’s paintings. When he saw the painting of Leap of Faith, he seemed to be young again, and he had no choice to paint. Painting, but playing various extreme sports like the people in the painting.


But Ren He’s paintings began to calm down slowly. There was no life or death, no fierce conflict, only a calmer picture. Just yesterday, Ren He painted a heavy snow in a traditional oriental courtyard, a boy. Standing calmly in the yard with hands down, his eyes were clear.

Then, Ren He's painting stopped, as if he had already slowed to the extreme, his speed couldn't be slower anymore, so he had to stop.

In the past two months ~www.readwn.com~Ren He has maintained a high level of production, one picture per day, and later, one picture every 2 days, one picture every 3 days, and one picture every last 4 days...

A total of 27 pictures so far!

It was like a process from extreme movement to extreme silence. Ren He's paintings began to slow to the extreme, and his heart was also quiet to the extreme.

Old Richard just watched Ren He sit in front of the drawing board for a long time and didn't know what he was thinking, but he knew that this was the process of Ren He's own sublimation.

Old Richard suddenly had a hunch that this longest brewing time will be Ren He's most painstaking effort, and it will also be the one that Ren He cares most about, so that he cares so much that he resolutely refuses to paint before he even thinks of how to paint. .

Ren He was too quiet in front of the drawing board, too focused.

Old Richard suddenly felt that it was obvious that Ren He hadn't painted anything yet, but he might have to witness something was born with his own eyes.


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