I Am a Big Player

Chapter 439: Yang En's purpose is a hidden crisis!

Liu Erbao hasn't gotten addicted here, so let Ren He say he wants to leave, what's the situation?

No one knows what Ren He experienced just now, and what kind of experience it was. But Ren He said to leave, let's go, he also knows this place anyway, and if he wants to play, he can bring his brothers over to play.

After a while, the two of them spent only about $1,000. This level of consumption is still affordable for Liu Erbao. Even if it is ten times higher, he can also spend it. There is still Ren He renting too many guns. For this reason, under normal circumstances, two people and half an hour would only cost about $200.

Ren He and Liu Erbao left as they said, and the staff member was still immersed in the shock just now. He had gone hunting with the club owner, as well as a friend of the owner.

At that time, he was ignorant and ignorant, but the friend of the boss refreshed his understanding of the limits of gun use, but that one was different from the boy just now.

The former is a murderous intent, and Ren He here... don't know why, the staff feels more of a trace of compassion behind the fierce murderous intent.

Is Ren He himself a compassionate person? Is he a selfless person? totally not.

He is a selfish person. A selfish person just wants to take care of his own life. What the **** do others do?

But when he really faced life and death, especially when it seemed that he was killing those living beings at that moment, the sad mood of rabbit and fox in his heart spread like a vine from the endless abyss of his heart.

If it is his own life and death crisis, Ren He will definitely not reject shooting and killing, but this moment is destined that he will never fall in love with the feeling of mastering his life and death in this life.

It's cruel.

In fact, when the killer was pointed at the gun with the gun, the opponent jumped off the roof, and Ren He kicked the opponent without hesitation.

He knew very well how powerful his legs were, and he could easily squeeze the opponent's internal organs to rupture. At that moment, even if the killer said he was in a car accident, he couldn't be overstated.

The assassin is likely to die, Ren He also knows this very well, but he didn't keep his hands.

Life and death succeeded or failed in an instant, at that instant, the only thing in Ren He's mind was to live.

So he didn't have any guilt, even after a short adjustment time, he calmed down his mind, and he didn't ask Lin Hao if he killed that person.

On the one hand, he didn't dare to know, what if he really killed it?

On the other hand, Ren He also had a hostile spirit in his heart: if you kill, you will kill. That is an irreversible thing. There is nothing more important than surviving himself.

If Lin Hao suddenly said to him, Ren He, you're serious about it.

Ren He will definitely alienate the Tianqi organization even more, completely staying out of contact with each other, and even repelling it.

Although he is doing the same now.

But fortunately, the other party didn't say so, which made Ren He happy that what he experienced was not as **** as in the movie.

In fact, the people in the sky drive are also the masters who kill people without blinking, but there is a higher faith that overrides them.

At this moment, Ren He believed that he was an ordinary person, he just hoped that no one would suddenly appear, and then forced him to stop being ordinary.

The reward given to him by the natural punishment system was not as simple as ordinary people imagined.


Ren He hurried back to the apartment in time in the afternoon, and arrived at the hotel that Yang En had agreed with them with Yang Xi. When Ren He arrived at the hotel, Yang En was already sitting there.

Yang En at this time was no different from usual, but Ren He keenly noticed that the other party's dress seemed to be deliberately low-key.

What was the scene when I saw Yang En for the first time? The hair is not messy, the suit is straight, this is Yang En who wants to send his daughter to school, and Yang En is the same in daily life, Ren He has never seen Yang En rough.

But now it's different. The other party is dressed up as a civilian, and the civilians have subverted Ren He's perception of this person.

Something must have happened, but it was not serious enough that Yang En didn't dare to see Yang Xi at all.

At the dinner table, the other party also behaved normally. People like Yang En couldn't show their inner happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy at will, and Ren He could not observe any signs.

It seems that Yang En is really just going to have a meal with Yang Xi.

"You two made Yang Xi his **** angry," Yang En laughed: "You still eloped as a student, and you didn't stop during the elopement process, and even released an English album. To be honest, these ten songs The song is really nice, did you write it by Ren He?"

Ren He smiled and said, "I wrote it." The songs he exchanged for his skills are nothing hard to admit. When he was full of contradictions, he chose the method of anonymity and labeling the original author.

But after "Stubbornness" was drawn, the road of asking the heart was completely finished, and Ren He was more open-minded than ever.

If one thing is done, it will be done. What is there to take care of the future?

"It's really good," Yang En sighed: "Especially a few anti-war songs, I have never heard such a good song!"

For people like Yang En, what he listens to after the melody is the ideological level. As a person like him who has been in the vortex of struggle for many years, what he desires most is peace.

Maybe someday the world will be peaceful, and the motherland will have no internal and external troubles. He can choose to sit down and rest, raise flowers and plants, and then raise a little golden retriever, and watch it grow up.

Maybe I can also consider the remarriage of Su Ruqing~www.readwn.com~ to coax my wife.

But he couldn't stop, because the war was not over. They had faith and responsibility on their shoulders. All they had to do was race against time and race against other countries.

There is no end in this race, no championship, no wreath, no cheer, only the danger between life and death.

At this time, music suddenly sounded in the restaurant, which turned out to be Yang Xi’s "need.you.now". It seems that the manager here is also a fan of Yang Xi...

However, at the moment when the music sounded, Yang En suddenly smiled and hurriedly said: "The United States may be in danger. I have applied to my superiors to protect you from colleagues in the General Staff Department. It is not yet the most critical time, but it is the moment of crisis They will arrange your evacuation route, and you must follow their arrangements. Don't worry about me, as long as I am in the embassy, ​​there will be nothing wrong. This is an opportunity I finally applied for, and you must cherish it."

This is Yang En's purpose tonight, right? The phone is insecure, but there is nothing more important than Yang Xi in his heart, even faith.

So he has to come out in person to inform the danger, and let them know that he has arranged an escape route, if there is a danger, they must obey the arrangement to evacuate.

During the actual interaction, Yang En had discovered a problem. Ren He was very wary of other people. He worried that Ren He's wariness would make Ren He not believe in the people who came to arrange their evacuation, and the young man himself It is very dangerous. After the Kyoto attack, after the old Wang personally witnessed it, Ren He has been evaluated as a potentially dangerous target.

If he doesn't want to leave, his colleagues may really not be able to get him away if they need to save their lives.

There are really not many people who Lin Hao claims are not opponents.


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