I Am a Big Player

Chapter 479: Give birth to a child and kill your life?

In fact, Ren He knew very well... what Ren Ma was talking about before was all trivial things for her. What she did not play the piano or not, and what she did not paint was just a pavement for her.

Now he has just entered the topic, which is what Ren He most wants to avoid: extreme sports.

This is actually a contradiction that he has always been unable to reconcile with Lao Ren and Ren's mother. Because there is only one life, his parents will attach great importance to this.

What is extreme sports in the eyes of parents? It's no different from looking for death.

Now it seemed to Ren Ma that her son already had the capital to settle down in this society, and even if the Qinghe faction could not rise as Ren He imagined, it would not be much worse.

Talking about dreams with the older generations is actually hard to make sense, because they have gone through an era of change, and they lack the sense of security in this era. What we often see is that even wealthy business families hope that their children have an iron rice bowl. .

However, Ren He couldn't compromise in this regard. What he is experiencing now is not a simple life, but a precious opportunity to start again.

He can not have money or fame and fortune, but he can't let himself leave regrets in this life.

Ren's mother said coldly: "No more adventures in the future. Your father and I are just a son like you. We don't want whites to give blacks away."

At this time, Ren He wanted to talk to Ren Ma about his ideals, but he also understood very well that there was no room for relaxation with his parents.

"Since you have returned to China and experienced this huge crisis, your heart should settle down," Ren Ma continued: "It's up to you whether you want to go to school or not, but I still recommend that you continue to go on and live until you grow old and learn. When you are old, you still have a long way to go in life. I only have one requirement, that is, you can no longer take risks."

Ren's mother is very aware of what position her son is in the field of extreme sports. To be honest, she is also a little proud of her son's ability to achieve such results in the field of extreme sports. However, the problem is that even if Ren He is successful in this field, she Nor did he want Ren He to continue.

Everyone expresses his love in different ways. The way Ren Ma expresses his mother's love is to hope that Ren He can be healthy and happy, and does not ask him to be rich.

To be honest, Ren's mother also understands that her son may already be one of the best among her peers. Whether it is the field she wants to see or not, she must admit that her son is already good enough.

And to be honest, this son of her own is completely out of her control, and she has no plans to control anything, just worrying about his son's life in danger.

Ren He pondered for a while and gritted his teeth and said: "In fact, money has become a digital existence in my eyes. Earning more money cannot make my heart richer. I want to chase my dreams. Maybe you don’t know why I have such a dream, but if I can’t accomplish it, the latter will retreat. I think I will spend the rest of my life in regret."

Dreams... Ren's mom is a little trance sitting in the courtyard, what is her dream? Her dream is to be a dancer, but when she was 17 she was sent to the army by Ren He's grandfather, became a female soldier, was admitted to the military academy, and then met the old Ren.

Eventually both changed jobs.

Both of them have succeeded in their careers. She has never lacked the money and fame that everyone desires. However, her dream of becoming a dancer has long been shattered.

She always thinks that it would be good to learn piano or Chinese painting when she can retire. In short, it is better than making endless money.

Now my son also mentioned the word dream to himself, just as she pleaded with her father not to join the army but to learn dance when she was 17 years old.

A dream is probably something that will remain obsessive throughout your life. Some people have completed it, but some people have to take it to the grave.

When history repeats itself in her son, how should Ren's mother choose? respect? Still strangling?

Before today, Ren's mother had thought about it for a long time, because she had already understood that she no longer had the ability to influence Ren He's will. Who hadn't seen a few rebellious children? Ren He is already considered good.

So not only was Ren He thinking of countermeasures, even Ren's mother herself was thinking of a compromise, but she hadn't come up with a solution after thinking about it for so long... it was really a headache!

Dream, the wording of this vocabulary is too good.

Ma Ren stood up and said calmly and rationally: "I have watched you grow up a little bit since you were young, and you have been very obedient since you were young, but I don’t know why you suddenly become so assertive and do so many things. I don’t even I am surprised to know when you have been in contact with guns, and I am very proud of you."

"If you were not my son, I would think that you are a legend in contemporary society, but you are my son. I can't just watch you go down a dangerous road like this~www.readwn.com~ But I I also understand very well that I may not be able to stop what you decide. In this case, I only have one request. You two give me a grandson. Don’t take dangerous actions until you give birth to a grandson. This is considered a bit of your filial piety.”

Ren Ma's words are particularly calm, but Ren He can also hear the trace of sadness hidden in this sentence, it seems that Ren Ma is ready to lose Ren He.

When her son grows up, she can't stop it and doesn't want to kill his dream, so all she can do is to let Ren He keep her thoughts for herself and not let herself and the old man die alone.

Ren He had already died in her heart once, and her sorrow almost made her unable to bear, but now she had to acquiesce to her son to take risks again. This kind of decision was too difficult for Ren's mother.

And Ren He and Yang Xi looked at each other with dumbfounded faces... have a grandson...

Yang Xi's face turned red. Uncle Fang and Aunt Wang looked at the young couple with joy. In their village, Ren He and the others could indeed have children at their age.

However, giving birth to a child is something that Ren He and Yang Xi have never imagined. It is terrible...

Half a year ago, I even exhorted you not to fall in love prematurely, and now I am asking myself to have a baby quickly...

Without a little bit of defense!

In fact, Ren He still finds it interesting in his heart. The two have been dating from secretly dating to now being recognized by both parents.

What are the classmates of the same age still doing? When I’m still in school, playing games, and still enjoying a carefree but ignorant and fearless life, when my peers are still in the second year of high school, I have to be urged to have children. This feeling is very Absurd, but it feels awesome...

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