I Am a Big Player

Chapter 498: Without a little bit of defense!

Although this kind of task is disgusting, but fortunately, as long as you shamelessly, then the task can definitely be completed.

Carrying children may also be considered traffickers who abduct children, but who have you seen abducting old ladies? Although carrying an old lady makes Ren He feel even more awkward...

In any case, complete the task first, and I don't know if I can save it to the second perfect reward.

When Ren He went out, he went to look for the old lady 600 meters away. The fact is that this old lady is very easy to find. She was standing on the side of the road with a frown, not knowing what she was thinking, and her eyes were a little dazed.

Hehe, I definitely don't want to go home, maybe people just want to go somewhere nearby, but the punishment system released such a task for themselves, and even the elderly won't let it go!

It's too much!

Ren He stepped forward and asked the old lady straightforwardly: "Hello, do you want to go home?"

He just asked about it routinely, and he was even ready to pick up the old lady. As a result...

"Yes! I want to go home!" The old lady's eyes lit up when she saw the enthusiastic Ren He.

Ren He was stunned for a moment. In what circumstances, why was it different from what was written in the script? Why did he want to go home? It's rare that the Heaven Punishment system has been serious once, and finally understands that I have been in a low mood recently?

Ren He subconsciously asked, "Where is your home, then?"

"Heilongjiang!" the old lady replied.



Ren He's face was black at the time! Nima, so far? ! You seem to be teasing me? !

Because of inertial thinking, Ren He already thought that the natural punishment system was meant to make him shameless, but this time he thought the natural punishment system was serious, but he didn't expect it to be such a painful task!

In Ren He's opinion, for the task of sending home, you have to be in the Kyoto city to be considered normal. It is the outskirts of Kyoto if you die. This is far enough! As a result, a Heilongjiang came out!

Without a little bit of defense!

What to do? This can only be sent back to Heilongjiang!

Ren He only realized a problem at this time. In the task of the natural punishment system, the deadline was one week, and it was different from the last time sending the children home. This task did not release the home address of the old lady. !

So from the beginning it meant that the nature of this task was different from the last time, but Ren He's own inertial thinking did not react!

What a pit, Ren He feels that his egg is about to break. This inexplicable one is about to leave for a long distance, and he has just returned to Kyoto in less than a week!

Haha, God's Punishment System, you can do it, there are so many tricks!

However, such a long journey is not something that Ren He can send if he wants to. The old lady also has to wonder what Ren He's purpose is. Can there really be people like Lei Feng in this society? The old lady doesn't believe it!

So instead of taking the old lady directly to the train station, Ren He accompanied her to the police station. He explained the situation to the police. The old lady was penniless and willing to pay all the travel expenses. He hoped that the police would accompany her. Or drive the old lady home.

Only then did the old lady realize that she had wronged a good person.

It was also at this time that Ren He listened to the explanation of the old lady and the police, and understood why the old lady would stand on the street penniless.

When the old woman was young, her husband passed away. She took pains to raise her child and sent it to school. The child was also up for it, and eventually was admitted to a key university in Beijing. After graduation, she entered a foreign company with a high salary.

The child got married and bought a house in Kyoto.

So at this time the old lady wanted to come over to see if she could come and enjoy the blessing with her son. The son was very welcome, but the daughter-in-law was not happy.

The son went out early and returned late all day long, and the conflict between the daughter-in-law and the old lady at home gradually arose, which eventually caused the son and the husband to quarrel because she always quarreled.

There was another quarrel today, and the old lady thought if she couldn't stay here, she would go back, but she found out she didn't have any money when she went out.

Ren He nodded. It turned out that this was the case. No one could really explain this kind of family affairs, so he wouldn't judge it.

Let's talk about sending the old lady back to Heilongjiang intact.

The police are also enthusiastic. They said they could send the old lady back to Heilongjiang directly, without Ren He paying for it, and without Ren He going there in person, but Ren He was very resolute in requesting that he must be accompanied, and that the money must be paid by him...

Just kidding, you lose me if the mission fails?

In the past few years, I didn't know who brought the rhythm, and he was always black police on the Internet. This is not good or that is not good, and there are always thorns that I can't stop.

However, some of the policemen that Ren He came into contact with, although I dare not say that they must be good policemen with due diligence, but they are really bad.

At that time, you can call 110 if you encounter any trouble, you can call for disputes with merchants, you can call if you get lost, as long as you call, the other party will basically call the police within 5 minutes.

Perhaps the system has improved and their work efficiency has improved, but the work of the other party is indeed not easy.

The police uncles were still wondering why this young man was so enthusiastic, but he couldn't hold back Ren He was too enthusiastic, so UU reading www.uukanshu.com had to take him to take him home with the old lady.

Ren He's attitude towards tasks is still very serious. As long as this kind of task is handled well, it is a safe perfect reward. Spending more money and patience to improve the evaluation level is a level that he can completely accept.

Even if it is said that giving the old lady 20,000 yuan on the spot can be exchanged for a perfect reward, Ren He will definitely not be stingy.

Suddenly a small accident occurred in a peaceful life. Yang Xi didn't understand what Ren He was making. Why suddenly he had to send an old lady home, and the old lady's home was still in Heilongjiang. ...Crazy...

Ren He knew very well that it was not that he was crazy, but that the Heaven Punishment System was crazy!

Don't call it the "Heaven Punishment System", you should be called the "Monster Moth"!

Ren He and the police uncle took a lot of effort and took more than a day to send the old lady back home. Ren He looked at the old lady's houselessness and took 10,000 yuan and left it to the old lady. The old lady refused. Yes, Ren He stuffed it under her quilt.

Now that he is rich, he can do something if he can do something. Speaking of which, Ren He doesn't think he is so selfless, just to make himself happier.

Being able to help others is a joy in itself.

The old lady didn't know about this, but the police knew that the police uncle was going to praise Ren He to the sky. Something like the pillars of the motherland would spread out like no money...

With another perfect reward, Ren He only hopes that the natural punishment system will be a little more reliable in the future.

Nima, just a little more reliable!

Add a change for the king'sgirl leader, because there may be something today, but I promised you will not break the change after getting married, so I will write three chapters overnight, I have to go to sleep for 2 hours now, good morning everyone...

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