I Am a Big Player

Chapter 690: Shot while lying down? !

The original first person in extreme diving in the world did not understand what happened and became the second. At this time, he was playing deep diving on vacation in the Maldives, but he was told by a friend that his record was broken...

He curiously asked what was going on. This friend of his was also a sluggish character: "The National Security Agency had a leak last night..."

He interrupted his friend's words: "Wait, the NSA's leaking of secrets and my record was broken...has something to do with it?

Then his friend said, "Listen to me..."

Then the second person in the current world extreme diving has a dumbfounded look. This is really a shot while lying down. Can it be done? Can the record that the knight hasn't declared it also be exposed like this?

Can this extreme sports continue to be played?

Now there are two groups of people who play extreme sports in the world with extreme mentality. One group is looking up at the record of the knight and feels that they have no chance at all times, while the other group is looking at the record of the knight and burst out with higher enthusiasm and Competitive heart.

For those who feel that they have no chance, some people feel that the knight is too enchanting and a little frustrated.

The original record of extreme diving was more than 50 meters, but the knight abruptly raised more than ten meters.

It should be known that the human body jumps to the water surface at a height of more than 70 meters. If it is shot sideways on the water surface, it is no different from falling to the concrete ground.

So this second person rarely tried a higher record after setting the record, because this kind of thing would really kill people.

To create a higher record, it requires better physical fitness and higher water entry skills to reduce the body's force area.

This record is desperate.

Just like extreme ski downhill, let alone the challenge, no one can even get close to the rider's record.

There is a saying in the extreme sports circle: a knight is born in 500 years, and no one can surpass his achievements in 500 years. This is the true limit of mankind.

Cavaliers are like a benchmark in the field of extreme sports, letting everyone know what the limits of humans should be.

However, this incident was only a small episode in this leak.

People are now paying more attention to how many identities the Cavaliers have. Greed of money, cute concubine: rob a prince to make a fortune

A knight is shocking enough.

When the knight turned into a fanatic who could rank in the top ten in the world, everyone's shock escalated again.

Then when everyone learned that the knight was about to be 18 years old this year, and also owned the largest Internet company in China, at this time everyone's impression of the knight began to collapse and then rebuilt.

What kind of person was the former knight? He is good at extreme sports and is a recognized leader in extreme sports, with more than ten million followers.

But that's it.

Some businessmen dismissed the knights. They were in the steel forest, standing behind the floor-to-ceiling windows of tall buildings and looking down on the world. They held the greatest resource of society in their hands.

What is the future of an extreme sports player? For them, this feeling is also normal.

However, when Qinghe Group's earnings report for the first quarter of 2008 was exposed, most people were shocked by the profitability of Qinghe Group. It turned out that this is the true face of Internet companies: low cost, high profit!

Not only is the world's first person in extreme diving changing hands, the title of the world's youngest and richest man has also changed hands.

Today, Qinghe Group is valued at 690 billion yuan. Although it has not been listed in the world's top 500, with its growth rate, some people even put forward a bold idea: sooner or later, it will have a place in the list of the world's top 500.

In fact, Ren He never doubted this. In his previous life, Alibaba and Tencent were both listed in the world's top 500 in 2017. One was 462 and the other 478. He never doubted that Qinghe Group in this life could also reach this height. .

And the most important point is that because of Mr. Yang, the proportion of equity held by Ren He is surprisingly high. Of course, it is impossible to disclose equity information before Qinghe Group is listed. It is precisely because of this that Ren He has no plans to go public at all.

Then some people started to dig into the business of Qinghe Group in China, and most foreigners were shocked by the degree of development of the Internet in China. The fact that you can pay with only one mobile phone throughout the country is enough to be ahead.

Even many foreigners feel a sense of technology...magic!

It is said that the rich are the most cherish their lives, but this traditional concept seems to have no basis to look for in the knights, the world's youngest and richest people love to kill their lives, and they play some of the most dangerous things.

Someone noticed that in this information, in the attached report about the Netherlands, the knight left his mark at the hotel: the big player. Later I said it was too late to love

Everyone feels that this may indeed be the largest player in the world. Entrepreneurship, extreme sports, and music are all the same as playing tickets. However, every field of play is

The most top-notch one, no one can compare.


Duan Xiaolou sits in his spacious high-rise apartment in Australia, with a panoramic view of Sydney from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The news is broadcasting about this leak in the United States. I probably talked about the causes and consequences of the incident last night, but today it turned out to be a topic about the Cavaliers.

It wasn't until today that Duan Xiaolou saw the news and the exposure of events in New York and the Netherlands that he realized what else his old classmate still didn't know.

What's ridiculous is that I thought that Ren He and Yang Xi's love could not stand the test, just because I didn't know how many assets the other party had.

In fact, the other party has not only experienced the test of money, fame and fortune, and even the most difficult "life and death" between men and women in the world has passed by his old classmate's ability to turn corruption into magic.

This is the most difficult hurdle in the world. It is necessary to give up one's own life to perfect the lives of others.

But even this ~www.readwn.com~ Ren He did not hesitate to do it.

The other party was amazing when he was in junior high school, and has been amazing until now, becoming the most amazing person in the world.

But looking at it now, I started to feel complacent because of a little bit of achievement. Last month’s investment was her first mistake. Duan Xiaolou lost 27 million yuan on a fake project of a long-term partner, just because she was too trusting and she was careless. Yu investigated, in the final analysis, it was because I wanted to be lazy.

Duan Xiaolou suddenly remembered a sentence: You are much weaker than when you were a kid. At that time you had many dreams and made a lot of hard work.

You want to take a good school, you want to have a group of friends, and you even secretly like someone.

Will stay up late to read and listen to friends.

But now, you have more knowledge, but you no longer like anyone so firmly as before, so you are getting more and more lonely.

"I wish you happiness," Duan Xiaolou turned off the TV and blessed silently. The old classmate had gone away from her life and could not be found again. 8)

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