I Am a Big Player

Chapter 374: Sky-high endorsement

Ren He and Yang Xi returned to San Francisco the next day, because they still had four songs not recorded, and the owner of the recording studio was still waiting for him to come back to work. However, even though Ren He took a week off, the boss didn’t know what Ren He was going to do. Such a cheap labor boss still had to respect his personal wishes. Otherwise, if Ren He suddenly quits, it will be him. , It's not Ren He.

While in the recording studio, I was very happy to see Ren He came back. Ren He is very low-key here and easy-going. He often invites everyone to dinner at lunchtime.

This kind of colleague relationship abroad is more of the aa system, which is a habit, so when Ren He graciously invites everyone to dinner, everyone feels quite novel.

At lunch that day, a large group of people gathered together. I don't know who suddenly mentioned the Cavaliers: "Have you read the news? Many people judge that the Cavaliers have returned to San Francisco after this challenge is over!"

Ren He pricked his ears, and someone asked, "How is this judged?"

"You think, where did the Cavaliers record their songs before? It must be San Francisco. He was in San Francisco at the time, right? Everyone in this industry understands that once a person is used to a production team, he will not change easily. They all formed a tacit understanding, so everyone judged that the remaining four songs that the Cavaliers wrote for his girlfriend will definitely go back to San Francisco to record," the person across from Ren He swears while eating a sandwich.

"It seems to be the case, but I have asked many colleagues in other recording studios. The Cavaliers didn't go to them to record songs."

The person across from Ren He shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows, there are so many recording studios in San Francisco... I hope he can come to our recording studio. After all, we are the best. When the time comes, let’s say that the knight is here. We are recording music here, it must be very interesting! My friends and I can brag again!"

"This time, after the Cavaliers completed the challenge in the United States, his fans are even more enthusiastic. I don't know if there will be other challenges in the future."

Ren He listened happily to their discussion. How could they have thought that the Cavaliers had indeed returned to San Francisco and sat in front of them...

The fact that the Cavaliers challenged the two cliffs of Yosemite did not end here, but continued to leave. You must know that success in challenging the Wall of Dawn in the past lives will receive a congratulatory message from the President of the United States. The first person received it. Over.

But does a Chinese challenge the success to receive a congratulatory message? But this time the US President wanted to send a congratulatory message but couldn’t find anyone...

Many people are laughing and waiting for the outcome of this matter. In the end, in fact, the White House did not intend to make any comments on this matter.

Dog egg, who is it for? ! I need to know where the people are? !

Just because of this, some people protested on the official website of the White House, saying that this US conquest is a racial discrimination, only for whites and not for yellow people. The speakers of the White House are all fascinated. As for the rise to this level, we are true. Can't find it? !

If you want to find it, you can find it through Tk, but the question is to get information for this matter? As for? We are very busy!

Ren He didn't expect them to give himself a congratulatory message. Now he just wants to finish Yang Xi's entire album with peace of mind.

He was so happy that his colleagues in the studio couldn't guess that he was a knight. After all, the two sides really didn't have much connection other than nationality. The knight was so dazzling, and Ren He was so low-key.

A week later, Tk's official website finally posted a video of the Cavaliers' challenge. This time it was a 24-minute documentary. It is also the first time that the Cavaliers have used a documentary to record his challenge since the challenge.

In this video, everyone can see a detailed record of which route the knights took in Yosemite, and how the knights personally dealt with the gravel on the cliff.

It is also the process of cleaning up the gravel on the cliff that everyone understands that extreme sports itself is not as simple as they saw it. It not only has the brilliance after success, but also the hardships of the preparation period.

Then there was the segment of challenging the half-dome. Someone watched the video in the video when the knight put on the red scarf with his back to everyone and raised his arm to extend his thumb. Everyone was excited. This figure was raised by countless people after Mount Everest. It was the first time that it appeared in everyone's field of vision, as well as that iconic victory move!

The professional field of free-hand rock climbing pays more attention to the process of the knight climbing the half-dome, why is it so fast!

After reading it, many people were silent. They also sensitively discovered the knight’s ability to remember the route. What does it feel like to be a free-handed rock climber to remember every relay point he is about to face?

Some people thought before that the knight might not have much rock climbing experience. The ability to climb is completely based on a strong physical fitness. After all, everyone understands a truth. People have limited energy. I have never heard of a knight before. Training experience of free-hand rock climbing.

But in fact, after watching the video, they understood that during the rock climbing process, the knights handled every movement accurately and professionally, even more professional than their masters.

Especially when pulling through the cracks in the rock wall with their bare hands, many people honestly admitted that they couldn't do it and they had to use equipment.

Now how many extreme sports have the Cavaliers become the first person? Road descending, anaerobic climbing to the summit of Mount Everest, skiing, parkour, free-standing rock climbing...

Where is his limit? No one knows...

Now it’s the turn to worry about other areas. The Cavaliers are only 16 years old. It’s been too long for him to be able to play extreme sports~www.readwn.com~ The most painful thing is actually his age, it is true. It's too young!

The first people who have been replaced are happy when they think of this place. Don’t worry, take your time one by one. We just took one step first...

At this time, Tk executives with keen business senses began to think of the Cavaliers. The last time the red scarf was sold was a bit beyond their expectations. They and the Cavaliers were divided into five to five, and the red scarf alone was the achievement of the sales. There are 330,000 US dollars, and this part has been transferred to Ren He again.

Even Ren He himself did not expect that a red scarf could be so popular. This part of the sales amount may be less for the overall sales performance of Tk, but the problem is that this is only one item. The commercial value of the Cavaliers is far more than that. These ones.

When the Cavaliers first appeared in the field of vision, he couldn't even compare with some big-name sports stars, but now his commercial value has long been on the same level with those sports stars. There is no doubt about it.

In previous lives, the top ten endorsement fees of sports stars started at 490 million US dollars, of which sports brands alone accounted for half.

So Tk now pays Renhe 720,000 US dollars every year is a bit less, Tk has to re-open new conditions: abandon most of the terms of the existing contract, still maintain some parts of the original, 280,000 US dollars contract As a guarantee, for each additional challenge, Tk will pay the Cavaliers an additional $30 million annual fee, and the surrounding commercial value of the Cavaliers will be divided into 50-50.

That is to say, from now on, the cost of the Cavaliers per generation has exceeded 100 million. This is just a sponsor. What if you add other ones?

There is no doubt that the Cavaliers are now one of the most commercially valuable sports stars! 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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