I Am a Big Player

Chapter 467: Master gambling? !

In the past two days, Steve often ridiculed Ren He. Ren He had long wanted to use tearing potion on him. Today, he falsely claimed that Steve's bladder cancer fundraiser would kill two birds with one stone. Ren He felt that he was simply too witty.

With the first donation, there will be a second donation, and many people have been eating and watching for nearly 20 minutes, just to see if this is true.

Who said there would be no scammers on the cruise ship? There is also a beautiful woman who lied in the middle of the highway in a luxury car and said that she had no money to refuel.

After watching for more than 20 minutes, Steve finally felt that his tears were about to stop. He was a little grateful that he finally didn't have to cry anymore.

Although he didn't know why he was crying, Steve wasn't a fool either. He was sure it had something to do with Ren He, but he didn't know how Ren He did it.

He knew very well that Ren He must have used himself by some means to win everyone's sympathy. Everyone would believe if he cried like this.

But...Steve would rather not have this money!

The tears stopped slowly. At this moment someone stepped forward and asked: "I want to know the specific symptoms of bladder cancer."

The look in Ren He's eyes was definitely not doubt, but suspicion. There was a fundamental difference.

Maybe the other party knows exactly what reaction to bladder cancer will be. Asking this is to see if these two people are liars.

However, the matter of bladder cancer itself was made up by Ren He. How could he know what symptoms of bladder cancer would have? how to answer?

Steve looked at Ren He and glanced at him from time to time and pretended to be silent, suddenly a certain unknown premonition arose in his heart...

Everyone suddenly saw that Steve, who had almost stopped his tears, suddenly cried out again, and someone next to him began to blame the questioning man: "Do you have to question such a poor person?"

The man who asked the question was also a little stunned, he was crying again...

It was this turning point that everyone in the restaurant began to donate money one after another. Some even paid out 100 dollars. There was also a middle-aged man who looked like a successful person paid out 500 dollars, and he seriously comforted history. Tiff...

Steve felt like a dog in his heart at this time, and the tears that he had finally stopped to stop suddenly broke out at this time, so he was so unprepared!

The green dollar flew into Ren He's arms like snowflakes. Ren He bowed to everyone when he saw that it was almost the same.

He knew that Steve hadn't planned to fully cooperate with him during this period of time, and maybe he was still thinking about how to cheat him, so Ren He didn't feel guilty at all.

What's more, this money is for Steve!

After the two returned to the dormitory, they washed off their makeup, and Steve's face was darkened and his eyes blushed again to restore the original makeup to Ren He.

Ren He sat on the bed and counted the money, but he was shocked when he counted, and he raised more than 30,000 US dollars in this breath! Ren He himself didn't expect to raise so many donations. It seems that Steve's crying for more than 40 minutes is worth it, Ren He thought of it cheerfully.

Steve looked at the more than 30,000 U.S. dollars beside him, Ren He counted out 10,000 U.S. dollars from it and handed it to Steve.

Steve was fascinated at the time: "Didn't you collect donations for me, what are you keeping so much for!?"

Is there any more Wang Fa? I obviously raised more than 30,000 donations and cried for more than 40 minutes, but you got the big head? How can I split it equally?

However, Ren He’s task is to donate 10,000 bonuses to others. The penalty system did not say that all the money should be donated...

However, Ren He thought about it. For the sake of safety and perfect rewards, Ren He counted out $500 and handed it to Steve. Steve almost threw $500 to the ground on the spot. Who is this fool!

However, 500 dollars is also money. I originally had only 2,000 dollars left on me. I didn't expect to raise so much money in less than an hour.

Steve was thinking, what art thieves would he do when he went back, wouldn't it be enough to cry every day? !

He found a problem, how difficult ordinary people think it is to make money, it seems that it is no longer a problem here, this kind of magic really made Steve start to admire a little.

Cavaliers are indeed different, and the different aspects are far more than extreme sports. The more you come into contact with this person, the more Steve feels that he has lived as a dog for the first half of his life!

At this time, the natural punishment system began to issue rewards: "The host completes the task, evaluates the perfect level, and can choose the rewards."

"The host completes the task, evaluates the perfect level, and can choose rewards."

Both missions were completed, and they were both at the perfect level. Ren He was still very satisfied. He could also try to go to the casino to kill the Quartet.

He has also played cards in his previous life, including blackjack and Texas Hold'em. It is just that he loses more and loses less. Ren He himself has no gambling addiction. He is just playing.

And now he wants to give it a try, how amazing is gambling~www.readwn.com~ There is a specialization level, shouldn’t you lose? Otherwise, this technique is useless!

"Choose, the direction of gambling!"

The natural punishment system calmly said: "It has been detected that the host has a basic level gambling technique, and it will reward the expert level gambling technique.

At this time, the skill of how to count cards was instilled into Ren He's mind by the natural punishment system.

Ren He was stunned when he heard these words, can he be considered a basic level gambling? The first reward allowed himself to reach the expert level of gambling. At this time, Ren He was already confident of using card counting skills to play blackjack. Then the second reward would be what it would be like to upgrade his gambling to master level. ...

Is it the magical trick of flying cards to kill and swap cards in the God of Gamblers?

When he thought of this, Ren He's breath was held, and the surprise came so suddenly that there was nothing defensive!

Ren He suppressed his inner excitement and said: "Choose, the direction of gambling!"

"The direction of the gambling technique has been selected, and the host will be rewarded with specialization-level shuffling techniques."

The shuffling technique...


Hand dog eggs! Ren He's face turned black at the time, and he had a hunch that this natural punishment system would not be so kind!

What do you want to shuffle your hands for? This shuffling technique combines card counting and card-keeping skills to shuffle the poker into the cards you want, but in a regular casino, the cards dealt in front of you will not be let you touch, let alone shuffling!

Ren He walked out of the dormitory with a black face, ready to try his specialization level gambling skills. Fortunately, he originally planned to upgrade to the specialization level. This result is still acceptable.

Steve was gloating behind him. Steve knew very well what a casino was like. It was impossible for a novice to take advantage of the casino.

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