I Am a Big Player

Chapter 370: Confusion in the mind

On this cliff, there are not many places that can provide a short rest, and it can even be said that there are few pitiful places. ??

Even when Ren He took a rest to calm his heart rate, it was a waste, because he had to work hard to hang himself on the cliff, and his physical strength was still continuously outputting.

It's just that this time he didn't eat chocolate, what Honnold could do with his bare hands, theoretically he could also.

He now wants to turn this theory into reality.

In fact, Ren He's degree has already passed Honnold. Honnold does not have a memory comparable to Ren He, and he cannot achieve the level that Ren He can choose the route and borrowing points without thinking, so from the degree of speaking, Ren He must be more dominant.

At the last 2oo meters, everyone could see Ren He's exhaustion. His short sleeves were all soaked, sweat was still permeating from the pores on the surface of his skin, and there was still magnesium powder in the place he passed. The traces of contamination, the small white spots, are connected to his complete route.

When it was the last 1oo meters, everyone was sweating for Ren He, because everyone could see that Ren He was already a little exhausted at this time.

The trembling of his arm can be seen in the telescope, which is the best proof.

Ren He's physical strength should be better than Honnold's, but his speed is much faster than Honnold's, and accordingly he is consuming much more physical energy than Honnold's original.

And even Honnold himself had already reacted to exhaustion when approaching the last 15o vertical distance from the top of the cliff.

But exhaustion does not mean failure. Ren He believes that the biggest factor in a person's success is the strong willpower.

At this time, what Ren He was fighting was no longer technical and physical, but willpower.

And he believes that he, who has experienced countless lives and deaths, is not lost to anyone.

When Ren He's fingers finally clasped the top edge of the cliff, his mood suddenly became bright and he succeeded...

I succeeded!

He pulled his body up with both arms laboriously, and when he reached the top of the cliff, lying on the stone platform panting violently, Ren He took off the red scarf and asked the tk staff: "How long did I use it?"

"5 hours and 47 minutes!" the tk staff said excitedly.

They can't help but get excited, what they are witnessing now is history, a new history in the world of unarmed rock climbing!

Before Ren He, the fastest record was only 5 days, but Ren He took more than 5 hours. This is a different concept!

It's like when you play the next copy of the game, the kill record of others is 3 hours, but you only use minutes, think about it, you can understand that the two sides are completely unequal in strength.

Ren He smiled. He succeeded. Even in his previous life, he was the fastest unprotected free-handed rock climber to reach the top of the half-dome!

No one knows that the object of Ren He's heart is not the first person to climb freely, but a benchmark in his own heart!

However, at this time, the staff of tk suddenly handed the walkie-talkie to Ren He, and inside was An Si's voice: "Now many people outside Yosemite National Park are here, they are coming to you, they have guessed you. Here, what should I do?"

Ren He froze for a moment, but he was looking for it? ! He asked on the intercom: "How long can they get here?"

"Half a day!" An Si replied, Yosemite National Park is very big, even if you enter here, you will have to walk for a long time.

Ren He pondered for a few seconds and said, "I asked you to bring the chocolate, right?"

"Take it," An Si didn't understand why the other party suddenly asked this question at this moment.

"Just bring it, now we will begin the challenge of the Wall of Dawn!" Ren He said firmly.

This is a walkie-talkie, not a telephone. Almost every working group is equipped with a walkie-talkie, and it is an amplifier. So everyone present has heard what Ren He said: Let’s start the challenge of the wall of dawn!

Damn it, is this crazy, challenging two cliffs a day? Everyone has just seen how tired Ren He is on the half-dome, how can he continue to challenge?

An Si's voice suddenly roared on the walkie-talkie: "You don't want to die? Yang Xi is still here, you want her to watch you die?!"

Ren He calmly said, "Trust me."

It's just three simple words with infinite magic, trust me, you just need to believe me!

"Put the rope, I just use the rope to go down," Ren He calmly said to the tk staff, the tk staff involuntarily fixed the rope and passed it to Ren He...

Everyone thinks that the knight may be crazy, the knight is not dead!

But I don't know why, everyone has chosen to believe him at this moment, trusting him without reservation! This is the magic of the knight!

Everyone was silent. They were cheering the moment before, and now they don't know what emotions they should hold to face this matter. It is incredible to challenge two cliffs in one day.

The knight can ascend the half-dome slowly, but he has chosen the limit of breakthrough degree. He can also wait for a certain day to challenge the wall of dawn, but he chooses now.

They looked at Ren He's figure descending directly from the rope, as if something was blocked in their hearts, is this someone else's life? So wonderful!

After Ren He got down, An Si handed him a big bag of chocolates, and they ate while getting in the car. The others packed up the camera equipment, and the convoy exited towards the wall of dawn on Mount El Capitan! The people at the top of the cliff slowly descended the mountain and hung behind the convoy, Ren He gave them a new task.

A group of seven off-road vehicles left~www.readwn.com~, leaving only the quiet and solemn half-dome still standing here.


Half a day later, hundreds of enthusiastic fans of the knights first arrived at Half Dome, and there were still thousands of people rushing here after them. This is the charm of knights.

When they arrived at the half-dome, everyone was a little disappointed: no one, no one.

No, if the Cavaliers really come here to challenge, it is reasonable to say that everyone has arrived fast enough. It has only been 3 and a half days since the official website was updated. It takes 5 days for the Cavaliers to climb the Half Dome. Right.

So based on this time, everyone felt excited before that they should be able to see the heroic freehand climbing of the knights when they came, but when they arrived, there was no hair!

This is unscientific...no!

Someone exclaimed: "Look, on the half-dome!"

Huh, what happened on the half-dome? Everyone took a closer look, and the fresh and white mark of magnesium powder spread from under the cliff to the top of the cliff. Some people took out a telescope and took a closer look: "Fuck, isn't this the trace of someone just ascending to the top? Look, These magnesium powders have just been left on, and there is no trace of dust on the magnesium powder!"

"Is this the knight left behind?" Someone asked in surprise: "We were so late!"

"It must be a knight, otherwise, whoever is idle and quietly comes to challenge here," someone has already concluded that this must be a trace left by the knight.

But the point is, if this is really a sign that the Cavaliers have just reached the summit, how long did it take for the Cavaliers to reach the summit? 3 and a half days? This is too scary, right? It takes 1 day and a half to record it directly?

However, in fact, they are still too far away from the truth...


Convention, eat a meal 8

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