I Am a Big Player

: Solemn declaration

Solemn declaration

Disclaimer in advance: The following is purely for forwarding the personal opinions of the author of this article, and any web author can reprint it.

According to a few posts recently exposed in a forum or have been blocked, currently, a small number of people claiming to be online teachers rely on part of the information collected on the Internet to absorb newcomers and adopt a MLM model to let newcomers. The author recruits newcomers into the group and explains how to write online articles for a guided fee.

Here, the authors who forwarded this denunciation collectively voiced: Real Internet authors and seniors who have entered the industry will not charge newcomers training fees in any name, nor are they qualified to do so, please some unscrupulous people who try to collect money The element should stop as soon as possible, and don't ruin the author's reputation.

While the other party seizes the loopholes in the law to make money and cannot be curbed, we can only tell the newcomer authors: Internet writing is not sacred, but it is by no means lowly.

The people who really know how to write online articles are a group of authors who wield pen and ink on various online literature websites, not shameless people who use online tutorials to defraud money. Please do not continue to be deceived.

Please forward this article to all authors who support the attitude of this statement to protect our rights.

Hereby declare.

Early morning of March 24, 2017

Talking elbow

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