I Am a Big Player

Chapter 470: The mystery of Steve's identity

Just when the fbi agent started to check all the crew on the ship, Ren He also got the list he wanted. Before this voyage, adding himself and Steve, there were only 4 new crew members.

Ren He also thought about whether the other party would be a passenger and stay on the ship, but in fact Steve denied this method. FBI is not a fool. The only person who has the ability to walk freely on the ship and can contact the passengers without scruples is the crew. .

If it is a passenger, how can the other party facilitate the search? And this person is very likely a crew member of the housekeeping department.

Ren He looked at Steve suspiciously. The remaining two newly hired crew members were really from the housekeeping department. He wondered if this guy had seen this crew member list.

"Which unit did you retired from?" Ren He was puzzled. When Steve was telling his words, he suddenly became interested in Steve's past.

Steve is very skillful, and Ren He is also very sure of this, but he just happened to meet himself with a human body, plus a master-level combat level.

When Steve knew that he was the one who was fighting with the National Security Agency, his reaction was more of resisting being involved in the storm than being afraid.

Ren He thought that if it were his previous life, he would have been scared when he encountered such a thing, but Steve did not.

In the following time, Steve can not only give himself a crew status, but also help bring guns on board. Is this something that an ordinary veteran can do? Ren He doesn't think that all American soldiers can be like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.

This world is not that magical.

However, Steve remained silent about his previous identity, as if intending to hide the secret forever.

Ren He felt that he was looking for Steve to find the right person. The other party was obviously not easy. It was only because the little money couldn't support him after he was discharged, so he became desolate.

The same is true in China. Many soldiers have unsatisfactory lives after they are discharged. Ren He once met an veteran who was a scout in his previous life and later joined the Yizhang Team of the Three Armed Forces. At that time, the company was doing military training. I was invited here, and 15 days is only a payment of 3,000 yuan.

It is conceivable that the other party is not particularly wishful.

This time, after Steve earnestly analyzed the money, he concluded that the FBI had accepted the intervention. The other party seemed to have a good understanding of the procedures.

Ren He asked again: "How many agents do you think there will be on board?"

"One or two, every day there will be countless ships and cruise ships leaving the port. Even fbi will have insufficient manpower. It is impossible for them to use all the power of the whole country to arrest you, because what they do is not in itself. Disgraceful," Steve seems to be familiar with the truth in it: "If you caught you at the beginning, of course it was the best thing, but they didn’t catch you. At this time, they have to think carefully about how to prevent the incident from rising. Become a diplomatic dispute."

That is, the remaining two new crew members are likely to be fbi agents? Ren He felt that he had to hide from the housekeeping department. He didn't need to send it to the door to confirm whether the person was an agent or not. He steadfastly avoided them until the cruise ship sailed out of the United States.

Ren He decided that once the ship arrived in the Caribbean, he would directly disembark and contact the country. There was a Prism plan in the United States, and he didn't even dare to make a long distance abroad.

He suddenly remembered something and seemed to say to Steve: "Aren’t you a thief, so, add 50,000 dollars to you, you secretly delete the names of our two from the crew list, although it is a pseudonym, but the other party is sure I will slowly shift my attention to the newly hired crew members."

"Thank you very much, I'm not polite for the money, but the list has been deleted long ago," Steve said triumphantly. He didn't expect Ren He's money to be so profitable. He just deleted it easily before. Thinking of this time, I made 50,000 US dollars smoothly.

Steve feels that Ren He is really the best customer in the world at this time. If it weren't for his desire to retire, he would really like to ask Ren He if he needs to continue to help him with some ugly things...

That night Steve slept with the bag of dollars in his arms, for fear that he would have no money when he woke up.

The dream of gambling was also awakened by Ren He ruthlessly using reality. The remaining hope is to send Ren He out of the country safely, and then enjoy his own pension and spend the rest of his life with his wife and children.


After 4 o'clock in the morning, the entire cruise ship fell into silence from the hustle and bustle of the day, and there were not many people in the 24-hour casino.

A white man in plain clothes walked out of the crew quarters of the housekeeping department. He walked quietly all the way, and went straight to the first officer's office.

On this cruise ship, the chief officer has always been in charge of the entry and resignation of all the crew. If he wants to know if there are newcomers on the ship, the agent thinks it is the most convenient thing to go directly to the chief officer’s office. .

After investigation, the chief mate is a former cia member, and all the files themselves are recorded. Loyalty is absolutely clear. After leaving cia, he is very safe and guarded. Therefore, fbi has reason to believe that the other party will not be a fugitive at the national level. Confused on top.

However, there is still a certain risk in asking for the list directly. What if the other party is also an accomplice deliberately cheating? It is better to check the files directly to make yourself more at ease~www.readwn.com~ Moreover, fbi and cia are in a competitive relationship, and fbi also has law enforcement powers overseas. The small conflicts between the two departments are not once or twice. After being in the collective, that is the face of a collective.

If fbi applies for the assistance of former cia members, where does the face save?

In this world, there is indeed the principle of "the shortest straight line between two points". However, in the adult world, most people would not choose to do things like this.

This is especially true in the political field, so people always question local governments, why are they so inefficient? That is caused by collective thinking.

The agent sneaked into the office of the chief mate and turned on the computer. It couldn't be easier to decipher the password of an ordinary civilian computer.

The detective was full of expectations. He had already checked the passengers, and only the crew were left. If he could find the fierce thug, it would be a great achievement.

But the agents didn't want to expose themselves, after all, they knew the most about what the mob did.

That was someone who dared to kill a **** road with a sniper shot in the center of New York City. The agent thought he didn't have the courage and ability.

The agent opened the file on the first officer's desktop and pulled the form to the bottom of the entry list. He clearly saw that in the past three months, only he and another housekeeping crew named George had been hired...

George? Just the guy in his dormitory who sleeps a lot and has smelly feet? Could it be that thug? What a joke!


This period of time is very exhausting, and mentality is also very exhausted. There is really not too many codes. Forgive me, there are still 3 days before the wedding countdown. What can be guaranteed is that it will continue to update...

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