I Am a Big Player

Chapter 670: Make sure not to kick it!

At the end of the morning, Fatty Zhao squatted beside Ren He and praised him, and he blushed quickly.

When eating boxed lunch, Ren He’s treatment is a bit different. There is no need to grab the meal for the special appointment. There is a specially set up simple awning and the table is set up. At the end of the morning, Ren He will be notified to go there to eat. .

Ren He asked if he could bring Jin Xiaolong and Fatty Zhao, but they said no, and then Ren He helped them to grab a box of lunch.

The field clerk felt that this kid was a little bit ignorant of admiration, and he wouldn't know his surname if he raised his identity a little bit? I don't know how many people would like to have the opportunity to eat under that shed.

However, for Ren He, this opportunity is actually not that important.

Why was Fatty Zhao beaten yesterday? Is it because Zhao Shuai doesn't like him? no.

It was because Fatty Zhao took the risk, led Ren He and the others into the crew, and then successfully got the role, which made Zhao Shuai dissatisfied and waited for the opportunity to retaliate.

According to Jin Xiaolong, Fatty Zhao must know that he would be beaten if he did this, after all, he had been beaten before. Well, if Fatty Zhao can be beaten to fight for them, and at this time, in order to sit under the shed to eat, but let Fatty Zhao and Jin Xiaolong not eat hot meals, or even grab food, then experience life by yourself. a joke.

Fatty Zhao looked at the figure Ren He was squeezing into the crowd with a complex expression. When watching martial arts before, he always felt that there was no such kind of people as righteous knights, but now it seems that he has really met him.

For him and Jin Xiaolong, Ren He gave up the opportunity to go under the shed to have a meal with the director. He really wanted to scold Ren He for being stupid, so he had to scold him face to face until he awoke the fool.

However, he was a bit unable to swear, he just felt that Fatty Zhao really has a new brother.

When Ren He squeezed into it, he suddenly felt a punch under his ribs. This punch was inexplicable. It didn't look like it was accidental. The force was quite strong.

However, for ordinary people, for Ren He... it doesn't hurt or itchy. Muscle density and bone density are also part of physical fitness.

He looked back and found that there was no one around him who he had dealt with... However, Ren He had a super memory, and he recognized at a glance that there were two people around him who were acting in a group by Zhao Shuai, although he had never played. Deal, but Ren He can remember when he has seen it.

He was surprised, as if he was surprised, this punch was on Ren He, no matter how fart it was...

Ren He ignored them either, and continued to squeeze forward to grab the box lunch. After finishing the grab, he handed all three to Fatty Zhao and said that he would return after a while and continue to return to the team grabbing the box lunch.

Ren He searched and recalled and picked Zhao Shuai's extras in the crowd, but whenever he found out, he squeezed to the ribs and squeezed away quickly.

Suddenly, no less than a dozen painful cries came from the entire crowd grabbing lunch...

Zhao Shuai has been staring at the situation all the time. When he saw Ren He come out intact, and then returned to the crowd, he had a bad feeling...

Now listening to the cries of pain in the crowd, Zhao Shuai feels that his molars are beginning to hurt!

Where the **** is this evildoer? !

Jin Xiaolong sullen his head to eat, Fatty Zhao guessed what Ren He was doing, and he had a toothache when he heard these calls. Are he and Zhao Shuai's group completely forged?

According to Fatty Zhao's thoughts, Ren He must be a special actor in the mixed group as long as he performs well this time. This is what Zhao Fatty loves to see. It is of course a good thing for his brothers to mix well. Maybe he can help himself in the future.

Moreover, Ren He is not the same as those before. He always feels that if Ren He becomes famous, he will definitely turn his back to help himself.

But before Ren He helped himself out of the sea of ​​suffering? The time in between is still long, and I have to avoid Zhao Shuai and the others, otherwise I can't say when I will be squeezed by the other party to vent my anger...

Thinking of his hard life in the future, Fatty Zhao looked a little sad.

