I Am a Big Player

Chapter 504: Funny than roommate

Students such as Li Shuaizhen have filmed several TV series before entering the Chinese opera. Although they are not popular, they are not novices in the industry at all.

Twenty years ago, there were few students like Zhongxi, but now there are a lot of them. It’s really because 20 years ago, the audience watched all acting. If the acting was not good enough to play in minutes, at that time the old actor was either. Those who are engaged in drama, drama, anyway are engaged in acting career.

For example, in the past life, Ren He liked an old drama bone, and later the Dakang secretary of the fire, he played the opponent of Sun Honglei in the lurking, and the opponent of Liu Qingyun and Liang Chaowei in the great magician. Such people are from the theater. .

Comes with a proficient acting skill, there is nothing wrong with acting like anything.

But now the taste of the audience is slowly getting closer to Xiaoxianrou, regardless of whether there is acting skills or not, it will be good-looking.

Therefore, a large number of artists have become famous before they graduate from high school, such as TFBOY, Lin Miaoke, Guan Xiaotong and other stars who have attracted widespread attention during the college entrance examination.

She became famous before enrolling, and Yang Xi should be considered one, but she was specially recruited on the basis of her piano skills.

Being able to enter the Juilliard School of Music already speaks for itself.

Li Shuaizhen said that he had filmed supporting roles in several dramas and even introduced his life. Ren He also said that he is an ordinary person.

He hasn't filmed any scenes before, and he doesn't plan to do it in the future, but it is a good choice to invest in a few films...

In his previous life, he hated the entertainment industry where bad movies were rampant, and he didn't know how the bad movies were made.

If he can meet movies like "No Man's Land" and "Crazy Stone" when he is rich now, he will definitely invest.

Ren He felt that film directors must first have a conscience, on the one hand not to fool the investors' money, on the other hand not to let down the audience's money.

Don't move every movie into 3D, boring is not boring, do you look down on people who wear glasses?

In this life, Ren He had no eyes and had super vision, but he wore glasses in his previous life, and watching a 3D movie is simply annoying.

Of course, some movies are also very cool to watch in 3D. What Ren He advocates is only those movies that do not need to be 3D but are forced to make 3D. It is better not to do so.

So if you really meet a conscientious director, he will definitely invest. Anyway, it's not bad money.

For Li Shuaizhen, Ren He's explanation is very easy to understand. Oh, a newcomer in the entertainment industry, then he is a senior!

When I think about this, I feel a faint sense of refreshment, and I'm winning at the starting line.

But Li Shuaizhen was also thinking, I don't know if there are a few others in the department like him this year who were famous before entering school.

There are definitely no big names, otherwise the news has been reported long ago, but I don’t know if there are small stars with more weight than his filming.

The feeling of loneliness at the beginning was nothing more than the emotion of a poor scholar in the last drama. Speaking of Li Shuaizhen, he still has some acting skills. It can be said that this is also the most confident thing in his life.

Young people always want to show off when they have skills. This is inevitable. Who can be as stable as a mountain at the age of 17 or 8? Ren He can't do it!

However, Ren Helai's school lives on campus, and his identity background can't help him more.

Ren He found that if Li Shuaizhen's goods hadn't been released just now, it would still be quite normal, and even a little bit funny.

When the two of them were waiting for the remaining roommates, Ren He heard Li Shuaizhen talk about his previous experience in Hengdian: "In Hengdian, tens of thousands of people signed up for a play. All the boys in Qingyishuier are males, but the females are actually very Very few, in that place, as long as you play one or two games, basically everyone will not take you to play!"

Li Shuaizhen’s predecessor’s status was condescending to introduce his own experience to Ren He, and he was quite instructive: “Don’t look at us in the Chinese opera. Some of the Chinese opera and Beiying can’t mix roles. This is normal. . I know a big brother who graduated from the back, because he is too low, he hasn't filmed as many scenes as I am!"

"In that place, the height is the first threshold. Those below 175 are standard group performances, which cost 40 to 80 yuan a day. I have just taken care of my own life and I am very struggling. The height above 175 is commonly known as'group'. Special', there are more drama roads, and they can have 80 to 200 yuan a day. Some martial arts practitioners take advantage there, and martial arts students may be able to earn 500 yuan a day. There are also some roles, such as me, who have a high salary. Follow the crew, and all the crew members. We already belong to the privileged class, and it's less than 0.01% in the entire Hengdian!"

When Li Shuaizhen talked about these things with gusto, and when he said that the salary was high, he even raised his tune. Obviously he was very proud of this.

Ren He smiled and agreed while making the bed: "How high is the salary? Do you think I can get it out when I'm going?" He put down the quilt and lifted the T-shirt to reveal the shapely muscles of his body~www. readwn.com~ He doesn’t have any idea about high salary. He doesn’t take salary now, he makes money and spends it himself, and he loses the idea of ​​tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and he gives Steve 5 million dollars at one time. . In Los Angeles, Qinghe still has its own piece of land, and now the third phase of the staff housing project has begun.

This piece of land is still worthless, and it will be a sky-high price in the future. No matter who mentions Qinghe Group and uses this piece of land as a residential development for employees, it will feel wasteful.

But Ren He didn't feel it wasted.

Therefore, when someone withdraws money from Ren He, Ren He doesn't feel at all...

This is the so-called, I make friends regardless of whether I have money, anyway, I don’t have the realm of money...

"You..." Li Shuaizhen glanced at Ren He's figure and was taken aback. He can guarantee that even in the martial arts in Hengdian, he has never seen such a good figure. This figure is almost enough to make people look at it. Will be impressed...

"Yes, brother, you have the capital, the height of 180 or more and the body of this body, I think it is absolutely no problem for you to mix a role! But whether it is good or not depends on acting," Li Shuaizhen finally focused on acting. After all, he is no better than Ren He in terms of body, but acting still depends on acting skills. He has acting skills, and many directors have praised them, otherwise they will not mix up!

Li Shuaizhen began to change the subject. He took out his mobile phone and showed it to Ren He: "You see, who is this person? It is the deputy director of Zhang Mingda's crew. We are familiar with each other! When will you contact Zhang Mingda? Director, maybe you guys will get to the sky in one step!"

Ren He glanced at his mobile phone... He really doesn't have the assistant director's phone number, but he has Zhang Ming's...


Add more for the leader of the disillusioned gods. Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, let me enter the top ten in the city~

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