I Am a Big Player

Chapter 378: Gun flower forever

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Gunhua’s song was originally created to comfort the crying girl. Even if they didn’t expect it, when the war came, people all over the United States would spontaneously sing this song to comfort their loved ones and dead friends.

Its singing is so melancholy, deep, and crazy, but unexpectedly it can give people strength.

Ren He chose it as the seventh song for no reason. As one of the most dazzling songs on the major charts in the previous life, it is fully qualified for the finishing work of Yang Xi's album.

It's like a gorgeous stage, where countless people have cried and laughed and squandered wantonly, and it will eventually end, and this song is the prelude to the perfect ending.

Ren He is no longer sloppy, no longer deliberately playing with willfulness, he just chooses four from the most classic songs as the closing performance of Yang Xi's album.

When other people's albums were only performing at the finale, Ren He brought Yang Xi to a perfect audition feast for everyone. Since everyone was looking forward to it, Ren He didn't want their expectations for Yang Xi and the "Knight" to fall in vain.

This song is for Yang Xi to sing. If only her neutral voice and the hoarseness displayed with skill are absolutely not enough, this is why Ren He does not let Yang Xi sing ".like.you".

So this time, he still has to harmonize in the song, no, it may be better to say that it is a chorus.

For this reason, Ren He specially spent a perfect reward to upgrade his vocal skills to a master level, before he was only a specialization level. Mentioning the master level is not only because the specialization level is not enough for him to interpret the song, but also because he doesn't respect the song enough.

The gun flower is the gun flower, the gun flower forever. Those young people were mad for a lifetime, even when they finally eroded into the mud, they were still the most proud rock musicians.

There is a saying that God prefers guns and roses because they have an immortal soul.

Gunflower is probably the most famous hard rock band with the most fans in the world. They have set the highest sales record for debut albums in music history, and have one of the greatest rock albums in history, "Destroyed*". The myth that the two albums became the first and second place on the Billboard200 charts at the same time. They were once the most dazzling commercial stars in the world's pop music industry. When Gunslinger broke into the mainstream pop music market for the first time, they were like rebellious fighters in mainstream rock music, sounding the lights out of the era of unimpeded pop metal.

That was the most manic and arrogant era in rock history. The most talented rock singers in history emerged both at home and abroad, and it was not until they withdrew from the stage that the lights returned to other popular music.

What a brilliance this is.

That's why Ren He was worried that Yang Xi could not interpret this song alone, so *part of him had to come in person!

Ren He never refused to sing with Yang Xi. In the past, he wanted to make Yang Xi more dazzling, but now it is to make his music works more dazzling, but anyway, it will be of great significance to Yang Xi’s acting career. benefit.

Some people always say that Yang Xi's songs still lack some power, but Ren He now has the most powerful hard rock.

At this time, Ren He has 4 perfect rewards left. He once again used one to obtain a master-level bass performance. The drums can also be processed with electronic sound, but it is difficult for the bass to play the essence. The most dazzling instrument in "don\'t.cry" is actually the bass, not the guitar.

There are only 3 perfect rewards left, but Ren He is not a pity at all. Instead of letting the Heaven Punishment System worry about it, it is better to do something he wants to do.

The immunity is also used once! Ren He has 2 immunities left, and 3 perfect rewards left!

Thinking that he was going to bring the classics of Gunhua into this world, Ren He couldn't help but feel excited, even at 1 o'clock in the morning, he had to pull Yang Xi back to the recording studio to start recording!

Yang Xi didn't know what kind of song actually made Ren He so excited. To be honest, it's getting harder and harder to see Ren He so excited now.

Two people ran wildly on the streets of San Francisco at night. The teenager held the girl by the hand like the first time he skipped class in Los Angeles. They walked through the concrete and concrete steel-reinforced buildings, and the tranquil neon lights were shining, but like the waves of the sea .

Yang Xi suddenly felt that this was the charm of Ren He. He used his hottest soul to infect others time and time again.

Yang Xi thanked her for meeting such a lover in her lifetime, not sooner or later, neither fast nor slow.


With Ren He, the recording of songs is always extremely simple.

It was so hard for Yang Xi to record the first Chinese album before. After repeating it over and over again, the instrument always has problems, and her own singing always has problems. It seems that if you don’t do it dozens of times, it won’t be called a professional recording. The album is the same.

But here in Ren He, common sense is always being subverted.

He doesn't need to read the score at all. The guitar is passed once, the bass is passed again, the drums are passed again, and the keyboard is passed again, all again!

The ups and downs of various musical instruments, as well as the on-going and closing, are already in his mind. His accompaniment is always unpleasant or slow just to match with other instruments, all instruments are played by him alone.

If this is the release of Yang Xi's song album, the whole world will be surprised to find that the top accompaniment in the album is Ren He for guitar~www.readwn.com~ Ren He for bass and Ren He for keyboard.

This is terrible, even one instrument is enough, but it is terrible that all instruments are one player.

When Ren He played the mixed accompaniment directly on the top speakers in the recording studio, he smiled and said: "I will show you it again, and I will help you find the feeling."

The time plan set by Ren He is one night. If you want Yang Xi to find the feeling as soon as possible, he must use his current master vocal level and all this is a master accompaniment to bring Yang Xi into the state.


Tell me gently


Thousands of words are hidden in your eyes"

At the moment Ren He spoke, Yang Xi felt an uncontrollable heart-piercing heartache, what a tearing sound! Gentle and proud, innocent and vicissitudes of life! It has a gentle side and a passionate side, pessimism and disappointment in life, and beautiful expectations for the future. This is real punk music!

How contradictory and harmonious it is.

Yang Xi has never heard Ren He perform a song so seriously, so sad, but high in tears.


Don't cry tonight


Heaven is above you"

When Ren Hesheng performed hoarsely to the * part, the crystal tears in Yang Xi's eyes finally dripped, but at the moment it dripped down to the ground, it suddenly seemed as if he had been greatly relieved in his heart.

It is hard to imagine that such a song that can tear the heart and lungs will heal the listener's soul after madness.

After listening to Ren He sing, Yang Xi began to worry that she could not perform the song.


Ten thousand rewards plus more, there is one more chapter, it will be late (I am a big player)

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