I Am a Big Player

Chapter 437: Test gun

The sudden call from the old husband at this time was completely beyond Ren He's expectation. The feeling was very painful.

However, Ren He suddenly felt a vague sense of anxiety. The Heaven Punishment System had just given him basic gun skills before. He had already guessed in his heart whether it was because the Heaven Punishment System had already predicted that he might be able to do so. Involved in a certain vortex, that's why he was given such a skill in advance to keep him self-defense.

He is not very sure, and even has a deeper thought about this guess: if he takes up the task and completes it, the natural punishment system continues to reward him with firearms, then it is very likely that his guess is true.

If this is the case, Ren He would actually be more pleased. Although this natural punishment system will not tell him any relevant information, he seems to be able to slightly snoop out the intentions of the natural punishment system in future rewards, thereby improving his expectations. Protection of oneself.

He claims to be an ordinary person without intending to get involved in any whirlpool, but in fact, just like the time when Yang Xi was kidnapped, sometimes he has no choice.

So this time Yang En's phone call suddenly came, and Ren He was still wondering if there was a problem, maybe the content of this phone call could answer him.

Yang Xi also seemed to have found an excuse and quickly blushed and pushed Ren He away and answered the phone: "Hello, Dad?"

"Xiao Xi, Dad arrived in New York from Washington at night, ask Shang Ren He to have a meal, right?" Yang En said on the phone.

Ren He was stunned for a moment, just have a meal? Did I think too much, but Ren He had a certain premonition when Yang En didn't show up to pick up the plane at the New York International Airport before.

However, he was very surprised that the other party even asked him to eat. It seems that the old man's heart is still more open-minded than his mother-in-law... If you change your mother-in-law, you probably won't even want to see him.

Of course Yang Xi answered well. When she returned to China, Yang En just came to Washington to take office, which is equivalent to not seeing Yang En for months.

Ren He thought for a while. He wanted to try his gun use ability before Yang En arrived. Only after he really used it would he understand what his basic level of firearms looked like, and if something happened tonight is very likely to happen. , Then I also have the ability to protect myself.

If it really made him guess right, it was really the natural punishment system that hinted at him, at least it shows that this crisis is absolutely extraordinary, and all the guns are used.

After talking to Yang Xi, he went out and found a shooting club in New York to try the gun.

Can people traveling abroad play guns in the United States? The answer is absolutely okay. Just hold your passport, but the first time you go there should be someone escorted. The person who accompanies Ren He is Liu Erbao. Yang Xi's current identity is no longer suitable for him to do this kind of thing.

Liu Erbao was also very excited to hear that he could go to play with a gun. There are not many men who do not expect to play with a gun. Ren He has touched it a few times in China, but Liu Erbao has never touched it once...

The price of renting a gun is only $20, and the price is the price of bullets and target paper. Ren He heard people say that you must bring your own earplugs when entering the shooting gallery. The earmuffs provided by the shooting club are basically useless...

When he arrived at the shooting club, they asked Ren He what gun he wanted to rent. Ren He looked at all the guns hanging on the surrounding walls. He didn't even know the name of some of the guns. He knew just that, he would use...

There was no one in the shooting club at this time. Ren He thought for a while and asked, "Can you let me try them all?"

This is his true inner thoughts. After all, something really happened and he doesn't know what guns he can use, so it seems safer to use them all.

The owner of the club was stunned. It was the first time he heard such a request...

Liu Erbao also pulled him with a guilty conscience: "Don't be so ostentatious, let's just play around!"

But they don't know Ren He's purpose. Ren He is doing this for his own safety. Who knows what the **** he will encounter? But after thinking about it, it seemed too exaggerated to try all of them. He turned to say: "Let me use all the mainstream firearms available on the market. I am willing to pay a 20% service charge."

When the boss heard this, it was a lot more reliable. To say that the firearms used by the mainstream have narrowed down a lot. He chose more than a dozen guns for Ren He and Liu Erbao. Liu Erbao was too heavy to hold two of them by himself. Ren He had a bunch of guns hanging on his body just like a okay person. The club owner was stunned. He guessed. After a while, he might not even be able to recite!

Take a look at Ren He's body shape, wearing clothes really can't tell that his physical fitness is so good.

It is stipulated that rapid firing is not allowed in the shooting range. All guns have also been modified to fill up to 10 rounds of ammunition and can only be single shot. The magazine can only be changed by a special mechanism to open the magazine compartment with a tool. If you shoot If the speed is too fast, the security personnel present will immediately come to check the situation.

Only some special states will have semi-automatic rifles in shooting clubs.

When Ren He walked into the shooting range, he saw a domineering sniper rifle hanging on the wall. He paid to hang it on his body without even thinking about it. The gun alone weighed 12.9 kg. Shooting club. The boss of screamed that he had seen the monster, but he quickly stopped Ren He. This gun was just for viewing. It’s easy to shoot through the wall~www.readwn.com~ Few people can stand the recoil alone. If you don’t pay attention to recoil, you can bruise soft tissues. Fractures are all experienced...

The club owner quickly replaced him with a slightly lower-level gun...

Ren He paid extra for the staff to help him change the magazines. At first, the staff was rather confused. Does this still need to pay extra?

When he arrived at the shooting range, Ren He first used a pistol. He fired a few shots and tried them. The basic guns and guns were all on the target, but it didn't necessarily matter how accurate the head was.

The club owner also followed in because of curiosity, wanting to see what level this enchanting evildoer was shocked just now.

As a result, he shook his head as soon as he saw Ren He holding the gun and shooting accuracy. The posture belonged to the standard category, but he didn't seem to be a person who often played guns, and didn't have that unique temperament.

The gun is a very lethal weapon. When it is held in the hand, the veteran will often show a unique sense of self-confidence, as if grasping some kind of authority of life.

Look at the accuracy again. Seven shots were fired, but one shot missed the target. This disappointed the boss.

The target distance in the shooting club is not too far, which means that the opponent is just an amateur.

Ren He tried one after another, but the staff next to him who changed his magazine found a problem. This does not seem to be professional, but he can use any gun...

Guns are not about pulling the trigger. It’s not that simple. You can tell from a person’s knowledge of the recoil of a gun whether he has ever played with such a gun.

However, the staff also has a peculiar feeling. This person does not seem to be here to play with guns, and his attitude is different from the customers that most clubs have received. The other party does not seem to be playing with guns, but testing them!

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