I Am a Big Player

Chapter 508: Can your girlfriend be better than the diva?

After taking the liberating nature class, all the students saw how terrifying the professor named Chen Da was. During the class, everyone suddenly rolled on the floor of the classroom together. That was just one idea or one idea!

There is no room for negotiation at all!

Many students complained a little bit about how difficult it is to wash clothes. The clothes I just changed yesterday were dirty today.

When I went to eat in the cafeteria at noon, the whole freshman performance department was all in ashes.

If the clothes are stain-resistant, some students like to wear white. Can they still be seen during this class?

So it hasn't been a week yet, all the students have learned well, and they all put on super dirt-resistant clothes!

During this process, everyone's mentality became very numb, let go and go, absolutely unambiguous, let you do whatever you want!

According to Chen Da, this is the professionalism of an actor. The plot in the script is very good, and you like it very much, but one thing is that you have to shoot a scene in ice water, or in winter! Are you going down or not?

Chen Da said coldly on stage: "Now the media is still saying that an actor has gone into cold water again and is dedicated to his work. Let me say that this is all nonsense. This is just the most basic professional qualities of an actor. I hope you will be able to eat it in the future. This kind of suffering."

Ren He has accomplished this kind of flying nature a long time ago. From the time he rushed back to Kyoto to watch the snow, to later painted the oil painting "Stubbornness", Ren He's self has been undergoing silent transformation, until now his mood is almost complete.

This is also an important reason why he was able to maintain his original mind even after experiencing the First World War in New York.

For Ren He, rolling on the ground is nothing. He was sleeping in the sewer directly with his clothes at first, smelling the stench, his body was stained with dirt, and it was dark.

In those days, he broke through, and rolling on the ground was nothing more than a pediatrician.

Because Ren He's performance in the previous courses imitating animals was more eye-catching, Chen Da has been paying attention to Ren He's performance. As a result, he found that this student was very interesting. There was a hesitant look on his face for things that others were unwilling to do. No.

While eating in the cafeteria at noon, Chen Da saw that Ren He was covered in dust and couldn't shoot cleanly, but he didn't care about these external things at all.

It's a seedling, Chen Da said in his heart.

Although Chen Da is very strict in teaching, many celebrities are now very grateful to him. The bitterness he suffered in Chen Da's hands when he was in school at the beginning was something they benefited a lot when they entered the show business.

A teacher is already qualified for this.

This is the foundation of a school. You hate it when you are in school, and you miss it after you leave. This is the best time.

Suffering usually afflicts one's body and will, and at the same time, it bestows the most precious spiritual wealth in life.

There are three theaters in Zhongxi, a North Theater, an Experimental Theater, and a Black Box Theater. The first two are relatively large and the black box is relatively small.

However, Black Box has fixed drama performances every week. These are performed by graduate students and teachers, so students often come to watch them.

It is not an exaggeration that these graduate students and teachers themselves are masters in the drama industry. Being able to perform on stage for the audience on the stage of the Chinese opera shows that he is excellent, and people who are not excellent cannot make it at all.

On the weekend, Li Shuaizhen took Ren He and the three of them to watch the performance of the seniors and teachers in the small theater, but Ren He refused. He had to go with Yang Xi on the weekend.

Even if two people are nesting in a courtyard and playing a dota, it is better than going to a theater with a group of single dogs. Ren He's thinking is at this level, there is no way...

Both he and Yang Xi are now living on campus, which is equivalent to not seeing each other for a week. Xiaobie wins newlyweds, and Ren He can't wait.

Li Shuaizhen has a look of hatred for iron and steel: "How can you give up your career for a woman? Now is the time when we are going to see other people's proficient acting skills to polish ourselves, how can you indulge in lovemaking? Things."

Ren He was stunned for a moment: "Handsome, you don't even talk about your first love..."

"What kind of love to talk about!" Li Shuaizhen's face flushed: "I want to dedicate myself to art!"

Dedicated ass! He is the most active when discussing beautiful women! These are all excuses!

Li Shuaizhen might not find a girlfriend for a straight man with cancer. Ren He said cheerfully: "Yes, yes, you dedicate yourself, then you continue to dedicate..."

Said Ren He and left, and went back to the courtyard!

When Ren He left, Li Shuaizhen still sighed: "Ren He's condition is that if he works hard enough, he will definitely become a leader in the film and television industry in the future. Didn't those stars come out like that? Why didn't he cherish it at all? ??! When you become a star, making money is just like playing. What kind of life can't you want? Even if you don't pursue material life, you have to think about how your parents provide for the elderly, right?"

In fact, Li Shuaizhen's family conditions are not good. The reason why he used to go to Hengdian as a group performer during the winter and summer vacations was entirely because Hengdian is close to home and suitable for him to earn some money to supplement his home.

Both his parents are laid-off workers, and the money he earns is basically given to the family, so although he is now wearing a famous brand, he is only in the upper-class appearance. This is still because some face-saving issues need to be taken into consideration, and it is an essential investment.

When others confuse him to the point where he is a casual role and has lines, life is already very decent.

He earned the tuition for the Chinese opera himself, and he also saves his daily living expenses. When you come to the Chinese opera, you can't film any time. You must study your studies so that you have no financial resources and rely on your own money.

He doesn't want to play a small role for the rest of his life, so he must make a name in the center.

In fact, he didn't fall in love, but he didn't dare to fall in love because he didn't have enough money. It is also helpless to make excuses, but there is no way. People always have to make choices in this world.

He feels that when he makes money and becomes a celebrity~www.readwn.com~, his life at home will be better, and he can still bring his parents to live in Kyoto.

If Ren He knew this, he would probably look at him again. Li Shuaizhen felt that Ren He didn't cherish his conditions, but Ren He himself didn't intend to go on the big screen.

Being a famous producer is what Ren He wants to do most now.

It can only be said that the dreams of the two people have deviated, and Ren He's dream is not about money and fame.

Li Shuaizhen was still muttering at this time: "What we talked about as a student must be divided. Rather than invest so much money and time, it is better not to talk about it. Waiting for Ren He to become a star or looking for a girlfriend to be a girlfriend. Now these But it's all clouds, can the girlfriend he is looking for now be more beautiful and better than the queen?"

At this moment, Yang Xi, who was walking out of the Central Conservatory of Music, suddenly sneezed. This sneeze was a bit inexplicable...


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