I Am a Big Player

Chapter 390: 4 people still can't beat him 1?

The man in black lay on the ground and thought for a while. At any rate, he had finally figured out what was going on. It was probably the knight who came here to catch the thief, but how did the knight appear here by accident.

If he knew that these three stupid thieves had recruited Ren He, he would not know what he would think. He could not even open the safe and learn to steal things?

In fact, Ren He is also grateful for one thing. If these three stupid thieves have not missed once, the painting "Stubborn" might really be lost.

In fact, relative to the value of "Stubborn", the security here is really too backward. It is not always possible to grab a bank to grab a few million dollars, but it is enough to steal a painting so easily, so it is normal for someone to take the risk.

The black-clothed man squatted silently next to the three stupid thieves and followed them whispering the words that stealing is wrong. A feeling of humiliation struck in his heart, and he didn't expect that he, who had always claimed to be a high IQ, would end up like this.

The more he reads, the lower his voice, the more he thinks and the more angry.

Ren He said lightly: "Pick all the things on my face."

The three stupid thieves who knew the current affairs took off the red scarves, but the man in black hesitated. Although he is a thief, he still has a normal life and a normal job outside. He still has a chance if he can. Escape?

Ren He looked at the indifferent man in black and raised his brows at the time: "I have a rebellious spirit? Do you think I am discussing things with you now? No! I hope you can have a little spirit of cooperation."

At this time, the dumb thief next to him suddenly comforted him and said, "Brother is about to pick it up, you can't beat him anyway."

The anger in the black-clothed man's heart rose instantly, aren't you also thieves, don't you want to run away, don't you want to resist, why are you so spineless!

There are four people here, can't you beat him? !

At this time, there must be someone to stand up and give them courage. Only when someone takes the lead will they rise up. People are like this. If no one sets an example, other people will be fearful, and the person in black feels that he is a very kind person!

He said quickly in a cold voice: "We are four people, he has only one person, can the four of us still not be able to beat him? As long as..."

The man in black hadn't finished speaking, the dumb thief said of course: "Yes, I can't fight." It's not that the three of them haven't resisted. The three of them got on at the same time and didn't even see how they were beaten down. You It was also solved by the knight, and you are just a cannon fodder. It is awe-inspiring, but you are not much better than us...

The people in black are all dumbfounded, you are really worthless... I'm sorry, I overestimated you!

He took off his headgear directly, and he had no choice but to confess his fate!

Ren He glanced at him, and was stunned at the time. He had met this guy, Steve, the bodyguard of the **** star Ivan!

No wonder the opponent is so agile, no wonder he seems to be more professional than the three stupid thieves next to him, maybe the opponent is still a veteran.

Who would have thought that a star's bodyguard would come to Columbia University to steal oil paintings in the middle of the night? !

Ren Hele came to his ear and said in a voice that only Steve could hear: "Mr. Steve, it's good that Ivan's bodyguard didn't do it and came to steal the oil painting?"

Steve's face turned black at the time, and there are not too many accidents encountered today. It was an accident to encounter a knight who was too strong to be unexpected, and it was also an accident to encounter three stupid thieves. The knight still knew his name and His cake shop is even more of an accident!

It's just that when he accompanied Ivan to the recording studio, Ren He seldom spoke, so he couldn't recognize Ren He's voice either.

He himself likes gambling, and speaking of it, this is still a bad problem after he became a bodyguard for Ivan. The paintings he stolen before were too easy to cherish, so he didn't know how to cherish it. Even though he succeeded a few times, he still didn't save any money.

This time I did it because Ivan vomited **** and made him sick. I really don’t want to serve such a disgusting celebrity. Moreover, the **** guy is always dirty with the bodyguards. He intends to vote and get the gold pot. Stop washing your hands, give up your addiction to gambling, find a practical job, and live your life at ease.

Ren He didn't know about Steve's psychological activities, otherwise he would still lament that he didn't expect that the oil painting stealing incident was still inextricably linked to him!

He did not dare to ask Steve about the follow-up of Ivan’s feces, otherwise the goal would be reduced. The matter of Ivan’s feces was suppressed by his congressman father, so the outside world also very few people know.

Ren He asked him: "Can you open this safe? If you can open it, I won't call the police."

"Yes," Steve said.

"You demonstrate," Ren He said, raising his eyebrows.

Steve first made a small hole in the outer wall of the safe, hooked something with a wire, and then he lay on the safe and began to listen carefully to the sound inside the safe when he turned the code of the safe. , And he fixed the code lock in about a minute.

Immediately after that, I stretched two distorted steel wires into the keyhole and twisted it twice, and the safe was opened!

This is the first time Ren He has seen the thief open the safe in front of him. I have only seen it in the movie before, and opening the safe in reality is a bit more plain than in the movie, it seems to open this safe. It's not a big deal for the other party.

Steve asked with a cold face, "What are you going to do now?"

"Oh," Ren He was taken aback, it was time to return to the topic: "I think, none of you want to go to jail, right?"

The three stupid thieves nodded vigorously, and Steve was more direct: "What do you want?"

"Leave your contact information, one person writes a confession letter, fingerprints and then asks me to take a photo, you can leave," Ren He said relaxedly.

He is not aimless, and these three stupid thieves have no plans to do anything. Since they have caught the report, it is his own business. Whether his behavior is illegal or not is not something he is considering now. Ren He believes these thieves. Will not go to the police to surrender to the police in idle time.

But Ivan’s bodyguard, Steve Renhe, felt that instead of handing it over to the police, maybe holding the handle by himself could be useful. This usefulness has nothing to do with Ivan~www.readwn.com~ Mainly Steve showed. His skill and stealing skills made him a little interested, but this is a real thief.

Ren He is a pragmatic person. What benefits can he give to the police? No, the US government will not award him a Good Citizen Award.

If you keep it, maybe in case it really comes in handy, Ren He doesn't know how much this probability is, but it's better than nothing.

The three stupid thieves were very straightforward. They directly wrote a confession and pressed their fingerprints for Ren He to take a photo. Ren He simply let them go, and told them not to tell what happened tonight.

When it was Steve’s turn, it was difficult for Steve to accept this situation where the handle fell into the hands of others and was slaughtered by others, but there is no better result at the moment. He can only accept the same as three stupid thieves. Ren He took a photo...

It was a gloomy day for him. The oil painting was not stolen and a handle was left in the hands of others. The most annoying thing was the three stupid thieves, okay? It is embarrassing to say that you are stealing with them!


Go for a meal

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