I Am a Big Player

Chapter 488: List of Security Advisors

Steve always feels that he is the one who suffers when he gets along with Ren He. How does it feel that it happened inexplicably, but Steve highly agrees.

After all, it was because Ren He took his handle. Although the money he earned was enough to support him, it was all things he didn't want to do.

If the plan to send Ren He away failed, Steve could only go to Destiny, and he would definitely not be as leisurely as he is now.

The US government will never have a former cia member suspected of treason.

So Steve didn’t want to answer the phone very much now. He didn’t pick up the first call until the ringing ended. However, Ren He didn’t make the second call. Ordinary people would think that the trouble might have passed, but Steve The husband looked at this silent phone but seemed to feel silent ridicule...

Because his handle is still in Ren He's hands, the other party has returned to China and there is nothing wrong with him. He still needs to live in the United States! It's okay for him not to answer the phone while hesitating, but he must go back!

Some time ago, he also had a general understanding of Ren He's character and character. To sum it up roughly, Steve felt that Ren He was still a good person.

It's not easy to get a real good person evaluation in this world. This is not a good person card that a girl sends out when she refuses others.

Steve felt that Ren He would not be shameless enough to expose his own affairs, but he still couldn't stand his guilty conscience...

He dialed the phone back and said with a smile: "My old friend, how have you been back to China?"

Ren He didn't have the time to talk nonsense with Steve. He said cheerfully: "Don't talk so much, I need you to steal something for me."

"I'm retired now," Steve gritted his teeth.

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind," Ren He smiled: "I really don't mind."

Steve's face is green, don't you mind what the hell, I mind! He decided to seriously explain to Ren He: "My friend, I sent you abroad because I didn't want to do anything against the law anymore, so you have to understand that I won't do this kind of thing again."

"Listen to me," Ren He poured himself a glass of water, looked at the list promised to him on the computer and said to the phone: "This time you only steal some civilians. Because of business relations, they store them in their homes. With some hard drives about codes, you also know that I am working in the Internet industry in China, and these codes are of great significance to me."

Ren He is telling the truth. The home furnishings and security measures of these cyber security consultants are the same as ordinary people. There is nothing special about these top hackers on the Internet. As a result, their security awareness in real life is very low. The reason for the frequent incidents at the time.

And Ren He didn’t mind if Steve knew the list and inquired about the true identities of these people. At first, Snowden’s girlfriend was unusual. After checking for a long time, he only knew that Snowden was in a security company and didn’t know this. The cyber security company serves the National Security Agency, and Snowden himself is also a staff member of the National Security Agency.

Of course, before the Prism Project exposure incident, no one associates these companies with thinking that they are normal cybersecurity companies, but Ren He is very clear about their characteristics.

And Ren He was not convinced, he just made the promise to expand the search range, select a few more, and then steal it on a large scale, if it is stolen, it doesn't matter if it is stolen, it doesn't matter if it is not stolen, because it is always possible to steal...

So even if Steve’s identity is special, all he can find are ordinary employees of cybersecurity companies. CIA and the National Security Agency do not share resources. In terms of information flow, the National Security Agency is at a higher level than cia. Conversely, it is higher than the National Security Agency in terms of foreign armed forces.

Steve is also very clear that he has no room for rejection in front of Ren He. He condensedly said: "I hope we can become real friends, so I want to know, will you continue to threaten me after this incident?"

"It's like this, you see, as long as you finish this thing, I will not only pay with both hands, but also personally mail back the guarantee letter you wrote at the beginning. What do you think?" Ren He said with a smile, the facts He didn't intend to use Steve anymore. After retaliating against the U.S. government, he was a real ordinary person, and he only needed to live his life as a rich and idle person.

Steve thought for a full minute and then sighed and said, "Send the details of the person you are going to steal to my secret mailbox."

"No, no, it's definitely not possible to send it by email. If you find an encrypted satellite phone, I will tell you on the phone," Ren He shook his head and said, since he wants to expose the Prism plan, he needs to place this plan.

When a message containing a list of more than 90% safe employees is sent through a US server, Ren He does not believe that this will not attract the attention of the US government~www.readwn.com~ It is not an exaggeration to say that the Prism Project is the celestial eye of modern society. No wonder that the Prism Project in the past life caused so many people to panic after being exposed.

In doubt, Steve went to find a satellite phone to pay Ren He to call, and then began to listen to Ren He to read the list and home address one by one, and read him 50 in one breath...

When Steve wrote down to the fiftieth in his notebook, he was all lost: "Wait a minute, these 50 people all have the code you need?"

Ren Hejing smiled reservedly and said, "Yes."

Steve was in bad condition at the time. He was going to steal 50 houses? Indeed, as Ren He said, residential houses are easy to steal, and it is not a problem for him at all.

However...a lot!

Co-author, have you started to measure now?

Steve is very sure that there is absolutely a problem with this list. He doesn't even dare to ask others to help investigate whether there is a problem with this list. Otherwise, what if he is betrayed after an accident?

He could only check it by himself, but he was even more confused after checking it all night. These people did work for 5 different network security companies. These 5 security companies have very legitimate business externally, at least it seems that they don’t. What a flaw.

Steve even went to one of them to step on the spot, and found that there was no problem, it was just an ordinary house!

He called Ren He again: "I'll take this job, but you have to make sure that there will be no problems in the follow-up. If something goes wrong to my family, I will not let you go, even if it hurts my family. "

At this time, he didn't care about the guarantee certificate. The fingerprint was printed at the beginning. Even if the original is destroyed, it will not help. Ren He can still make countless copies.

Steve now can only count on Ren He's character to live as he understands.

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