But if someone really wants to ask him, do you regret Ren He venting his anger? Fatty Zhao will definitely say no regrets! What a pleasure!

I am going to be beaten in the future, it's a big deal, when our Renhe brothers meet again in Zhenbeibao, help myself to fight back!

Ren He was out for dinner at this time. Seeing Fatty Zhao's frown, he probably guessed what the other party was thinking. He smiled cheerfully: "Don't worry, brother will give you a big surprise in a few days and save you from the sea of ​​suffering. ."

"Okay, it's settled," Fatty Zhao immediately smiled, although he was still worried in his heart, and he didn't believe that He could get out of the sea of ​​suffering in a short time, but he couldn't always show his brother with a stinky face, right?

The reason why he doesn’t trust He can help him immediately is because he knows very well that even if Ren He’s next film is so lucky that he can directly play the leading actor of Director Li, he wants to get really popular. It's a year later.

Ren He knew he didn't believe it, but he didn't say too much. If he said too early, he might be considered bragging.

He estimated that it hasn't been long since Dao Zhang came to town Beibao...

In the afternoon, the actor of this TV series finally came back. The other party was also good-tempered. The moment he saw Ren He, he began to smile wryly. It is estimated that when he remembered what happened yesterday afternoon, he was kicked fainted by a group of actors. ...

The actor Cheng Xin patted Ren He on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Little brother, don't kick me today..."

Ren He was also a little embarrassed: "Don't worry, Cheng Brother, I will definitely not kick you today."

The group of people next to him laughed, but it was because the actor had a good heart, otherwise he would have to change the group.

Director Li glanced at them: "Are you ready?"

"Alright!" everyone replied together.


The scene has returned to the way it was yesterday afternoon. First, the King Wuwei soldiers were knocked down by the protagonist one by one, and then Ren He brazenly dragged the knife. The aura was extremely fierce, and it was in line with the vision of General Jinwuwei in Li Dao's heart!

However, at this time, the heart of the martial arts instructor, Lao Liu, came up again. He knew that people who have practiced fighting or martial arts can develop instinctive reactions when they are often fed by masters. Therefore, he also accepts Ren He's statement yesterday that this kid is obviously a master fighter, and his instinctive reaction is normal.

So he was very worried that Ren He would give Chengxin a kick today, and that would be the end!

In fact, Ren He also pays attention to this point. Yesterday he discovered that this instinctive reaction is actually superior to acting skills. It does not mean that he is not good at acting, but subconsciously, this instinct thinks that life is more important than acting skills. There was too much, so when Ma Li stabbed, Ren He subconsciously resisted, and at that moment he had no concerns about acting.

At this time, everyone's hearts were raised...

I saw that when Ren He and Chengxin met in short-term combat, a dozen moves passed safely, and it was time when Ren He was stabbed in the chest. Cheng Xin gave it a heavy shot... and then emptied it!

Everyone saw that the spear head was about to approach Ren He's body, and Ren He quickly avoided seeing how to move and avoided it to the left.

Everyone was stunned, Cheng Xin was stunned, Wuzhi Old Liu was stunned, and Ren He himself was stunned...

Cheng Xin didn't know what to do. The ghost slammed his gun again and stabbed Ren He on the left. It was empty again... Ren He dodged to the right!

After going back and forth more than ten times, the two of them were like rehearsed, one stabbed and the other hid...

Cheng Xin directly threw Ma Li on the ground, dumbfounding: "What are you hiding! I'm not talking about it..."

At this time, Chengxin suddenly felt pain again, Nima, the other party said that he would not kick himself, he didn't say he would not hide! Can you make a good series!

"Ahem, instinctive reaction, instinctive reaction, director, director, do it again, make sure it's okay!" Ren He promised with his chest.

Li Daodan licked his teeth painfully, and he yelled at Ren He with a loudspeaker: "The last chance, if you give me an instinctive reaction, you will get out!"

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